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Secrets of the Force


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Docking Bay 30, Refuel Station
A map displayed on the cockpit of the Ebon Hawk showed the freighter's path as it circumnavigates the Wookiee planet of Kashyyk, one of the indicators signaling the low amount of fuel available to continue the trip home as planned. This caused for a change of plans, luckily, the half masked Jedi found himself lucky of being in neutral territory. Word had reached his ear that the Silver Jedi had moved from Voss to this planet, inaugurating Kashyyk as their new home. It had been a while ever since Ar'ekk spoke with one of the Silvers, the last time being Rasu Gan and Celiana on Malachor V, memories of an ancient time.

Touching down on the nearest docking bay after being allowed entry by the spaceport's security, cleared from any warning flags, the ship settled down to refuel and stock up on any needed supplies. The ship's ramp lowered abruptly and the metallic sound of the ground making contact with it was loud enough for anyone to hear, the hissing of the ship's air stabilizators in the background. It'd take him a while to depart, might as well take a look around and see what Kashyyk had to offer.

Perhaps he'd encounter a familiar face, maybe not.

"It is not the destination that matters—it is the journey."
[member="Rann Thress"]
It had been a couple days since Rann first arrived on Kashyyyk. He had donned himself in the traditional garb of the Jedi and was still trying to get used to the extra cloth provided. He wondered how Jedi managed to fight in these ridiculously bulky clothes. However, the added prestige of wearing these clothes suited Rann well, as the dockworkers treated him with respect or, at least, didn't bother him.

Although he quickly acclimated to living amongst the Jedi, he did find himself drawn towards the docks. The hustle and bustle of workers and cargo moving back and forth reminded Rann of his home so he found much comfort in spending his free time there. Many neat looking ships had stopped and departed in the time Rann stayed, yet one was incredibly distinctive and.....incredibly old looking.

It's ramp hitting the floor, and the loud noise it created, triggered Rann's inner showman who immediately figured whoever was inside must, at least subconciously, might like to make big entrances.

Intrigued, Rann stood up from his spot and eyed the ship closely. There was something familiar about the design of the ship, something he swore he'd seen before, but he could not place it. His curiosity got the better of him and, for whatever reason, Rann found himself walking towards the ship. He stood near the ramp and waited, eager to see who resided within but more than aware of just how weird he would look standing outside of a strangers ship.



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Trying to keep a low profile was a must for the half masked Jedi, not wanting to draw too much unwanted attention upon himself. Not for anything, he was the owner of a legendary ship and just walked away from the grasp of Nar Shaddaa's underworld. Despite all of that, Ar'ekk knew he could walk freely and without any danger whatsoever through any spaceport in the galaxy. Why? Because the Force was with him and a Jedi's life was all about sacrifice. He learned that during his Jedi Knight trials and would never forget. Ever.

Walking down the ramp with a small box pressed against his chest, Ar'ekk clashed glances with a man whose curiosity brought him to appreciate the beauty of the Hawk. She was in a rough state, yes, but held up pretty nice for being a milennia old freighter. Plus he cared for her and continously provided the ship with upgrades and a complete repaint yet mantaining its original colors to honor the previous owners.

As they met eye-to-eye, the young Jedi Knight waited for Rann to make talk first. Not for anything, he was the one staring awkwardly at a stranger's ship.

[member="Rann Thress"]
Rann looked at the masked man exiting the ship and to the box he was carrying. He could not help but feel extremely curious as to who this man was and what he was carrying but he tried his hardest to not immediately blurt out 'whats in the boooox?'

Instead he simply said,


He waved his hand awkwardly and then continued, "My name is Rann. You have a very interesting ship. I could not help but stare."

Rann figured it was about time he get to know more people and this guy definitely seemed like a Jedi so Rann figured he might as well make conversation. He figured he would probably come across as annoying but he figured that was a price he was willing to pay.



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
The box contained nothing but junk that needed to be left out of the freighter and as such, he was placing it just outside for pickup. Placing down the box where it belonged, Ar'ekk peeked up towards Rann and couldn't help but reveal a cheeky smirk.

"You're not the first one, my friend. Glad to meet you, name's Ar'ekk."

Although appearances can be deceive one's eyes, the half masked man carried himself in a very calm demeanor which would certainly suit that of an ordinary Jedi. However, his outfit could tell otherwise as he decided not to wear the robes that a Jedi Knight would usually wear but instead carry out his own sense of style.

"What do you like about her?"

[member="Rann Thress"]
Rann gazed at the ship and wondered about what it was exactly he did like about it.

"Well," he said, "I don't mean this as an insult. But, I come from Onderon, Iziz specifically, and that's an old city. The buildings are old, the roads are old, the walls are old. Ssssooooooo I like old things. This ship looks.... ancient. It's aesthetic is appealing to me. It also feels old."

Rann closed his eyes, as if basking in the energy of the ship,

"I can't place it. This ship just feels special. What is it?" Rann hadn't felt anything quite like what he did in the presence of the ship. It felt as if it had a story on it. He felt as if he should know right off the bat what ship it was but Rann could not place it.



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
"Onderon, huh? I've heard the stories about your homeworld. How it survived thanks to the Republic after an attempt by the Sith to take over, predated from the Old Republic days."

He couldn't quite pinpoint what other information could be provided on this matter, he didn't know much about this planet and wouldn't dare to speak much of it due to ignorance about it. Nevertheless, Ar'ekk shifted the conversation's focus back to the ship.

"Have you ever heard of Revan? A fallen Jedi who led the Jedi Civil War and fought the Mandalorians a milennia ago."

Without wanting to give out many details about the Ebon Hawk, the young Jedi Knight provided Rann with different key concepts so he can figure out the freighter's real name and procedence. If he was smart enough, he'd find out right away...

[member="Rann Thress"]
"I am familiar with the name. I know he's a hero... or a conqueror. Are you telling me this is his ship?" Rann asked, bewildered.

That means this ship is easily five thousand years old. Rann was right, it is ancient. And very deserving of his, and everyone's, respect. He could not recall the name of the ship, though.

The Ebon Hawk is less prevalent in Onderon History than Revan himself is. Even then, Revan doesn't exactly have a educational course dedicated to him, so Rann's understanding of the Jedi Knight came mostly from heresay and some scant references in the Archives.



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
"Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You're a Jedi, aren't you? Reach through the Force, let its empowering effects flow through your body and mind and reach out... Feel it. And only then, you'll find the answer you seek."

The milennia old freighter as the Ebon Hawk had undergone several owners throughout the years to come and somehow it always managed to get out of harm's way. Despite its age, she apparently held up very well for today's standards but that's just thanks to Ar'ekk and its extreme care for the ship. In some way, she had become the most important relic that he owned.

Rann was wearing the garments of a Jedi and his force signature was palpable strong enough, a common sight in Kashyyk considering how the Silver Jedi roamed freely now in the Wookiee's homeworld. Placing a hand on the young boy's shoulder and squeezing it tight, he continued.

"Revan was power. Staring into his eyes was like staring into the heart of the Force. Even then, you could see the Jedi he would slay etched on his soul."

[member="Rann Thress"]
Rann immediately felt a pull to the Force he had not yet experienced. The feeling was indescribable, as if he was connected to the Ship, to the places it had been. It's owners, it's past, it's present, and it's future. Rann felt as if he had always known the name of the ship, and its storied history. The feeling, as if the force had left a mark on the ship, called to Rann.

"This is the Ebon Hawk." He said, finally. Confidently recalling the name of the Ship as it had been known during the days of Revan and the Exile.

"What just happened?" He asked, concerned. Up until this point Rann never felt any greater ties to the Force. Up until this point it was only a tool for him to use, he never really noticed an effect on his surroundings. Now it had felt as if he had opened his eyes for the first time.



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
"You, my friend, have taken your first steps into a bigger world."

The Force was strong and lived latent within everyone, binding every living thing together. Rann felt the effects of such gift which had remained untrained for a while now apparently. Ar'ekk could feel such within the mind of the young apprentice like a puzzle being resolved, all the combinations being resolved.

"This is the Ebon Hawk, same ship that took Revan and Meetra Surik through their journeys. Malachor V, Onderon. I fought at Malachor, the effects of the war visible on my body. But that's a story for another time..."

It still ached to speak of such period of his life. Within time, Rann would know more. The starport security came to check up on the two and left in a few seconds, verifying everything was in order. His time on Kashyyk was wearing thin.

[member="Rann Thress"]
Rann calmed and recomposed himself after the new experience. Before he had no real desire to learn more beyond what the Force could do for him. Now, however, Rann felt as if he had purpose.

"I would be eager to hear it." he said Ar'ekk.

Within a few minutes Rann had learned more about the Force from this one man than the past few days at the Temple attending group lessons. Rann knew that were he to learn more about the Force at a rate he found acceptable he would have to go with this man. So when the dockworker came informing Ar'ekk about the state of his Ship, Rann knew that he had to leave with him.

"If it would not be a bother, I would be incredibly grateful if i could accompany you on your journeys."

Rann was not particularly well-trained as of yet. He lacked a lightsaber and would be more of a hinderance in a fight than a help. Yet he felt this was the path he needed to take in order to become a great Jedi.



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Hesitation hindered Ar'ekk's decision to take Rann on a journey to show him the ways of the Force. He had always worked as a lone wolf, not wanting to mingle with the rest and go at his own pace let alone have someone under his tutelage and the idea of having someone as Rann accompany him would make things rather difficult. But... a Jedi's life is about sacrifice and he was willing to do that.

"I barely know you and vice versa, my friend. This is your new home, isn't it? I suggest that you stay. My next destination doesn't matter but the path I walk does. And it is one I should walk alone, perhaps."

Deep inside, he knew that was a lie. A vile joke that only continued to blind his thoughts. Stop this farse.

[member="Rann Thress"]
Rann felt as if he was being played with. Kashyyyk was still a foreign planet. The air felt wrong, the people were too 'nice', and everything was natural. The buildings were trees. The Spaceport was the only place that felt "real" to Rann. Kashyyyk was not his home. Not yet. And Rann wasn't too Keen to make it so.

"I'm not sure quite what it is but I need to be on this ship. It's almost as if it's calling to me. Something is telling me that wherever my own path takes, the first steps lay with you." He felt creepy. He felt like he was trying too hard to begin a relationship with a girl back on Onderon. Yet it rung true in his heart. He could not help but feel as if his destiny lay within the Ebon Hawk and under the tutelage of this man.

"I realize we are complete strangers. But my path and yours feel connected." Rann hungered for more than what the Temple could give him and this man was the key to a much broader world.



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
"Perhaps it's a calling of the Force that's brought us together, Rann. Cross the same paths and make this encounter possible. It acts in mysterious ways, ways we can't really decypher with exactitude."

It was too much of a coincidence and deep inside the half masked man knew that this was the sole reason for their meeting. Everyone's path is guided thanks to the Force who also lays out the path yet... you're the one that has to walk it. Maybe Ar'ekk was destined to show Rann the ways of the Force and train him as Tugoro once did with himself.

Sacrifice. Pass on what you've learned. Teach. Grow.

"If that's how it is, we shall depart at once. Gather your gear."

[member="Rann Thress"]
Rann breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. He said thank you and quickly left to go gather his belongings. Much of what he had brought he had thrown out anyway, choosing instead to try and adopt the Jedi belief of little attachments. To no avail. Basically he had several different Robes. All of them with similar coloring. He had packed his training saber as well, hoping to exchange it for a newer, more lightsaber-y saber in the near future.

He returned to the landing pad as quickly as he could, pack on his back and eager smile on his face. There were too many planets in the galaxy to waste sitting in classrooms. You learn more by doing, he figured, and he was going to do all he could.

"I'm ready when you are."



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
During Rann's absence, Ar'ekk took the initiative to prepare the Ebon Hawk for the long journey ahead that expected the two of them. His new companion would be taking one of the crew quarters available which was already prepared with supplies and whatnot. The apprentice, of course, would be allowed anywhere on the ship as long as he mantained a good behaviour etiquette on board.

"Good. Go inside and settle down in your quarters, everything has been prepared for you already. If you have any questions, ask them to B-5D5 or come to the cockpit."

Once the two walked up the ramp and entered the legendary freighter, the one of many stories and battles, they'd begin to walk a path of learning and knowledge. The Force was strong with the young apprentice. The untamed potential yet to be unleashed.

[member="Rann Thress"]
It didn't take Rann long to settle down and quickly acclimate to his new surroundings. The Ebon Hawk was surprisingly spacious and the feel of being in a more "artifical" area pleased Rann. The nature of Kashyyyk unsettled Rann, so being inside a man-made ship ready to explore the galaxy was an extremely pleasant change.

"The Ebon Hawk...."

Rann felt a sense of awe. Revan had been in this ship, as had the Exile Meetra Surik. Rann thought he felt a strong presence outside the ship, it was nothing compared to the feeling inside the ship. Rann felt almost overwhelmed, but he calmed himself again and set about exploring the ship. He went into the main hold and walked around the center console* but again, Rann felt that his presence on this ship was an insult to the countless older and stronger Jedi and Dark Jedi that had once called this ship their home.



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
The Ebon Hawk looked pretty much the same as it did a milennia ago despite going through some personal retouches thanks to the half masked man, most of the adjustements made being purely benefitial for the proper functioning of the freighter. Through the Force, if you reached beyond, you could almost palpate the feelings of every single person that ever walked around this ship. It was unthinkable but once you realized what you've been feeling, you felt like on cloud nine.

"We won't be leaving yet, the refueling will take more than an hour and I gotta get some supplies. There's a market nearby?"

Hoping that the young apprentice had already settled down on his own bed, he inquired away without much hesitation. Unfortunately for the two of them it would be necessary to stay on Kashyyk a little longer. If they were patient enough, they'd be on their merry way out of the Wookiee's homeworld.

[member="Rann Thress"]
Rann knew about as much as Ar'ekk did about the planet.

"Maybe?" he answered, unsure. Truthfully, he never payed much attention to the surrounding area. The spaceport and the Temple are the only places Rann ever really went, and the walk in between consisted of him looking either to the floor or straight ahead. As far as settling down on the bed, Rann wasn't quite sure where was "his" area. His stuff lay in his pack, which lay on the bed. The bed itself didn't look too special, but was a damn sight better than the one he had back home on Onderon.

"Reckon I should probably have noticed."


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