Nimue Stormson
Empress of Effekt

Image provided by www.worth1000.comName: Selipa; single one referred to as Selpin
Designation: Non-Sentient
Homeworld: Effket
Language: None
Average height of adults: 1.80 meters
Skin color: Black, White, Brown
Hair color: Same as skin colors
Breathes: Type 1
Fast Runners; faster than normal horses
Strong built animals
Easily penetrable skin
If furthermost hind legs are damaged the Selipa is crippled and therefore dead.
Distinctions: Six legs
Average Lifespan: 40-45 years
Races: None
Estimated Population: 100,000 worldwide
Diet: Herbivores, prefer diet of oats, straw, grass, etc. Chocolate, meat, potatoes, and onions/garlic, can make them sick and/or kill them.
Selipa communicate via stamping their hooves, the two front pairs, and through a series of whinnys. Usually the stomping means they'd found something, they're trying to gain attention, or they're warning about something coming. The whinny sounds may also be cries for help or calling out to others of their kind. In some cases also calling to human masters.
Selpia group together in large herds that range from fifty to over one-hundread Selpin. They spend most of the time grazing and moving together to avoid being picked off by predators. The young Selipa are kept more within the entieor of the heard for protection sake. When predators do attack the Selipa will resort to running first. When that fails they were herd the young into the center of the group while the mature Selipa will fight them off using their powerful hooves. During the winter they will remain as close together as possible to conserve their collective body heat while trying to grave through the snow for food. Usually, during this time, not all of the Selipa survive but the young are ensured to make it through.
Technology level: None
General behavior:
The Selipa are not so different from common horses. They stay together in large herds in the wild where they graze together, run together, and defend one another. They're often hunted for the meat, but many have come to accept them as useful mounts and/or living tools for farming. They're loyal to their human owners if they're kind to them while others can still act too wild to the point of being considered "untamable".
The Selipa have been a part of Effekt's history for as long as any other recorded animal. The ancient cultures of the world had often seen them as mighty steeds sent down by the gods to be tested by humans. Those who were untamed and left to roam the wild were the strongest while others were forced to become beasts of war or helpers to the human's way of life. This superstition was soon ruled out but many still respect the Selipa as the powerful beasts they are. For the longest time the Selipa were the common means of transportation and warfare until the arrival of technology. With the arrival of things such as speeders and the like, there's not been much need for the Selipa, leaving them to roam freely in the wild. Some still keep them for personal reasons, others to add a sense of dignity and grace to their person for being able to ride these majestic creatures.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: Add to fantasy/sci-fi feel of the planet Effekt, and to add unique animal mounts for characters who wish to have one.