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Seethe Roche! [Roche Asteroids] PM to join

There was a technology, ancient and old that could be very well put to use. An energy shield that provided protection from all sorts of channels. Sonic, Energy, Radiation & the Extremes of nature. All that was missing was Kinetic and with a few modifications that could change in time. Aboard a Cargo ship dressed in what Nulgath liked to call his explorers attire, His Clothing was simple and made him blend in with the Galaxy. Starting at the bottom with his Combat-Ready boots, Basic Camo pants, Bristle Hide belt and ranging to his upper which consisted of a Simple long sleeve shirt, Black hide Vest, Crafters bandolier and his head which was bundled with a Headwrap commonly found on Tatooine.

Rubbing his bald head the Epicanthix smiled and put on a pair of Flash Goggles. Where he was headed it would get get dark and the flash goggles would assist his sight. Being aboard a Public Cargo vessel their were no weapons allowed on board at all thus the reason for Nulgaths Casual appearance. He was not like the other Sith who were so cocky with their actions. Only a Fool would come to republic space adorned in Sith attire and attempt to steal something and besides Nulgath was no fool. His right forearm shined in the light, A bracer that could be considered a weapon but Nulgath thought it to be harmless and very sneaky.

Spending months planning this trip and so far everything was going smoothly. Keeping yourself in the dark on Coruscant had benefits, few Sith or jedi were aware of his presence due to this and he was never to famous with the Sith. There was only one who could possibly know his identity and that was [member="Taeli Raaf"]. A now former Sith Lady who had left One Sith, but that was where Nulgaths knowledge of the woman ended.

With a rumble the cargo vessel came to a slow and the droid pilot addressed the passengers in a rather rude voice.

" Ok, Roche Asteriod Field! Everyone get off, this is your stop! Make sure you leave a tip you little savages!" he announced and the side door opened leading to the outside. Being one of the last to step out Nulgath looked around the rather large out post examining the Artificial environment was protected the entire area from the vacuum of space. Eyeing several Traders and Merchants the search for old tech had begun.
Approaching a Brown tent, Nulgath noted its appearance well. Adorned in Droid parts, metals and mostly Junk. He could assume the Verpine host was a junker and for now this was a perfect lead. " Excuse me. But your display has caught my attention quite well. What exactly do you sell?" He spoke properly and that was a flaw when trying to blend in. The Verpine twitched at the sight of a consumer and greeted Nulgath with a bow. " Greetings! I am Cha'cho Mekrall..." The Verpines name seemed to go on for ages, only the last portion of what he said was important. " But you can call me Cho. I sell Parts, Scraps, Pieces and more. Ones junk is another's treasure is it not? Can I interest you in a Astro droid?" he asked politely.

" No, A droid is something I dont need at the moment. You see I am a Scholar and Miner of sorts and i require a certain shielding Technology what will assist me with mining. I know it only by the name Verpine energy shield." Nulgath picked up a Head of a droid briefly to toy with is but out it down as soon as he saw the wiring was fired. Eyeing the Cho through his Flash goggles the Epicanthix remained himself as he waited an answer.

" Hmm... Personal Energy sheilding tech, Yes? The kind your looking for is very old. You might have more luck speaking with a Miner. I cannot say I have one that is functional. But I will check my stash just for you." Cho backed up and disappeared in the dark somewhere in the back of the tent. Metal being moved could be heard along with the chattering of his native tongue. Scanning the front of the tent Nulgath eyed the handle of a pistol at the bottom near the pillar of his tent in the dark. Looking around briefly Nulgath summoned the weapon to his hand and quickly stashed it on his Bristle hide belt to be covered up. Cho emerged from the back holding a broken Verpine energy shield that needed some deep repairing. His Chitin hand placing it on the table as he chattered to himself. " 3000 Credits and ill call it a deal. Its not that damaged just needs some more tech installed to work properly.. Tech i'm too poor to afford."

Smirking slightly Nulgath placed the credits on the table quickly and stashed the broken shielding tech in his bandolier. Giving Cho a nod he thanked him " I'll have to search out a good engineer but thank you for your time." Cho was OK for a Verpine and Nulgath admired him in a way he could be useful to see again one day. Leaving Cho's Junker tent Nulgath took himself to the nearby Miners Outpost, was not too far and by the look of things they were very busy.

Consisting of mainly Verpine there were also other species working along side them. Entering the Outpost Nulgaths head titled as he heard a a very specific word. " Eh boss! We just hit Phrik in the mines!" One of the miners yelled as he came out of the mine. One could assume this mine was new or just that stupid because he was almost instantly pull to the side and given a good talk about the why to use Code words instead of the actual word.

" Isnt this a pleasant surprise." he muttered to himself with a sinister grin.
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]

Ripples of light announced a small freighter force from Aurora Industries arriving in the Roche Asteroid cluster, Taeli Raaf standing on the bridge of one of the escort ships. She had come here to oversee a shipment of material back to her shipyards in the Saluecami region of space when her comlink chimed.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Ma'am, I was in the market place when a Verpine miner announced to the whole world that phrik was just discovered in one of the veins they were working in a nearby outpost," one of her agents said. "Thought you might like to know, I'm on my way to talk with the Matriarch about acquiring some of the new haul."

"Works for . . . me," she said, her attention drifting towards a presence. "Have the rest of the material loaded onto the freighters, I'm going to go check out this outpost myself."

"Yes, ma'am," the agent said over the com.

"Interesting turn of events," she mumbled to herself. She felt a dark presence in the system, one she recognized from her days among the Sith. They had met briefly, but you always remembered how a person felt if you were any good at your job. "Let's see if he remembers me."

Reaching out with the Force, she allowed her presence to become prevalent throughout the asteroid cluster while her ship headed right for the mining outpost. Phrik was something that would require a more direct touch.
Midst plotting how to acquire some phrik for himself he suddenly raised a brow. A sense of familiarity was in the air and it was different from before, there was a definate Light to it now. It felt like [member="Taeli Raaf"] but Nulgath was feeling equivocal about it now. He needed more information on it before any action could be done that was his though process. So in an attempt to ignore the incoming Light the Epicanthix proceeded to approach a miner.

" Sir! I have a important question I need answered, can you assist me with haste?" He said waving down another Verpine Miner.
" Yes! Yes! What is it?!" he chattered to Nulgath and halted.
Taking out the busted Verpine Shielding tech Nulgath quickly responded " This technology here I need to know where to get a working one for my Company! Im willing to pay alot of credits for it too." A false truth and one played out very well. As soon as credits were mentioned the Verpine Miner titlted his head and beckoned Nulgath to follow him to the Head Miner aka " Boss Man."

" You need to talk to the Boss, Not me. Come! He knows this tech." The Miner was very helpful now, introducing Nulgath to the Boss for a chat. " Bosss! we got a Business opportunity here." he said pointing at the Epicanthix. Stepping into the Boss Miners tent Nulgath smiled as he got closer to the two things he wanted.
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]

As her ships docked at the asteroid, she was of half a mind of tracking down the Sith . . . but she would save that for after business was done. Walking down the docking tube from the Elytra-class Fast Frigate, she began making her way through the chittering insects to the foreman's office. She could feel the excitement of the phrik discovery coming from the insects. They were constantly thumping their antennas against their chests and sending communications to others in the hive.

"Can I help you?" the foreman asked, his mandibles clacking.

"Yes, I heard you came across something rather intriguing in one of your mines," she said with a smile. "Jedi Master Taeli Raaf, at your service."
Taking a seat and briefly shaking the insects hand, Nulgath could not help but think how dull these creatures were despite their pasts relating to technology. The Boss Mans Antennas twitched about as he received and sent messages to the others nearby. " Ok, This energy shield you seek. It is a semi-common item we miners have and use daily. I use one myself to check the Mines. Now Why do you need such a device?" The Verpine displayed his forearm. The device looked exactly like the one he just bought but was indeed function. The Epicanthix opened his mouth slightly to continue to pose as a company owner but the acting was over. Nulgaths facial expressions changed along with his intent. " You will give this device......" He commanded the Verpine and gazed at him. His words enhanced by the Force, Nulgath was determined to get what he wanted. And so he continued " Like wise you will tell someone to bring a medium shipment of Phrik to the surface for me to take away. Im goign to make you rich after all." Nulgath smiled wide.

The head miner "Boss Man" seemed to freeze as his mind took it all in. His antennas twitched about and within seconds he uttered out in a rather mindless fashion. " Yes... You are going to make me very!" And so Getting up to leave the office Nulgath paused some. " Tell me ignorant creature.... Is their a Jedi here? If so tell me where.." There was sense in using the force to sense out a suspicion when you could easily ask a weak willed insect instead.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]

The "Boss Man" Shook his head slightly. " Yes... Jedi is here. Master Taeli Raaf. At Office.."
With a smirk Nulgath exited the tent and removed his will from the weak Verpine. Attaching the Verpine personal shield to his arm Nulgath headed to where he felt the Light most. The Foremans Office, It was time to say hello and stall her as the other miners delivered some Phrik to the surface for him.
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]

She could feel the dark presence getting closer, but right now she had a deal she wanted to finalize. She would deal with the Sith in a moment. Her agent had spoken to the Matriarch obviously because the foreman certainly seemed happier to help her than he had been just a moment ago when she arrived.

"How large of a shipment are you looking to purchase, Master Raaf?" the foreman asked, chittering away with his antenna.

"Quite a large one actually," she replied, smiling. "As I'm sure your Matriarch has explained to you, phrik is in rather high demand for myself and my company. A large supply would do wonders for some projects we are working on. Money is no problem."

Even as she said that, she pulled out a datapad and slid it over to the foreman so he could see how much she was interested in procuring and the price she was willing to pay. He was silent for a moment . . . and then the excitement level spiked from him.

"Of course, Master Raaf," he said. "We would be perfectly happy to fill that order for you. Our miners will get to work on this right away and we shall begin loading shipments to your ships immediately, on top of the other ordered material. There is one other thing..."

"I'm aware, I'll handle it," she replied, getting up and stretching. "Just make sure the shipments reach my ships, please."

"Of course, Master Raaf," the foreman replied, starting to tap out a message to the workers with his antenna. She left the office and started walking towards the dark presence, cracking her knuckles and neck. She wondered if it would devolve into a fight or not. That was a possibility after all.
As soon as Nulgath saw a female figure leave the Foremans office he could only smile. [member="Taeli Raaf"] looked different slightly but one thing remained the same. Her eyes. A Raaf family trait it seemed. Bowing as he walked towards her Nulgath cracked a grin as he greeted her for a second time in his life. " Ah! Jedi Master Taeli Raaf, Pleasure to make your acquaintance once again... This time as a Jedi I see! " Muttering the last part the Epicanthix extended his left hand towards to take her hand and kiss it, if she allowed it.

Meanwhile the Miner worked hard to now get both shipments going. It seemed [member="Taeli Raaf"] just purchased quite a number forcing Nulgath to wait for his small shipment after her Order was done. It was no set back for him, If the jedi was anyone else some more aggressive actions would of had to happen but Nulgath felt confident enough no resort to such methods. Their was Mutual respect he held for this woman and he assumed she held the same respect for him despite the branding of Jedi vs Sith Doctrine.

" Last I heard.. there was a bounty placed on your head for treason? I know Ferus would love to try and get his hands on you." He commented in a low voice, being mindful of the dull creatures around him. " Thankfully I am not one of his mindless Lackeys." he jeered referencing the Sith Assassins.
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]

"Nulgath Zardai, right?" she said, coming to a stop in front of the man. The Epicanthix had always been a bit of an enigma among the Sith, the quieter type . . . which made him infinitely more dangerous than some other Sith. She knew all too well this was someone who respected knowledge above other things.

"That little thing, please, I could just pay any bounty hunter who came after me twice the amount to walk away," she said, smiling ever so slightly. Really, that bounty wasn't anything for to get concerned about it. It wasn't worth it for most hunters to even try it. Still, her datapad beeped that her order for the phrik was beginning to be moved to her freighters.

"Ferus has other things to worry about than little old me, although I have to say it was fun to strike a blow against the Assassins," she continued saying. "They were just a bit too cocky in thinking their places were untouchable."

Still, she knew they would be going to ground more now. Ferus had other plans clearly, what they were though was still a mystery to her.

"I must say, Knight Zardai, I'm surprised to see you in sovereign Republic territory," she said, her purple eyes looking directly at him in a piercing gaze. "By all right, I should be clamping stun binders on you and preparing to transport you to Ossus for judgment in front of the Council. Any particular reason why I shouldn't go that route?"
Nulgath nodded as Taeli questioned his name. As she talked about the Sith assassins a chuckle escaped his mouth. The Epicanthix could picture the day the Ex Sith Lady came back to strike a fatal blow to the Sith. Any other sith would be frowning perhaphs but the illusion of unity in One Sith was only an illusion in Nulgaths mind. " Aren't we all? Cocky that is.... You know how it goes after all." he commented.

Taeli Raaf said:
"I must say, Knight Zardai, I'm surprised to see you in sovereign Republic territory," she said, her purple eyes looking directly at him in a piercing gaze. "By all right, I should be clamping stun binders on you and preparing to transport you to Ossus for judgment in front of the Council. Any particular reason why I shouldn't go that route?"
Nulgaths right eyebrow twitched as he quickly processed this. Such an action would ruin future plans and his planned reputation forcing his hand...but it was not without flaw for the Jedi as well. " Republic space, Sith Space, Techno Union Space. In the end its people claiming that which cannot be fully claimed and maintained." He paused and spouted some air. " If you happen to decide to take such an action I will come willingly. Though to be frank it would only cause more trouble than any good. Though I do not believe in the apparent unity of One Sith... Others do and sadly they would be more than willing to look for an excuse to try their hand at the Republics Jedi." Nulgath crossed his arms against his chest and shook his head after he was done.

His examination of what would happen was sound but judgement in front of the council peeked his curiosity. " Would you yourself not accept boundary when it came to pursuit of knowledge Taeli?" He paused briefly in though. "You have tickled my curiosity some what. You mentioned judgement in front of the council on Ossus. Tell me what exactly would I be judged with besides association with the Sith?"
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]

"Not really, but then I was a quiet Sith in my day," she replied, looking at the Epicanthix still. "However, you seem to neglect to address that the One Sith have targeted the Jedi, and recently too. I'm sure, even with your inclination of research and staying in the shadows, you heard about the attack on Ruusan."

As he spoke though, she had a sneaking suspicion about the Sith in front of her. Her datapad chime to let her know the first part of her shipment of phrik had reached the ship from the miners of these asteroids. That was good at least.

"As we are both aware, you really don't have any outstanding crimes beyond being a Sith, you'd probably only be held as a prisoner of war until the current conflict is resolved," she answered Nulgath. "However... I might let your presence here slide on two conditions. One, you tell me the exact reason why you are here, and two, you put that devious mind to use in more . . . interesting ways that . . . well . . . weaken your colleagues and rivals."
" Ah Ruusan, Was it such a blow we must talk about it now? If it sounds any better I personally chose to stay out of that little skirmish." He Commented and briefly looked over his shoulder to check on the Phrik he was going to get soon. The Miners were still working on [member="Taeli Raaf"] shipment. As the woman continued Nulgath raised a brow as he she mentioned being held as a prisoner of war till the end of the war. Which pretty much meant a life sentence, becasue lets face it the war was not going to end any time soon.

The sound that came from Taeli's person was recognizable, It was a data pad and one could assume that it was tracking the Phrik shipment order she purchased not too long ago.

Taeli Raaf said:
"However... I might let your presence here slide on two conditions. One, you tell me the exact reason why you are here, and two, you put that devious mind to use in more . . . interesting ways that . . . well . . . weaken your colleagues and rivals."

The Epicanthixs green gaze shifted as he thought to himself. There was no fooling Taeli least not now. Most of the time the saying the truth will set you free only caused the opposite,but in this case Nulgath could now see how it would work. " Are you suggesting.... Treason? You want a Villains deposition, I see." He smiled wide as this was something he was already doing on several levels. Speak with an Ex-Sith Lady & meeting with a some other traitors were the only two he could think of off the top of his head. Chuckling he continued " I think we both know I am not one without plans... But to answer you question. My trip to Roche was not out of sport, I came in search of old shielding tech made by the Verpine and I have found it. It seems they still use it when it comes to mining." he displayed his forearm to the jedi in front of him, showcasing the arm bracer of Tech. " This trip was quite honesty very efficient. No need to worry though... Your shipment is untouched I should be receiving my own small shipment shortly and then I will go about my business." Nulgath was being frank.

In the Distance two Verpine hauled out some Phrik and looked around waiting for someone dress similar to Nulgath to take it. Out of the Corner of his eye he noticed this and took one step back but remained facing her with a smile. " I rather do enjoy our Conversations, but as I said before It is time to take my leave. When the time is right I will contact you as I will my Gen'dai Friend." Nulgath began to slowly walk backwards towards his shipment. He trusted she still remembered Kezeroth and saying that much was enough in itself. One could assume if Nulgath was still in contact with Kezeroth then things indeed were being planned and waited out.
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]

"Then I suggest I don't see you in Republic space again," she replied, making it quite clear that she would forget his presence here one time, but if she saw him again, there would be no protection or agreement.

Once he was far enough away, she made her way back to oversee her shipment of phrik that was being loaded into the Aurora ships docked with the asteroid. She had high hopes for what this phrik, on top of the amount they already had from their other mine in the Gromas system, would be able to do for them. There was a certain droid project she was wanting to get back to developing . . . but there was still something to be said about phrik based armor.

So many things to think about with using this material, so many things to think about.

"Master Raaf, half of the shipment is loaded up," a dock worker informed her.

"Glad to hear," she said, her eyes not leaving the workers loading the ore.

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