Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seven Swords

Once upon a time there was a group within the Templars called the Seven Swords, a group of individuals who took one of the seven lightsaber forms and adapted it to a solid blade to show mastery. They fought together, covering one another's weaknesses.

Krest was an original member, and after talking with [member="Isley Verd"] , the creator of the Seven, I have been allowed to reform it under a new banner. The Ession Reformation.

There are seven stances, meaning one member per. Ataru, Djem So, Niman, and Juyo have been filled already.

So, I am looking for people willing to train from the beginning to become some of the best swordsman around.

Available forms:


Comment below if you're interested.

Of course, by the beginning I mean from apprentice up. All but [member="Minna"] are apprentice level so far, and I would like to keep it that way for the sake of an amazing story of brotherhood.

We also have neat tags <3
I have a character lined up for creation already (has been a WIP for over a month now) and she is not up for grabs by the Ession.

She's too precious to be let outside.
[member="Darth Vitium"]

I.. Didn't actually know that.

Tye Force Dead thing that got beaten into me during my time as a dreadguard.. Well. I just didn't think it was possible.

Anyway! Seven swords, any takers?

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