Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seeing through the Grey Mist (OotG)

Deep within the forests of Alderaan, a lonely temple lay nestled within the trees. The Order of the Grey had been quiet for months. Barely a prep had been heard from any member for some time. An unknown alliance of sorts had been made with the current occupiers of the planet allowed them to stay independent. The time of silence needed to end, the Grey needed to grow.

A light wind fluttered the leaves of the forest, followed by a green wisp riding he waves of air through the massive branches and trunks. The wisp swirled down to the ground, whirling around into a small vortex. From the vortex stepped out a pair of black boots, followed eventually by a whole body of black robes. The wisp returned to its normal, liquid-like state then separated into a few dozen tiny incorporeal, green skulls.

Legion stepped into the forest and looked about. He'd been gone from this forest for some time, but he felt it was time to return and continue to grow in power. Walking along an unseen path, guided by memory and the sense of familiarity that the Force allowed him to know. Until he came upon the temple in the woods, Legion sent out tendrils of the Force, searching for known allies...

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Minna"] [member="Daichi"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Hakora Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Legion"]

"Why hello there, can i help you or is there a reason you come so close to this temple? I am fine with any answer though it still makes me curious as to why you are still here?" Her smiling form came from the trees, the bulge a bit larger now as she moved and looked at him, Her sabers hung freely from her waist and her eyes studied the man that stood here, determining what his answer would be before he even took the chance to answer her.
Legion turned his head to the question, an odd question for one who never changed her appearance since the last time that they'd interacted. He folded his arms and tilted his head to one side inquisitively. The Ghosts circled, only three, seemingly un-phased by the posed inquiry.

Your memory must be damaged. We are allies. Or at least were once. We have wondered for some time, but have chosen to return to see if there is more We may learn. We seek strength in the Force. You are or were known by the name of Cinthra were you not?

You must remember Us...There is no one like Us...We are allies of days before the Sith tainted this place...

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Legion"]

"I know what and who you were... my question is are you the same, i do believe you used to be called Talos no?" She stared at him, curious not that he returned but she did wonder if there was a difference in him, compared to the last time he had come... and why he had left in the first place.
"Talos was the name of this vessel indeed, but with my training and learning of Mind Meld, We determined a change would be appropriate. We go by Legion, as We are many. What has changed, is simply Our name. So far as We know."

Legion took a step closer to Alexandra, gauging her expressions. The ghosts circling moved in as well, almost in unison, as if they knew what he was thinking or what action he would take.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

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