Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seeking a holocron

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel saw the success that Orihime was having and considered a dual attack, using a branch to attempt to gouge out its other eye, but decided the twin sabers would require all of her attention for now, so she continue to control them with the Force, stabbing at the creature.

Finally one blade entered all the way to the hilt. Rather than pulling it out, Sorel moved it laterally, looking to split the creatures belly open from side to side – which would allow Orihime a larger target to aim for with her own saber-pole.

The whole while the creature was spilling blood and now guts all over the floor – and the Padawans to be honest – and Sorel wondered if any nearby birds of prey were around and would be attracted by the sounds and smells. "We're nearly there," she shouted as an encouragement to her fellow Padawan.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Orihime looked at the thing dying and high above the sounds of other creatures were being attracted. From the smell of fresh a kill in the air that they could get while the padawans were finishing it off with a small grin of excitement.. Not in the kill but they were fighting a sithspawn and it was well... falling for their antics of not really trying to engage it. They let it hurt itself and the environment damage it more then just their blades. She moved back stabbing and it was digging in while she slashed to spill out more sections of its guts. The thing fell bck with a chunk in its chest as she saw it gasping and bubbles of blood were escaping from the lungs. The birds above and some of the other creatures had been attracted that she could see of the different things looking at the body. A fresh kill she could see and pointed out the birds that had been attracted down to them.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel sensed the moment of victory was upon them. Individually they would have perished and even fighting as two Padawans, they probably would not have prevailed. But they acted as a team and the sum was most definitely greater than the sum of the parts.

Blood as well as innards was now spilling from the Sithspawn and Sorel noted that even the creature had stopped fighting, now resigned to its own death. Instead it clutched at its wounds instinctively and weakened beyond its endurance it finally keeled over, twitching for a few moments before breathing its last. Sorel remained at a safe distance for a short while before jumping down and returning her saber hilts to her belt.

”Something this big will attract all sorts of scavengers, including ones we’d rather avoid.” She eyed the skies as birds circled overhead, regularly disappearing behind the lush canopy. ”I suspect one or two of the birds will be with us momentarily. Any idea on how best to catch one?”

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel was right, it would attract more things as she was looking up and hearing the birds but not seeing them yet. THey would need to figure out a way to catch one of them at least for their own use with the wookiees but be respectful to them and not harm the creatures. "We should try the old fashioned way." She was looking at the moss and brush that was there and touching some of it as it clung together like a blanket but was not sturdy easily pulling apart. "We can use this." She motioned towards it and a small branch they could perch on to watch for the birds. "We wait and try to tangle one of them up then calm it down."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
[member="Orihime Ike"]

Sorel switched her focus back to her friend and nodded. It was as sound a plan as she could think of. ”I agree. And we can scare away anything else that comes along, unless it adds to the temptation for the birds.”

They knew what the birds of prey looked like from the tapestries and so Sorel scanned the trees once more, looking out for one. ”If I’m honest, I suspect you’re better at catching and I can use Beast Control to calm it before we manage to contain it. I remember reading once that if you cover its eyes, it becomes more docile, so a small bag over its head might just do the trick. No guarantees but unless you brought a cage with you, it’s the best I can offer.”

Sorel calmed herself, after her recent exertions and briefly meditated. If she were to calm the bird, she needed to be calm herself. And no sooner had she done so than she heard the sound of beating wings coming closer and used the Force to sense where it was, for her eyes could not pick it out in the dense canopy.
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

That sounded like a plan as she heard the sounds, gathering as much as she could and being careful while ascending the tree to the branch. A look on her face while focusing the force to remain hidden and not startle the birds when they arrived so she and Sorel could be careful and concealed. Slowly relaxing her mind and body while she felt the pontite in her saber calm her quickly to feel the force. Getting the netting there when they arrived and she waited for a moment as they were all grouping together on the body. Somewhere it wouldn't snag or be tearable before she was leaping into the air and extending it outward with a look over several of the birds. The ones on the edges scattered and just missing the mesh but the ones in the middle staying while she wrapped her arms around the first lump to hold it steady and careful.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was weary now. She’d travelled for a few days on the strength of adrenaline and the Force and now she was feeling the effects of limited sleep, poor nutrition and constant fighting. But where her body may have been weak, her mind was strong and kept her going. She was not about to give up now. She saw this as some sort of a trial — for both of them.

But sitting still and keeping quiet was calming and with tranquility came tiredness, so she pulled the Force to her and felt in many ways refreshed and alert for the next phase in their test. And then it all happened at once. Her friend had laid the trap and Sorel watched as the birds could not resist the bait and alighted on the circus before being trapped under the net. Some of the birds scattered but a few were snared and her fellow Padawan grabbed one carefully and Sorel followed suit. She sensed its emotions the moment she touched it and felt a combination of hunger, anger and fear. Sorel implanted a simple emotion — one of calm — of soaring in the skies, free from danger. She felt the bird’s quivering subside and then she felt it was at peace and Sorel smiled.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She was looking at some of the things, holding it while Sorel worked to calm it easing up a little when it stopped struggling but keeping it so they could complete the trial before she rolled there for a little while and felt the after effects of her energy. She was glad she knew how to revitalize with the force but you couldn't do that all the time. So she was paying attention with most of the things before. She rocked back letting the other ones out of the snare and she held it in her arms relaxing a little and rolling backwards off of the beasts body. JUst finding the space next to the tree while she yawned a little in her own tiredness. "Oh I don't think there will be anymore excitement today... the wookiee's might all be asleep or something." Yes they were asleep and with the right work they could likely turn that hunk of tree the beast had been in into a nice shelter to catch and rest for a few hours. While containing their catch... then return to the wookiee's and fulfill Sorels vision.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Between them they released all of the birds except two, and her friend was right,it was now too late in the day to return to the Wookies, so she used the netting and constructed a makeshift cage for the birds. Giving them both meat from the dead monster, she continued to regularly share relaxing emotions with them to keep them calm before turning her attention to helping her fellow Padawan to construct a shelter for the two of them to rest in before they returned with their capture.

“We can take it in turns to keep each,” she said, “and I can take first watch — so you should get some shut eye and I’ll wake you if anything happens.”

Fortunately nothing did on her watch so she took her turn at napping before dawn and a return to the Wookiee’s camp.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

I'll take first watch.... The words were barely out of her mouth before Orihime was nodding and leaning back as she closed her eyes nodding while she drifted off. Senses expanding outwards to feel the area around them with her mind going off into something relaxing. It all felt good and calming until she was off dreaming and running through the shadowlands herself, getting the force energies, getting the creatures to follow her as she had went through some of the more dangerous things the creatures brought down here. Layer and layers of forest filled with death, danger and mysteries she could feel. The roars of the beasts they had riled up from killing one was there and she was looking at her mother while in her sleep she released her control. The falleen pheromones releasing around herself in the hole while she continued to dream and the scent of jasmine mixed with the rain until she woke up quickly. Wiping at her mouth and smelling it. "Sorry."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel chuckled at her friend as they switched sentry duty but like Orihime, she was asleep within seconds of closing her eyes. And before she knew it, it was dawn and they had to return to the Wookiee camp.

The makeshift cage, made of netting, was working as Sorel continued to calm the birds and found that planting the thought that she was their mother worked best. She fed them and this simply reinforced the relationship and ensured they traveled peacefully.

Finally they found their way back to the lake in the clearing and the Woolies approached them, the birds merely watching their approach as their ‘mother’ seemed to be content with the crowd.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

The dawn coming was a great thing as she looked over some of the things there. At the creatures they had captured while here in the shadowlands the light was barely flickering at some points down so she could see it. Force energies extending outwards to sense and calm the bird while she was holding it gently in her arms. Attention to the details while she was walking and sticking with Sorel to go and meet the wookiee's again with their boons to offer for all of the works. "Alright, let us hope things work out." She offered a smile stretching while she walked looking over a few of the things until she was breathing in the scent of the morning air all around them.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
The Wookiees seems to appear from the ether. For huge hairy creatures, they were able to move silently when they wanted to — especially in the forest undergrowth.

Sorel and Orihime offered the birds to the tribe, who took them with great care and reverence before releasing them into the air. Sorel initially wondered if they’d done something wrong, but the look on the Wookiee’s faces suggested they were simply in awe. Not one but two birds captured and not even a feather out of place.

The leader of the clan took the young women to the far side of the lake. From one angle — and one angle only — it was apparent there were stepping stones set under the water. Mere centimetres from the surface, they were invisible from any other viewpoint.

“Your arrival was foretold and you have passed the test.” He indicated the structure in the middle of the lake. “The path has been shown to you, we wish you good luck.” And he ushered the Wookiees back to their homes and left the Jedi alone.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Well that was good news, passing the test there was a whole lot of it they could do in the different things. She was looking over with her attention on the wookie's but she wasn't afraid now. Going with Sorel into the place so that they might discover what they could find. She was prepared watching her while speaking. "It is looking good, we have done a lot of work and I wonder what we might be able to find." She was interested in if Sorel was having any more visions or if they were near the end, if the visions persisted then well they would be able to go with many of the things there for all of their stuff. She'd be able to work on many of the things herself.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
As they approached the structure at the middle of the small lake, Sorel wondered if anything special would happen. Would it change shape or a door open? Or would a holographic image appear, as some sort of a gate-keeper. But nothing happened. They made their way across and found the small building was entirely smooth and had a narrow walkway around it.

Sorel led Orihime around the structure three times before deciding there was no obvious entrance and felt slightly frustrated and a little foolish. To come all this way and fail at the end? She chided herself and gave Orihime a sheepish grin. "The Force," she said, knwoing her fellow Padawan would know what she meant.

Sorel closed her eyes and connected to the Force. As she filled with the Light-side, she heard a noise and in front of them a loud click made her open her eyes. What she saw was the shape of a door and she gave it a gentle push with her hand. Nothing happened. So she gave a nudge with the Force and this time it opened.

She stepped in, glancing back at Orihime as she did. Inside was complete darkness, the light from outside seemingly unable to penetrate the gloom. So Sorel once more closed her eyes and looked with the Force. With her Force Sight she saw, suspended from the ceiling, a small box. She walked forward and realising it was much too high to reach, pulled it to her with the Force. It lowered gently and with trembling fingers she opened the box.

Instantly, she felt a small tingling on her face - below her bottom lip - but she paid it no mind.

Inside was a nondescript holocron - but its appearance didn't matter. It was a holocron and she knew, somehow, it belonged to Luminara. She showed it to Orihme, unsure if her friend would also be using Force Sight and be able to see it - or the broad grin on Sorel's face.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

She followed her, all of the work they had been doing in the shadowlands was well many things... mostly she was glad to see what they had been doing was paying off. Working with the wookiee's there while most of her attention raised up towards the darkness that wasn't letting the light through. she focused the force a little to glow a small ball of light in her hand. Much like her mother knew the skill to make glowballs she had it small and compressed opening herself up with the force. Few could see the real glow of it when she wasn't wearing the jewelry that masked her connection to the force. Looking forward towards the holocron stepping up next to Sorel as she spoke. "Is that it? I think I was expecting more statues or something grand."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel’s grin widened — if that was at all possible. Her friend’s down to earth view was both grounded and humorous at the same time. “To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect — but Master Luminara never struck me as the flamboyant type — and I doubt she had time to decorate. Her efforts were to secure the holocron, not ensure the room was grand.” Her tone indicated she knew her friend was just joking and she likewise was just kidding.

“Let’s get it outside and see it in the light.”

Sorel walked across the lake — quicker than her journey to the centre and almost missed her footing once and then slowed slightly. As she stared at the holocron, she connected to the Force and the small device lit up — and a small translucent image of Master Luminara appeared.


What Sorel was unaware of was that her chin had changed. Where before her skin was unblemished, she had acquired what looked like a tattoo.


“Greetings Padawans,” the image spoke. “I am glad that someone worthy has found this device.”

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Looking at her with a nod of her head there was several things she could see in what they were doing. Finer attention to the holocron when they were exiting and with Sorel making a joke well that at least lightened the mood. She watched the holocron in the light as the jedi master appeared and she was speaking to them. Mostly to Sorel but she stood back there nodding in some understanding before she saw the other padawans face and didn't know what to do... She thought for a moment not realizing what had happened that a bug or three had gotten on her lip. She wanted to psst her and tell her to wipe at her lower lip with a finger but she was thinking better of it. Just darting her eyes away from her lower lip so not to stare.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
The gatekeeper nodded sagely. “On my world, my people had a primitive understanding of the Force. Regardless, they believed each individual's actions contributed to their destiny.”

She indicated the area below her own bottom lip. “A Mirialan would place a unique, often geometrically repeated tattoo on their face to signify that they had completed a certain test or task, or achieved sufficient aptitude for a certain skill. The number of tattoos would thus often act as a good indicator of how mature or skilled a Mirialan was. Unbeknown to you, you have been blessed with such a mark. Call it a final test of your worthiness. Take this holocron and use it wisely. Share the knowledge contained within widely and above all remain a Jedi — in practice and in principle. I can ask no more of any Padawan.” She turned to Orihime. “And that goes for you too.” She smiled. “And do you require any information at present?”

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Listening to the jedi master she nodded her head a little moving to stand next to Sorel with her arms crossed... almost making it look like she was judging to make sure it was legit or not but... in truth wel she dind't know much else. Holocrons were a great thing but they were kind of hard to work with at times. The jedi masters even long dead seemed to know plenty about them and it was strange.... mostly cause she went through like her sister and mother great pains to not have everything known. "Not right now master jedi, we are in a safe place but this would be better for a ship away from the chance one of those beasts could swoop in and gouge our eyes out."

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