Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Serrano - The Homestead

They talked about it thought about and then knew they needed a clan base. A place to build a home, fire up the forges, and in time grow old.

They would need to find a location. Something that they could see in their future. A place for Corvus and Kaylanna to call their own.

They had fallen out with the clans But now there was a new chance for them with the empire. Satine needed an anchor for her family. Seranno would be that anchor.

[member="Nolan Detta"]
Nolan knew that their lives had been disrupted with his theatrics during his final Clan Meeting. He'd risked everything and lost, now he was on the path to rebuilding his legacy. It was good to see his wife and kids outside the conflict that was the UCM. Serreno, his wife, his love, [member="Satine "]D'ulin had picked this planet. This was to be their new home. With the money from his brewery and from the spoils of war, he'd saved enough money to build the Detta clan their very own home, port, barracks and training grounds. Satine was drawing up plans to train others in the art of stealth and assassination. Nolan was devising a way to bring the brewer here and continue distribution to the Galaxy.

Here he could raise his children, [member="Kaylanna Detta"] and [member="Corvus Detta"]. Corvus has been with Nolan, joining in the fights of their new allies the Mandalorian Empire. It was now that the Detta Clan could finally set roots and grow.
A training facility for those who would learn stealth, learn how to blend into a crowd and become someone else these were skills that coupled with knowing how to use a weapon, any weapon could form formidable teams.

Seranno had forests, mountains and plains. What she was looking for was land that they could bump up against, build a house facing front but the mountain would guard their back.

The ship gave them the view from the top as they moved towards the range, she could see a lake and the mountain, "there [member="Nolan Detta"] that piece down there, we can build there."

A water source key to their survival, the rest they'd have to cut out with their own hands. She looked back at the children they were excited and ready. They wanted their own rooms, and pets, and a host of things that as children they deserved, but as Mandalorians they would need to earn.

"Ok, some of the droids can help with clearing the land we can begin to building" Clan Detta would not fade away.

[member="Nolan Detta"]
Looking at the region Satine pointed out, it was a good spot. Well fortified and ample resources for food and water. The wood could be used for the training grounds and maybe a camp out for the kids.

Nolan and Satine had purchased a bunch of worker and excavation droids from the Net. Nothing fancy, but they'd get the job done. First things first, they'd need to clear the land.

"Great choice my love, it will provide everything we need and it's only a few minutes back to the city by speeder. Any supplies could be easily acquired."

Nolan angled the ship in to the biggest clearing he saw and began the offload process.

"Alright Clan Detta, let's build our new home!"

[member="Satine Detta"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]

And with that the family was about their task Kaylanna from her experience on being marooned immediately set to stripping the trees that the droids cut. She did not know how to notch them currently but would learn.

Satine was looking to set up ways to get water from the lake to the house, and food stores. Clearing away a portion for target practice and training was also imperative to their way of life.

She looked to where Corvus and Nolan were, and could not help but her gaze went up the mountain, it was beautiful and provided the protection to the rear they needed. It would provide other things she just knew what yet she wasn't sure. High up she thought she saw movement.

"Nol'ika do you remember what kind of animals live here on Serrano?" Was there a lair above them?
Nolan glanced upward to math Satines gaze. He didn't see anything, but he could feel a presence.

"Honestly love, the last time I was here, all I encountered were mercenaries. I'm not sure what fauna exist."

Nolan put his hand on his hip where the Rhyno was. He'd left his armor on the ship and didn't have time if someone or something was there.

"Alright you bucket of ' bolts, get the lead out," he barked at the droids who were unloading the ship, "I want everything unpacked and started building twenty minutes ago. Corvus, Kaylanna, you stay with your mother at all times. Keep an eye out. I'll be around, I'm not going off alone I promise. Gotta check the area real quick."

With that, Nolan set off on a pseudo perimeter sweep. He'd need to check for signs of animals or men. It could be nothing more than local wildlife or a raiders party. Either way, he needed to know.

[member="Satine Detta"].
[member="Nolan Detta"]

She nodded, "ok, be careful" Satine went after the droids, "come on, let's move it I'm not sleeping on the floor tonight" She smiled towards her riduur, no she had other plans for th evening.

She also wanted to mark out the training area, they had a few prefab shelters to set up while the main structures were built, one for the kids, one for her and Nolan, one for supplies and then everything else would stay on the ship.

They needed to build that perimeter that Nolan was checking, mercenaries were not always their friends, sometimes they came after them for supplies. Supplies they had paid dearly for and needed this far out.

Within the hour the land was cleared and the shelters were up. Now Satine sat with the kids drawing out the floor plan of their new house, and the things that they would need.
Making his way towards the side of the property that faced the mountain range, Nolan started picking up signs of life. Local wildlife perhaps, but he needed to be sure. Boot prints usually weren't made by deer, they had people near, of what purpose, Nolan sent out feelers for signs of intent. All he got in return was malcontent.

"Really wish I'd brought my armor. Kark!" He said to himself. Nolan moved into the woods and began the hike up the mountain. The tracks weren't well hidden, meaning whomever left them was careless. They didn't expect to be found this far out from the cities.

"Riduur, I'm tracking signs of men. I'm a few clicks up the mountain. It would appear your earlier suspicions were correct. I could use another pair of hands? You or Kaylanna would be good. Let Corvus keep the house safe, let him use my rifle. Grab a speeder and meet me ASAP. I'd like to get these spooks before nightfall."

[member="Satine Detta"] [member="Kaylanna Detta"]
Satine looked at the chlidren, "I'll go, you two protect what we have. Anyone comes, you know the drill" They had taught them from the beginning that not everyone in the galaxy was a friend, not everyone would look at them and think children. No. Unfortunately to some they were slaves, and today they could be people who had something others wanted.

Satine grabbed her pistol and slung her slip over her shoulder, taking one of the speeders, she set off to meet up with Nolan.

Kaylanna and Corvus began to set perimeter alarms and then withdrew to the shelters watching and waiting.

Satine was drawing closer to her riduur location she slowed down till she came to a stop, looking cautiously about for him. She walked slow her gaze sweeping side to side, "Nol'ika" she called softly.

[member="Nolan Detta"]
Nolan cautiously crawled out of the darkness towards Satine.

I've spotted a trail that leads to an opening in the mountain about half a click up. Humanoid for sure, not animal. Let's go, quietly. We find out who they are, then if we deem them dangerous, eliminate them. Good?

Nolan grabbed Satine's hand and began to make his way up towards the mouth of the cave. He began to sense lifeforms that appeared human, maybe bandits or just a group of guys out for the weekend.

[member="Satine Detta"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]

"Humanoid, oh the most fun for us. Though another krayt dragon type would certainly set things in motion for our homestead" the pair walked upwards towards the mouth of the cave Satine peering ahead trying to see, or hear.

There were voices yes but nothing she could make out, voices that led to laughter. She had a thought perhaps depending on who these people were, maybe they were to be the new beginning for them. The loyalists they needed to build Clan Detta up again they could be taught and encouraged to follow their clan believes and ways.

Yes she was becoming excited for this meeting now, perhaps it was not to be the fight she thought.
Nolan peeks into the cave, there in the light of a campfire, a group of bandits sat around telling stories and drinking out of a bottle.

Well, let's see what's so funny, eh? he whispered to Satine before stepping out into the mouth of the cave.

Gentlemen! Hello. How are you this evening? Nolan strode into the cave, boasting his proud voice across the walls of the cave.

Hey! Who are you!? Ine shouted as he stood up and fumbled with his holster against rum soaked eyes. Another fell backwards off his log and coughed as the air from his lungs was forced out. The third of the group rose and pointed a rifle Nolan's direction.

Before they could react, Nolan Force Sprinted right in front of the third man's barrel. Tsk tsk, that's no way to welcome a guest. I'm your new neighbor from down the hill. Came by to introduced myself. as he spoke, he grabbed the barrel of the rifle and with his cybernetic hand, bent it to the side.

What do you mean neighbor? We ain't got no neighbors, cause we own all this here land. the first guy spoke with a twang in his vocals. Probably some backwoods poodoo hole, peckerwood for the Outer Rim.

Nolan smiled and waved a hand to the recent speaker. Now that's where you're wrong friend. I own the land at the base of the mountain and I've built myself a home. Now I was going to offer you a place there to stay and learn my ways, but not with that temper.

Then the fella who'd fallen rolled to his feet like a tipped over Bantha. He meant to speak, but yaked instead. Nolan smiled.

Now, he's got the right idea. Sober up so you can't do anything you'll regret. Nolan drew his Charging Rhyno and placed it in the to cave of the second man. His calm was almost unnerving to the bandits. Until the first guy dropped his gun and accepted the offer. The other two did so as well, although the second one probably had no idea what he'd just agreed to.

That's what I thought...Riduur olar! Now you behave or my wife will be less forgiving than I. We have some new recruits. Nolan released the broken rifle and holstered his pistol while he waited for Satine to follow in.

[member="Satine Detta"]

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