Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seltos Mining (InVal Cybernetics)

Seltos was a troubled planet after the collapse of the Galaxy months ago. The Tarro had been displaced in some places, Quarians became unsettled as the threat of the war coming back to their homes was more prevelent nowadays.

Nyos had chosen this planet for its large agricultural production and mining opportunities. The People needed help cleaning up, and Nyos was hoping to get a deal from the local government to set up his own facilities here on world. A little humanitarianism went a long way...He hoped.

Bringing a small fleet of his own ship and two of the four freighters from the company fleet full of food and medical supplies, Nyos planned on having his droids and assistants aiding the public and Nyos would speak with the leaders to negotiate a contract to set up on planet. Fingers crossed...
[member="Nyos Val"]

Jaster had arrived on the planet days before as a conjoined relief effort with his company the Umbrella Interest Company, along with his main contractor, the Healer Guild. He brough minimal supplys to the planet as most of his fleet was heading into the unknown region. He had a meeting with the planets senator about setting up an Umbrella Hospital and Guild clinics for the planet. He didn't have the needed droids or supplies at the moment, but the meeting was to reassure them they were on their way. Jaster was under a lot of stress as his only refuge camp was constantly full of people looking for food and medical attention. It was difficult for the one man and few hundred staff to handle the whole planet.

When Jaster for word that an old buissness contact was also flying in, he decided to wait at the spaceport for his arrival. His cybernetics would prove useful to those who lost arms and legs, even the droid assistance could ease his staff. A sigh of relief over took him as the news that Nyos fleet had enter the system.
As Nyos and his team landed at the local spaceport, he saw a familiar face in the crowd. A fellow business man who had made a comtract with his company to trade goods. Jaster was his name, Nyos made sure he remembered it as he approached the colleague.

"Mister Awaud, good to see you. What brings you to this side of the galaxy?" Nyos extended a metal hand.

Droids began offloading supplies onto waiting transports and cargo speeders. There was a delegation of officials in the wings that approached the pair. Surely coming to welcome and introduce themselves. The management of distributing the supplies was left to Nyos' right hand man, Kevin. The Milenici was one of his most trusted associates. He began barking orders to the droids and workers as they unloaded and set off on their respective tasks.
When Exited Hyperspace she found he self at selto an unknown planet to her and an Unknown person had asked her to come here to help him. Nova turned to her right activating a hologram of the planets surface of were her "friend" was. Nova got up and went back to her storage room to make sure every thing she could fit in it even if it was a small supplies was secured before entering the planets atmosphere. Before she had came she picked up some high grade medical equipment. Nova then went back to her seat and started to fly towards the destination. When she got closer and closer to the space port she could see a small fleet of ship at the space port and knew that was her "Friend". When she landed at the space port she landed next to a cargo ship with droids unloading equipment from it.

When nova exited her ship she told three droid to unload the medical supplies. Then started to walk toward what she expected who she was suppose to talk to.When she got to the person she greeted him. With a hello names Nova I'm guessing your the "man" That contracted me?" She said then sticking her arm out to motion for a hand shake.

[member="Nyos Val"], [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]
[member="Nova 'Creation'"] [member="Nyos Val"]

Jaster walked up to the man he only recently spoke to over the holonet. "Hello Nyos, long time no see," Jaster covered his face as he was not wearing his helmet and a low flying shuttle came over and nicked up dust, "Umbrellas here on medical relief aid, contract with a guild means I got to."

When the goverment officials walked up Jaster recognized a few of them, he figure if he'd introduce them it would place Nyos on better ground for what ever reason he was here. "Ahh Senator At'ak, nice to see you on this beautiful day, this is Nyos Val of InVal-able Industried, he's here to assist with the relief efforts."

The senator glared at Jaster, "They would go faster if your clinics and Hospitals were up yesterday." And continued on to Nyos.

As the other ship landed Jaster walked over, "Hello, I'm Admiral Jaster Awaurd of the 2nd Armada, please tell me your the second wave of the relief with our supplies?"
[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Nova 'Creation'"]

Nyos took the hand of Nova after greeting Jaster. The three would work on the officials.

"Pleasure to meet you both in person."

The officials arrived at the trios side, a Quarian spoke..."Welcome to Seltos. We thank you for your aid. Please. This way please."

The officials and some enforcement officers lead the group to a waitin speeder and shuttled the trio to the city center.

The Quarian spoke up again.

"What are your names? We wish to thank each of you properly."

Nyos reponded..."I'm Nyos Val. CEO of InVal Cybernetics. Medical Officer of the Omega Protectorate. We once held this territory many years ago. I was here before the Event, and eanted to see this place return to its glory."
As the man who ha walked up to her and introduced him self to her she responded to him saying "Well if you want your second wave of support as one ship going back and forth faster then any ship you got then yah." She said with a smirk.

Then nova turned towards her "friend" As he was saying its a pleasure to meet then both. "The pleasure is all ours." She said hoping she didn't offend the Admiral for speaking for him.

After the officials had greeted and thanked them. Nova followed the official to the speeders then being asked their names she looked over at Nyos as he spoke. then as he finished talking she spoke up. "I'm Nova. Not a CEO of anything but i can run and get better equipment then most." As she finished talking she looked over at the Admiral waiting for him to speak.

[member="Nyos Val"], [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Nyos Val"] [member="Nova 'Creation'"]

Jaster had looked at the Nova women, she was not a second convoy from the healer guild, great. His look of sadness and disappointment was quick as the planets guards took them to land speeders and taken to the city. Well Jaster needed a ride there anyways, his medical staff must be swamped without the new releif aid.

Jaster looked to the representatives, "Ahh, I've meet your senator once before, but to the rest of you, I'm Jaster Awaud, CEO of the Umbrella Interest Company, along with Commanding Admiral of the Healer Guild Releif Fleet, our people are still in the process of setting up clinics and a steady supply line for our ships to reach here on a regular basis."

Jaster was just finished as Nova shot him a look. "Sorry about the confusion, is there something I can help you with?"
Nyos walked with the others to the speeders as they introduced themselves. The officials radioed ahead and made preparations to accommodate the guests.

A ten minute drive gave way to a large government building with armed guards and officials walking the expanse of the structure. The group would be lead to a large conference room where more officials joined and sat. Now numbered at a dozen, the three humanitarians were ushered to their seats and were addressed by the local governer.

"I am told you three are seeking trade and rights to our planet in exchange for your aid to the people. We would be glad to give you such rights, but there is a problem. Our mines and trade lanes have collapsed after the "Event". We would need to re-establish the mine and trade lanes to give you the access you need. Also, in the south, there is a disease that a killing the people there. If you can cure the plague there, along with restoring the economy, you will be greatly rewarded."

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Nova 'Creation'"]

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