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Approved Tech Seydon's Taurannik Amulet

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Image Source: Here.
Intent: A toned-down and limited extrapolation of the Taurannik Codex, designed to give Seydon a tool for use against spirits and similar beings.
Development Thread: No dedicated development thread, but this is a minor alchemical artifact with severe drawbacks. Threads where Rave acquired and gained mastery over the Taurannik Codex are listed here, for a much more ambitious submission.
Manufacturer: Rave Merrill
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Personal to [member="Seydon of Arda"]
Modularity: No
Production: Production: Unique
Material: Turadium, Nihil smokestone (eyes)
Description: The Taurannik Codex is a 100,000-year-old Dark Side volume whose pieces were carefully assembled and retranslated by Cronal and, later, by a young Rave Merrill. She used the Codex's lore of summoning and dominion -- the same powers that Cronal had used to compel the spirit of Dathka Graush to answer his questions -- for many questionable acts. Later in life, she had cause to regret them bitterly. The Codex, however, remained a potentially useful tool. An older Rave, now attempting to walk the path of a Lightsider, inscribed the Codex within a turadium amulet. She shaped the amulet like the stylized head of a canine predator, and made its eyes of Nihil smokestone. The end result is a minor Force focus that can assist a Master in resisting spirits and compelling them to answer.

Like the majority of Seydon's preferred gear and assets, the amulet brings little consistent advantage to personal duels against other Forcers. Seydon is a highly accomplished monster-hunter and perennial loner, who spends infinitely more time with the creatures he tracks than with the rivalries of factions and Orders.

(+) The amulet, when actively used, strengthens and focuses Seydon's abilities in the direction of resisting the influence of spirits and similar beings (undead, starweirds, smoke demons, derriphans, etc.). As a general rule of thumb, if a being or creature is incorporeal or quasi-corporeal, and heavily involved with the Force, the amulet will affect it.
(+) The amulet, when actively used, can bolster his ability to compel such beings to answer his questions, and command them to make themselves known if they are slumbering or concealed.
(-) The amulet does not have the full powers of the Codex: it cannot summon anything, for example.
(-) Like the Farwalker armor that Rave once made for Seydon, using the amulet makes him a beacon for Sithspawn and spirits for a range of several kilometres.
(-) While Seydon is using the amulet, powerful Force-sensitives (i.e. Masters and experienced Knights) can detect his influence as a disturbance in the Force, even when he is actively concealing his presence.

Primary Source: None.

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