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Semi Annual Southern Systems Business Bazaar Expo! [ Open to all ]

Melkor thought for a second and said "Maybe something that would attack and connect to the nuero pathsways to temporarily halt the brains fuctions? If it were to generate these for a short time and we were to make them consistently hit then it would concievably hold an animal indefinitly
Mrrew raised the whiskers above his eyes. That would be interesting... except... "Wouldn't stopping the brain's function even for a second possibly cause brain damage to the animal? Ecspecially if it were to hold teh animal indefinitely?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[Member="Mrrew"][member="Darth Morgoth"]

"Good chance of it," interjected an armorless passerby who'd been examining the Guild menu. Apparently he had really good ears. "What you want is a paralytic that'll leave the brain awake, and the autonomic nervous system, but knock out the voluntary pathways. They're expensive..." He opened his hand, revealing a vial of just such a toxin. "...but we're all here for business."
Mrrew glanced behind him to the man that appeared from the crowd, raising the whiskers above his eyes. It wasn't exactly what he had in mind- but a paralytic of that power would be just as useful... "And what kind of toxin is that...?"

[member="Ember Rekali"]
Mrrew looked at the vial for a moment. The Guild already used tranqulzier- the reaosn he wanted the stun bazooka was for an instananous stun rather then one tha totok awhile- a paralytic took awhile. It wasn't what he wanted. However, it could probably be used for something... so why not? "I'll take two vials."

[member="Ember Rekali"]

Melkor grinned and responed "Not if it was to shut down the path ways to the muscles, think of it as if it was hose and you put a kink in it over and over allowing only short bursts, the beast would not be able to function but as long as you use it only for the captured and not the containment it should be fine. just know the long you leave it on the more dangerous it would be to the target."
Mrrew raised the whiskers over his eyes, pondering that for a moment. "How quick would it's effects be?"

[member="Darth Morgoth"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Darth Morgoth"] [member="Mrrew"]

Ember swapped two vials for a thousand credits willingly. A third vial in hand, he turned to Morgoth. "Any for you, Darth...?"
[member="Ember Rekali"]
Melkor cocked his head to the side, it was a valid question considering his lightsaber clad side and his Pureblood Sith Race, but still he wanted to know why the man was asking. His voice cold he said "Well that depends on who is asking and why they are"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Darth Morgoth"]

"Answer to your second question, you're worth a million creds. Answer to the first, I'm the man that crushed the Sith Empire at Dromund Kaas, the Sith Council at Bosph, and the New Order at Telos and Morellia and Mytus. But mostly I'm asking because of the million creds."
Mrrew raised stared at [member="Ember Rekali"] for a moment, after taking the vials. "Not trying to get in the way of a bounty hunter- but I believe expo rules state no fighting... That probably includes cashing in on bounties."
[member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Mrrew"]

Melkor grinned at his friend, Mrrew knew well enough that this was not a good idea. And Not just because of the expo rules. He sized the man up, looking to see if he was even a threat. He then said "Ok, let me lay this out for you. If you try to take me, then you will risk the fact that I am much more powerful then you seem to think. If you somhow through underhanded trickery manage to capture me? Well lets see, I am a high ranking officer in a criminal syndicate, that has been known to mobilize armies to recapture lower ranking people. I am a well known associate of One Sith, who have been known to mobilize battalions over spilt milk. I have many friends in the business world who would risk losing millions of credits if I were to dissapear, and I don't think that they would be to pleased to hear that I am gone. Not to mention the many bounty hunters on my payroll, who would be out of jobs, if you touched me." Melkor closed his eyes as he began to let himself submerge into the Dark Current of the force. He could feel it rippling around him, his eyes shot open emiting an icing blue glow as he spoke, he voice sounding like that of a thousand oceans crashing, "To answer your question... Yes I am Darth Morgoth."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

"I didn't see it posted anywhere. Old eyes, maybe, or they just forgot this year.". Those eyes narrowed on [member="Darth Morgoth"].

The vial of paralysis poison exploded from Ember's left hand, shooting toward Morgoth's face in a cloud of glass and paralytic toxin. Simultaneously, he fired the wide-angle stun gun in his right gauntlet, taking care to aim away from the nearest stalls.
[member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Darth Morgoth"] [member="Mrrew"]

As Saffron had been there earlier to purchase the Bha'lair's, the flutter of glistaweb silk would come quickly as the Companion would lay her hand upon the Mandalorian.

"Oh my... what a terrible accident." as she was sure the Sith would soon feel the affects of the toxins.

"Where is a medic when you need one?" her fingers would tighten round the Mandalorian as if to remind him where exactly he was at. If her mother hears of this...

"Ladies... " a snap of her fingers would bring the Companions escorts forward. "Please... we should ensure that the Bazaar remains safe for all... " there came that shining winning smile from Saffron.

Melkor's eyes saw it happen as if it was in slow motion, his new eyes giving him a view of the world through the force. He saw the ripples of the bounty hunters hands before they acted. He raised his hand and telekineticly blew the dust back at his opponent, and the toxin with it. He left hand extended, as he saw the trigger mechanism through the force. He focusd on it and in an instant shorted the weapon out. It was an easy fix but not one for the battle field. He jumped backwards landing on his feet. He extended his hand towards the merchandise on the table, and flicking it sent five or six of his Bolt Blades, flying at the head and body of the bounty hunter. [member="Ember Rekali"]
[member="Darth Morgoth"]

Before the Sith could do anything -- really, likely due to the hallucinations of the toxin he was clearly feeling -- a big Trandoshan would come to grab at the Sith's shoulders.

Arceneau Trade Company security.

The Trade Queen would not be so happy to know that fights would break out in her Bazaar, and incurring the wrath of Danger Arceneau was enough to blacklist any company into an early retirement. Danger never forgave nor would forget.

The Trandoshan would tighten his hands, having a nice Ysalamiri strapped to his back to prevent any Force Wizardy. (courtesy of miri farms purchase )

Ysalimiri bubble? Yes please.

He would crackle out in a thick Trandoshan accent, " Time to see a medic, "

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