Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shadow-Class Transport


Image Source: Fer De Lance - Elite Dangerous (Game)
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Manufacturer: Galactic Alliance with aid from Silk Holdings
Model: Defender-Class Light Corvette
Modularity: Yes
Production: Limited - Agents and VIPs
Material: Alusteel, Glasteel, Starship Components, Radar Absorbing Paint

Classification: Personal Transport

Length: 76m
Width: 24m
Height: 22m
  • Dorsal-mounted dual laser turret (carried internally)
  • Ventral-mounted dual laser turret (carried internally)
  • Two forward facing laser cannons (carried internally)
  • Two forward facing flextube warhead launchers (carried internally)
  • Two swoop bikes
  • One airspeeder

Special Features:

Maneuverability Rating: 4
Speed Rating: 4
Hyperdrive Class:
  • Class 0.75 (Primary)
  • Class 10.0 (Secondary)
  • Low Sensors Profile
  • Agile
  • Silk Module Array
  • Limited weaponry
  • Limited armoring
  • Slower subspace speeds to protect stealth systems
  • High power requirements
Description: The way the galaxy has been moving, it was clear to the high command of the Galactic Alliance that something needed to be done for the men and women who were putting their lives on the line every day. The Alliance, while hosting their own Jedi tradition in the New Jedi Order, and dealing with a variety of non-Jedi traditions in the government's ranks, did not forget who were the real heroes of this story, the non-Force users who were willing to go against the gods of the galaxy on a day to day basis. As a result, they had contacted several known ship designers, including Coren Starchaser.

Starchaser immediately went to the team he worked with at Silk Holdings, and the engineers from the Dawn Treader to take the systems they fine tuned with the ShortFin and produce it in a just-as-effective-but-cheaper method. The result was the Shadow-class transport. Armed with light weaponry to not overclock the ship's powerplant, the Shadow contains several Silk Holdings modules to protect the pilots and agents. Mix this in with the radar absorbent materials and strange angles, and the Shadow is a very useful transport for getting agents and other members of the Alliance where they need to go without attracting too much attention.

Development Thread: If required
Intent: To provide a capable vessel for non-Force using agents, dignitaries and representatives of the Galactic Alliance
Who Can Use This: Non Force Using members of the Alliance
Primary Source:

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet

Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review

Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review

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