Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Serco Savar

Serco Savar


Imagine create: Tite Kubo/Shogen Jump

NAME: Serco Savar
RANK: Apprentice
SPECIES: Human (Ansion)
AGE: 16
SEX: male
HEIGHT: 5 foot 10
EYES: Green
HAIR: Light Red almost Orange
SKIN: Lightly Tan


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Strong Force Connection: Being the Son of a Jedi Serco has a stronger connection to the force than most often appears in a Force User without a Force Sensitive Parent.
+ Strong Belief system: Serco holds steadfast to his beliefs of defending the weak and most importantly those he holds dear

-Quick Temper: His steadfast adherence to the principles he holds dear Serco is prone to anger quicker than most when it involves the people closest to him.
-Authority issues: Serco has been known to snub rules and laws when it comes to the defense of the people he cares about. A trait he inherited from his father.

Force abilities and Light Saber Forms:


Center of Being: Beginner
Hibernation Trance: Beginner
Force Speed: Minor ability
Force Sense: Beginner (Force Empathy focus)
Telekinesis: Beginner
Tapas: Beginner (environmental necessity Strong winds on Ansion)

Saber Forms:

Form I Shii-Cho: Average ability
Form II Makashi: Untrained
Form III Soresu: Beginner
Form IV Ataru: Beginner
Form V Shien/Djem So: Untrained
Form VI Niman: Untrained
Form VII Juyo/Vapaad: Untrained


Serco has red hair and black eyes normally wearing none traditional robes and clothing of darker colors mostly blacks, browns, or darker shades of blue. His emotions are plastered all over his face at all times. A smile when he his happy, and frown when he is either concerned or in deep though and a down right sneer when he is angry. He walks with a calm gait some times with his shoulders slouched unless there is a large group around or in sticky situations and then he gets a crouched but more upright posture.


Serco was born on Ansion to an exiled Jedi father who is considered a rogue by the Jedi Council and his mother a war torn refugee from conflicts between the larger Republic, Sith, and more Nuetral governments. It was this relationship between Serco's father and mother that got the elder Savar exiled from the order. Serco alot like his father early in life displayed a quick to jumpo to the defense of the weak and downtrodden resulting in more than a few broken noses and bruised lips for Serco.

Serco was trained in their modest home in the Kander Region of Ansion from the moment he could walk hitting on the basics that all younglings were taught in the baser abilities working into some basic Light Saber forms. The high winds of Ansion creating a greater need to display more focus in training than one may use in other environments.
Right around the time he turned 13 Serco started migrating towards the Capital City to the south venturing more into higher populated areas to be around more people.


Not Yet








Serco Savar

Reserved for RP thread Tracking

Personal Training Threads

Lightsaber construction:

Art of Movement:

Breath Control:

Faction threads

Imperial Remnant:

The Implementation of Order [Imperial Remnant]: Considered Completed

Separation of States (Mandalorians and Imperial Remnant): Completed
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Just for the hell of it...


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