Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Senate Vote: Sign of the Times

Two proposals were put forth in Sign of the Times as listed below. Please only vote if you are a registered Senator who wrote in the thread - other votes will be disregarded. Ayes, Nays, and Abstains will be accepted for each bill.

Topic: The Alliance Demilitarization Act
Proposed by: Barrac Hivlar Barrac Hivlar
IC Information: Due to the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War, there are very few who could reasonably challenge the might of the Galactic Alliance, and conflicts have come to an end. With this, it is reasonable to allow for some amount of demilitarization over the years. With the Sith mostly defeated there is no need for armies. Instead, the Jedi can take their roles as peacekeepers as they did in the days of the Galactic Republic.

Topic: The Expedited Reconstruction Act
Proposed by: Desric Terassi Desric Terassi
IC Information: The recent war against the Brotherhood of the Maw, while an Alliance victory, has left barren vast regions of space, with the planets scarred and infrastructure in shambles. The collapse of the Empire and a variety of other polities, while less drastic, has caused significant disruptions. By leveraging the remaining assets of its fallen foes by auctioning off Exclusive Salvage Rights tied to specific locations and routing the obtained funding towards reconstruction at home and abroad, the Alliance can act decisively to curtail the looming crisis before it can spiral out of control.

if they're watching anyways
Voting is closed.

Alliance Demilitarization Act: The Nays have it (1/7/0). No action will be taken to reduce military spending.

Expedited Reconstruction Act: The Ayes have it (7/0/1). Salvage rights contracts will be auctioned off to megacorporations at the invitation of local governments, and the capital gained will be used to rebuild key infrastructure on devastated worlds.

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