Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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See Them Driven Before You [Sith raid on Yutan Jedi Temple]

Catherine Soja
Location: Transitioning from 2nd floor to Lower levels.
Allies: Jedi
Enemies: Sith and their allies. [member="Darth Krieg"]

It was quickly becommign apartant she'd have to take the offensive given the situation. Each moment she felt combats begin. She took a short cut down below to the lower levels. As she moved there her midn sensed the force and all those manipulating or being lead by it. It'd not bel ong before she encoutered several enemy guards. Seems theyfound something they wanted. Her lightsaber ignited as she batted away two blaster bolts before cutting thorugh the first guards. Whoemver was deper in would likely begin to hear the sounds of combat as she began to cut her way past them.

Darth Atrox

"Secure the Vault, there seems to be someone slaying your squadmates."

Krieg softly placed down a triangular holocron and shed his cloak as the two other guards began to fire shots at the Padawan approaching. They would soon be followed by the man himself, ruby red blade eager for the Corellian's blood. The Vault was now indistinguishable from the crumbling wall next to it, as if it were never there. The troops were obviously not as professional as he had anticipated, seeing as they were fallen from such a measly opponent.

"It was foolish of you to stray this deep into the Temple, girl. I hope you realise I am going to have to kill you."

His voice was softer than usual, in order to put the girl into a false illusion of his power and brawn. A small, mocking smile etched across his face, and without warning 10,000 volts of pure energy were slung from his fingertips toward the girl.

[member="Catherine Soja"]
[member="Darth Krieg"]

As the last of the infantry went down the sith came out to play. But just as he spoke lighting flew toward her. Raising her saber she blocked most of it but some crackled and ripped into her armor and managed to leave long arching burns along it as she was thrown back. "GAH!" As she was struck she pulled with the force throwing a peice of the temples broken walls at him several peices infact. As she did she managed to stand growlign in pain as the lighting arched and ripped across her jedi combat armor.
LOCATION: The side of the temple
IMMEDIATE ALLIES: [member="Vitor Avendahl"] [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"]

"Thank you for sacrificing your dignity for that, Thengil," said Velok, who by this point was standing by the base of the temple. He looked up at the vine-covered stone face, shrugged, and sank his lightsabre into the foundation. "Delaying tactics and Jedi arrogance are easy to foresee, but can provoke unexpected levels of silliness and angst. But your tenacity won the day, the issue is done, we're all somewhat bruised but none the worse for wear, and-"

He gestured, and an oval section of thick stone wall tumbled across the grassy dirt.

"-now we can begin. You'll notice the complex is choked with Jedi, Sith, soldiers of various affiliations. I sense confrontation in the deep vaults, too. It's an unconscionable, unworthy mess, but one which we must endure in order to see what can be seen. Endure and avoid, ideally. Come along."

A Jedi, some youngish humanoid in attire that was probably considered attractive, lunged out of the dark at him as he ducked inside the temple basement. He parried the blue blade with his red one, snapshotted a Force push into the Jedi's face, and followed the distraction with a punch. The Jedi stopped fighting in short order.

"More like that ahead, presumably. Watch yourselves."

Darth Atrox

Apologies for the length of my posts.

The Sith brought his lightsaber up to parry the slabs, his blade slicing through them like a knife through butter. However one stone managed to penetrate his defence and strike him in the stomach, winding him. A steely grit of determination to punish the Padawan for his injury took place, and within a few seconds streams of fire were snaking through the air toward her. As the ornate decorations, which were conveniently wooden, were set alight the fire issuing from his palms were extinguished.

"You cannot match the power of the Dark Side."

In moments, a second assault of fire had been launched. Confidence brewed like a alchemist's potion in the pit of Darth Krieg's stomach. No Padawan learner could match a Sith Knight in battle. Especially a cooking one.

[member="Catherine Soja"]
[member="Darth Krieg"]

Fire? she'd seen ice before with another hgiher leveled user a while back. Quickly she backed off fliping jumkping and bounding to evade. She hwoever had her saber make several cuts, to thosen ot paying attention to it they seemed random and meaningless until she liftes it up with the force. As the second blaze comes it slamsi nto the chunk of the floor and she pushes it forward as she moves in and jsut as she gets close leaps top it and comes down with her saber. She was not you'[re average padawan. Battle after battle with armies, powerful dark siders and the like made things hard for her. But she had endured when all her masters had left her she endured. Now she'd endure this. "I am no mere Jedi sith! i am the first of many. an army of Light to challange the darkness!" She spoke bringing the name of the old armies of Lord Hoth out to remidn him the sith had lost before.

[OOC: No worries post the length you feel appropirate I don't get pissy over length ususally. Long as we have fun.]

Darth Atrox

Krieg raised his arm into the air and closed his fist. In that instant, the blaze ceased, leaving piles of smoking ashes and blackened walls. The arid stench of burnt flesh and cloth lingered in the air, and his head turned to the troops bodies scattered across the hallway. That saves a cremation, then. he thought to himself before he started to advance slowly on the Jedi Padawan, whom claimed she was special, and different. Not the first Jedi to be convinced they were special, guaranteed to win over the darkness that was slowly advancing on their culture. "You and what army, runt?" his advance had halted at just over an arms length from the girl, his blade extended out before him ready to be plunged into her armour.

"Join us, join our Order and you will be spared from the massacre to come. I sense you have been neglected, neglected by your Jedi Masters.You need me. You need the power I can provide you."

Karak's patience was wearing thin. He had been left in a more vulnerable position now the squadron had been taken out. Should another Jedi, a more experienced one come he may begin to struggle lest he disposes of, or even better, persuades this youngster to defect to him.

[member="Catherine Soja"]
[member="Darth Krieg"]

She smiled. "My world was udner YOU"RE kidns control when it died. The only power you have is weak! you can't even stop worlds from dying." Her rage was controled but there. Corellia dead thansk to these incompetnant sith. So much claims of power only to be ripped aspart by somebody else. The pain in the force and terror at it's destruction but she had endured even now. Besides this on the collor around her neck was the symbole of the black rose covenant. "Come on Sith tell me you're able to do better than that. Or are you afraid!?" She asked smilign as she moved to take several strikes agaisnt him using makashi style strikes. Precvise probing meant to see where his defense was.


Thengil slowed his pace until he strode alongside his brethren. Breath whooshed in, breath whooshed out. The older Sith's words to him came as small comfort. It did not feel like a victory. The Cathar cracked his neck. His spine felt compressed. Much as he found the violence exhilarating, he looked forward to a deep tissue massage at mission's end.

Nonetheless, he gave a slight bow of the head in deference. Velok's words served twofold purpose. A sacrifice of dignity indeed. Mere verbal positioning like as not for the human's sake.

He leaped down into the newly carved entrance and followed after the others. More violence followed. Heedlessly, Thengil stepped over the body of the young Jedi Velok dealt with only to encounter a second.

Tall and white, the Talz nearly matched Velok in height. Its yellow blade hummed toward Thengil, who deftly sprang to the side and lit his stolen saber. No sooner did the blade crackle to life than he slammed it against the Talz's. Their locked blades hissed angrily and spat sparks. Ri'shajirr raised his right hand up and squeezed the trigger. The lanvarok spat a razor edged disc toward the Talz's face. The Jedi reeled backward, one hand coming up to clutch his bleeding eyes. Thengil finished him with a dispiteous thrust to the heart. The Talz collapsed.

Thengil deactivated his blade, fell two paces behind the others, and began the meticulous task of reloading the lanvarok.

"What do they call you, human."

[member="Vitor Avendahl"] | [member="Velok the Younger"]

Darth Atrox

So she chose death. Brave. whispered the monologue inside his head, amusement peaking inside of him at her cockiness and arrogance, a trait too often observed in Jedi. So, so confident in the blue or green lightsaber in their hand, and the mystical power at their fingertips that they forget that they are not indestructible, for there always is a bigger fish. More simple parries ensued after her Makashi assault was started, and the Darth lazily flicked away her pitiful attempts at an assault. He decided to show her how it was done.

Grasping the saber with both hands, Kozen used the Force to propel a kick to her chest hopefully knocking her off balance. From there, a wide yet precise arc was executed, aimed at the wrists of the Jedi which would effectively render her useless. The Dark Side aura of the Vault gave him a huge advantage over the youngster, as well as his rank and physical prowess. Obviously.

"Fear is one of emotions that fuel a Sith. However, I feel no fear when facing small Padawans."

[member="Catherine Soja"]
[member="Darth Krieg"]

The kick hit and she grunted and landed barely in time as she came down but instead of try to hold him with her blade she knew in this psistion you had to evade. She may have had only a slightly above average ability with the force for a experienced padawan but she was already long proven as well above the typical padawans at saber fights. She'd switched to a Djem So style of duel now taking his blow and deflecting it redirecting the energy into a strike twisting their blades before thrusting then backing off. She coulditn match him peroid on force pwoer she could just try to endure it or maybe avoid some. But on the dueling field she had at least a shot in the underworld at winning she knew.

Darth Atrox

Quick feet saved Karak as a thrust came about 5 inches from his skull, his legs had moved on command of the Force, and he had moved back quicker than a Nexu on a durasteel roof. Without thinking, he performed his own violent stab at the youngster. His weapon moved swift, destroying her defense with a simple Force Pull, drawing her into the waiting lightsaber, poised to strike like a serpent. Should he continue to perform moves like this to confuse, and toy with her, creating the illusion of hope, or should he finish it now? Darth Krieg was suffering from an internal battle to rival the duel in the Temple hallway. Hopefully she would be sat like a kebab, skewered on his blade in a few moments anyway.

[member="Catherine Soja"]
[member="Darth Krieg"]

As he pushed orp ulled with the force she could only limit his speed of moving her, she had not the pwoer yet to stop it. So she didint try that. As he thrusted she pushed aside with her own blade the saber struck off the side of her amor. It oculd save her from glancing blows but she knew if that had struck home the armor was useless in such a situation. As she struck back aiming a quick strike for his shoulder she also moved to try and off balance him back pushign with the force at his left knee. But she knew she had to make something happen or get out of her before too long. Every few minutes of this was a gauntlet. She coudl feel the power of the dark side here but she had forged herself within the black rose around all those powerful dark siders. She could shut it's whispers out and focus on the battle at hand. With this all in mind she twisted and aimed a finale of a strong kick to his solar plexus as a final strike.

Darth Atrox

No armour could have protected the Padawan from a lightsaber, and her deflection only prolonged her inevitable death. In the split second after she had removed the threat of his stab, he redirected his attack into a swipe toward her side. His blade buried itself deep into her hip, and Krieg let it linger there before finally extracting it with a brutally harsh Force Push. Admirably, even with a near fatal injury she still continued battling. As she countered, her sword seared at the skin and cloth of his shoulder, burning the now melting fabric into an open wound. A growl escaped him as the pain receptors in his shoulder went berserk and eventually shut down due to the intense injury.

Anticipating her next attack, he summoned all the Force Power he could muster to stabilise his knee from the Push she would execute, leaving him as solid as a rock and reversing the power she exerted into his own, driving forwards with his uninjured shoulder to her face. "Checkmate." he whispered to her, through her mind, before pulling out a shoto-saber he had been neglecting from his utility belt. Pointing both blades at her face, he bent down slowly.

"Tell all your Jedi friends my name. Tell them I'll be coming for them."

[member="Catherine Soja"]
[member="Darth Krieg"]

She fell from the pain the armro was now in ruins fro mall the damage it'd taken. Oh it didint seem it but she coudl feel it. Parts were barely held togather and the lighting had damaged soem of the actual materials composite structure internally making it work less well in spots. As she looked up at his blades she grited her teeth. "Suffice to say I;ve not been hanging around the jedi these days. Too passive for my veiw. " Lifting her saber might work but it'd be at best a defensive gesture. She did swing the saber at best deflecting the twin blades but an attack no she wasitn up to it now. And force use might strain her too hard now. As she hobbled trying to get out she kept her saber ready but this was hell. The pain was not helped by peices of metal she'd have to have removed from it.

Darth Atrox

He took a step back, allowing her to leave the area. Still, not finished he used a Force Grip to stop her momentarily in her tracks. "Join us." were his simple words, his voice monotonous and deep, yet persuasive, as if he was reaching out to her with the Dark Side of the Force, attempting to knock her off of the fine line between the Light and the Dark, to allow her to achieve her full potential and learn the ways of a superior religion, a superior way of combat.

"Only with the teachings of the Sith, can you unlock a true destiny for yourself! For your people!" the two blades the Knight held ignited in his hand were back on his belt, one of his now free hands clutching the smoking piece of flesh on his shoulder. He simply awaited for her response to his proposition.

[member="Catherine Soja"]
[member="Darth Krieg"]

She wasp ulled off balance and had to crawl backward a bit before standing up with help fro ma wall. "Not sure Lady Venifica would liek that or even lady Goto. They seem to find my adherance to the light amusing." Oh they found more that that amusing but she kept that to herself. She winced in pain the wound hurt like heck. Thinking of those two however lead her to the very welll...not safe for a commonors work place of images they had subjected her to. "So sorry I'll have to decline But rest assured when we meet again I'll be better than I am now." She slowly hobbled off.

Darth Atrox

He arched an eyebrow curiously, seriously contemplating whether or not to throw his blade into her back. The potential inside the youngster was intriguing, to say the least and in fact saved her from Darth Kreig's blades. Grunting, he paced quickly back to the Vault, completely satisfied that the Padawan would think twice about tackling an accomplished Knight again, and he had no worry about another meeting with the Corellian.

The Human began to pile the bodies of the fallen troops for transportation back to their respective homeworlds once the siege had finished. Now he could return to his examination of the Sith artefacts inside the Vault.
The mechanisms in his wrist once more sprang to life, followed by the sound of his hidden saber deactivating. Blue eyes could only watch [member="Alexandra Feanor"] and her retreat, for there was nothing he could see. Nothing he could hear. The Force had fallen silent, no longer alerting him to the possible threats around him. He was blind. He was deaf. All because of a fallen light.

His eyes narrowed as he brought his red blade up, making no move to strike the Grey Master. For the time being he could only rely on his own skills and reflexes, something the Zabrak was not a fan of. But, this would not last forever. Time was his ally, and he was sure to use it.
Blessed are the peacemakers
How long had he been at war? Been fighting, been clawing tooth and nail? The answer was as old as he was- 43 yeas. For 43 years, he had been in some form of war. For the first 24, he was a Mandalorian, and at that- a Super Commando. In the language that he grew up speaking, it translated to 'the very best', roughly. He remembered the hot as fire days, and the nights spent in the cold, bitter reaches. Fighting for money. For Mandalore. For this, for that, for whomever. But what he remembered directly, was fighting Jedi. Jedi were a common enemy of the Mando'ade, a common foe throughout history.

He sensed confidence and a rage-like emotion coming from the Sith. He felt the blade bounce off the Ori'ramikad armor on his foot. Beskar made the lightsaber bounce. But the momentum was still there. It carried his leg, and by extension, his body, away. His body twisted and flung with his leg moving. Then, he felt it. A searing hot pain across his face. It started at his chin, and went through towards his hairline. The stab at his chest went to his shoulder, and met the Beskar shoulder patron. Unfortunately for the middle-aged warrior- the patron connected in a way that gave the stab a measure, a superficial burn along with the nasty cut across his face. He flung himself to the ground, debris caking into the fresh wound on his face. His crushgaunt-adorned hands left skid marks in the ground as he broke his fall. He rolled on his armor-covered arms, reducing some of the damage, but not the sheer force of his impact. Tracyn lay there for a moment, lamenting in his brashness, before he stood. He thumbed over his lightsaber, activating it again.

And he moved.

He moved forward, stepping with both the speed of Teras Kasi, and the enhanced speed that he gathered from the force. His hands, gripped tight his lightsaber. His eyes watched for movements of his opponent. The cut on his face hurt like hell. But it was better than being dead. His shoulder ached and burned. He pulsed the force through his body, raw, powerful- a dangerous allure. Cazer Kresh, his Master, had taught him to walk the line, to balance himself. And it hurt him before. Now, that he was older and more like him, he understood. Tracyn just had the unfortunate taint of the dark side. The Sith could sense it. It was a persistent cancer, a ringing in his ears that never quite went away. And it showed. He combined the brutal, efficient violence of the Mandalorians and the delicate, dancer-like movements of the Jedi when he fought. He had come full measure, against the Sith.

He just hadn't laid all of his cards on the table yet.

He spoke for the first time, a gravelly tone in his voice.

"I take it an offer of surrender would be a fool's errand."

And as he spoke, he lashed out, directing a diagonal slice across her guard. Breaking her guard would be difficult, but he'd manage. He typically found a way. Besides, he did fight Vornskr- and had him on the ropes for a while.

[member="Darth Vitium"]

OOC note:

Holidays. Yano.

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