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Approved Tech SG-69 "Nomore" Verpine Shatter Machine Shotgun

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  • Intent: Create a Shotgun for all the Dakka, and to prove a point
  • Image Source: Artstation
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Full-auto Machine Shotgun.
  • Size: Very Large (+2)
  • Weight: Very Heavy (+2)
  • Ammunition Type: Any related scatter shot, or Shotgun slug.
  • Ammunition Capacity: Very High - 30 Rounds (-2)
  • Effective Range: Average (0)
  • Rate of Fire: Very High (-2)
  • Stopping Power: Extreme (-3)
  • Recoil: Extreme (+3)
  • Shoots a set of two "Rounds" at a time.
  • Full auto Verpine Tech
  • Nothing Standing: Shotguns can be extremely powerful. Able to send a literal wave of pellets, or two large slugs. The amount of power output from the weapon, supplied heavily by Verpine Technology, allows the weapon to fire at Hypersonic speeds. Surpassing that of conventional slug based weaponry. This weapon is clearly capable of damaging and destroying armor with haste.
  • Dakka Dakka: Full auto, machine shotgun. Highest rate of fire possible, is a must.
  • Whip it Out: A shotgun with 30 rounds affords much more ammo than you conventional Shotgun related weaponry. As such, the user can put more "Lead down range."
  • A Metaphor About "Something.": Large and in charge. Large. So no hiding this guy. Its heavy. Very heavy. You gotta be strong to just hold it.
  • No more Shoulder: Firing this weapon results with recoil that could very easily break someone's body if they don't find ways to mitigate it.
  • Hungry As the Wolf: Even if the weapon has thirty rounds to fire, It goes through them stupid quick due to having the fastest fire rate possible, as well as firing two rounds at the same time.
Thera likes guns. They go boom, and she wanted something that could easily be used by her, or other Hunters of the same mind in which wanted to hunt down individuals. Namely, those using armors, or just people who don't know how to stop. So, Thera contacted Jeager and asked them to make a line of shotguns to hit not just one person, but to be able to hit everything around them as well.

Using machine gun technology to create a double drum dual barrel feeding system, the shotgun is able to fire at 8 rounds per second. This function allows for the maximum potential of sending whatever is loaded into the drums down range. This weapon can be loaded with either scatter shot round much akin to your average shotgun, or can be loaded with Shotgun Slugs. While scatter shots typically are used in barrels without rifling, and Slugs are used in a barrel with rifling, Jeager found a way to fight against this by making the barrels out of Impervium. An extremely durable material that is able to provide enough resistance to allow a rifled barrel to be used with Scatter shot shotgun pellet rounds. Preventing any damage the weapon could do to itself.
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Okay, several things.

The ratings are unbalanced, so I'm going to need you to bring down those extremes a bit. Additionally, magazine size needs to be given a rating according to the template, not simply a number of rounds (though you may absolutely list your number of rounds in addition.)

As this is currently, it can be brought down to a level that would be fitting for Mass Production, but if you want it to retain a semblance of the desired "oomph," you're realistically going to want it to be listed at Limited or lower.

Additionally, could you please link me or show me proof that you have permission from Maliphant that you have the right to utilize Jaeger for this submission?

"Shotgun that goes boom" isn't really a special feature. Please remove this.

"Nothing standing," could you remove the word "easily," for the sake of leaving any amount of damage to the defender?

As written, "whip it out" isn't a weakness. Please revise the wording to be more substantiated, for instance, "high ammunition capacity versus comparable weaponry."

As a possible suggestion for a weakness, with that kind of firing speed and a variance of ammunition, it's possible the weapon could have jamming issues. Just a thought.

Overall, if you could fix some of the colloquial speech to give the submission some clarity it would be appreciated. While I can appreciate the desire to bring some of the character's panache to the submission, it would behoove you to do so in a way that is clear and concise for the people who will be viewing the sub in the future (as well as the judging staff.)

Tarre Priest Tarre Priest
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