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Sera Sadow

Sera Sadow

Name: Sera Sadow
Faction: The Sith Empire | The Sith Assassins
Rank: Assassin Initiate
Species: Human
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Female
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 135lbs
Skin: Pale
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Rank: Apprentice

Sera Sadow is a rather attractive young woman of average weight and height. While not exceptionally vain, she takes pride in her appearance, and does her best to remain, at the very least, presentable. In terms of clothing, she prefers the simple and practical; all black, utilitarian, and durable, with long sleeves and plenty of pockets.

Traits (W.I.P.)
  • Calm And Collected – In contrast to many young Sithlings, Sera is rather adept at self restraint. She’s not prone to random slaughter, unchecked emotional outbursts, or writing cringeworthy poetry in her spare time. Of course, this lack of over-emotionality also means she lacks the advantages that acolytes of the Sith so often have over other, less darkly inclined force novices – namely, raw power. The way she sees it, she has the better deal, but that may change if she gets into a fight with someone who can toss a speeder with the sheer force of his unresolved mommy issues.
  • Fight Like A Lady – Sera's generally preferred method of combat emphasizes grace and speed, on keeping a clear head in combat and outmaneuvering the opponent. Since her chosen weapon is the lightsaber, she also favors quick, often uncommitted strikes as opposed to throwing the weight of her entire body into an attack. After all, it's not like she has to worry about cutting power; she's got a beam of superheated plasma. All that said, she's not got much by way of strength - in a galaxy full of male power fantasies, Sera Sadow has the physical strength of a perfectly normal, if athletic, nineteen year old girl.
  • Cynical Supporter – Raised by Loyalist Parents (as if her surname wasn't proof enough of that) in Sith Space, Sera was enamored with the Sith even before she discovered her force sensitivity. Now that she's an acolyte proper, that fervor has been...tempered. As a mere novice, she hasn't had many chances to interact with those outside of the academies, but on more than one such occasion, she has been disturbed and disgusted by what she observed: Knights – and even Lords – allowing their ambitions, vendettas, and other personal issues to interfere with their service to the Empire.

Novice - Adept - Expert - Specialist - Master

[Control Powers]
Art of Movement [|||||||||||||||]
Force Body [|||||||||||||||]
Force Jump [|||||||||||||||]
Force Speed [|||||||||||||||]

[Sense Powers]
Danger Sense [|||||||||||||||]
Force Sense [|||||||||||||||]
Force Sight [|||||||||||||||]

[Alter Powers]
Force Cloak [|||||||||||||||]
Telekinesis [|||||||||||||||]

Novice - Adept - Expert - Specialist - Master

Shii-Cho [|||||||||||||||]
Makashi [|||||||||||||||]
Soresu [|||||||||||||||]
Ataru [|||||||||||||||]
Shien/Djem-So [|||||||||||||||]
Niman [|||||||||||||||]
Juyo [|||||||||||||||]

Novice - Adept - Expert - Specialist - Master

Electronics [|||||||||||||||]
Stealth [|||||||||||||||]
Surveillance [|||||||||||||||]


Sera Sadow


  • Academy Robes, Black (x3)
  • Cargo Jacket, Black (x1)
  • Cargo Pants, Black (x10)
  • Shirt, Black (x10)
  • Workman's Boots, Black (x3)

  • Blaster Pistol (x1)
  • Lightsaber, Curved Hilt (x1)
  • Vibroknife (x4)

[Misc. Equipment]
  • Hermes Holopad, Custom OS (x1)
  • Scramble Key (x1)
  • Slicer Chip (x1)
  • Miniature Surveillance Cameras (x4)

Sera Sadow

Non-Essential But Potentially Amusing Trivia (W.I.P.)

Favorite Colors: Black, and That One Pink
Favorite Musical Genre: Second-Wave Coruscanti Groove Isotope
Hobbies: Bingeing holonet dramas, collecting Empire-Banned media.

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