Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Settling In [Open to SSC]

Joza found her gaze flickering between the Jedi Master and the cloaked man, listening intently as they spoke. She was always curious to hear what those around her had to say about combat, especially if they were more experienced than her. Though it was but one aspect of the Jedi lifestyle, it was the one that appealed to her the most. The young Zeltron hated feeling defenseless, her feelings only growing after facing Sith in combat. So maybe it was for the wrong reason, but it was enough of a driving force to push her to expand her abilities.

“How do you fight, then?” She posed another curious question to [member="The Traveler"], genuinely eager to hear the answer. There were many forms of fighting one could use, and she wanted to know how he overcame the disadvantages of saber combat. His talk of balance did not go over her head, and it was something she actually agreed with, though she could not employ it at this point. She’d try to keep thoughts of being Gray out of her head until her training was complete, at least.

Joza offered a small smile to [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] in response, noting how calm he was in addressing both a Padawan and a strange shrouded man. She could hear it in his voice and it radiated off of his person. The mark of a Master. She wondered if one day, she too would be able to keep her cool like him. It was a trait that the emotional Zeltron both admired and was frustrated by.

[SIZE=11pt]Bringing her thoughts back to more lighthearted conversation, she tilted her head in thought for a brief moment. “Oh, I’m used to facing opponents stronger than I am. Not that I don’t always lose,” A mild grin crossed her face as awkward memories came rushing back. “But that’s how I learn, I suppose.” So far, her combat specialty was getting her face smashed in. “But if we do decide to have a party.” She turned her gaze to [member="Bellalika"], a spark of amusement glinting in her eyes. “I’m sure I’d out-dance all of you.”[/SIZE]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
[member="The Traveler"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Bellalika"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="George O Rourke"] [member="Xander Stanforth"]

Not a particularly impressive post to follow, but more of a bump to see if this thread had any more life in it.

Sorel could practice any time and any place. Meeting new Jedi and potential allies was less flexible. So she finished her training regime and put her sabers away before putting her cloak back on and walking forward to join the main group, bowing politely to them as she approached - but listened rather than spoke, not wishing to interrupt their conversation.
Xander chuckled at [member="Joza Perl"] saying she could out dance anyone. He smirked at her.

"I'll take that bet..........ain't no party like a dance party."

Turning to [member="Sorel Crieff"] he smiled but didn't return the bow.

"Ah yes the pull of social situations...........always tends to hinder training progress."
George's first thoughts of [member="The Traveler"] were not so great. George saw him as someone who felt the people here were not of his skill level, and with that he was the dominator of all. George didn't like that idea. Everyone here brought something to the table and it seemed [member="Joza Perl"] brought the dancing. "Don't even try get me to dance, unless you were looking for a comedy show." George replied keeping an eye out for any sudden movements from the Traveller.

As everyone gathered around even the Padawan [member="Sorel Crieff"] training had stopped what she was doing to see what was happening. [member="Xander Stanforth"] comment about social events disrupting training was correct. "The amount of times I've done that... Crazy." George liked to think he didn't get distracted easily, but that fact was he did. Just like moments before he got caught up watching the Padawan train whilst mid conversation.

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