Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Searing Winds


Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Braze had heard whispers, faint rumors, about a cat-tailed woman within the Jedi temple who possessed a unique skill he sought. It had been weeks since the encounter with the formidable Sith spawn dragon alongside Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru , and the experience left an impression on him. It fueled a spark of creativity to develop a specific ability. He would however need the the power to create fire using the Force.

Jonyna was the key, the one who could impart this coveted knowledge. With her expertise in manipulating the elements, she seemed like the perfect mentor for Braze's aspirations. Though his heart fluttered with trepidation, he knew he had to take the first step.

Through the hallowed corridors of the temple, Braze padded silently, his footsteps a soft whisper against the smooth stone floor. His eyes darted around, half-expecting someone to see right through his intentions. But he kept his purpose clear in his mind, determined to face the uncertainty that loomed ahead.

Master Si's door stood before him, the threshold to the cat-tailed woman's presence. Braze took a deep breath, steeling himself for the encounter. Adjusting his attire and fidgeting with his robes, he tried to look presentable, even though he knew it wouldn't hide the anxiety in his demeanor.

Summoning his courage, he raised a hesitant hand and rapped on the door with a gentle knock. The sound echoed through the corridor, each beat of his heart mimicking the rhythm of the tapping. Moments passed, and he waited with bated breath, his nerves on edge.


A half-roar-half-yawn echoed from the door, a few seconds later a tired looking cathar in only an old tee and some shorts walked up, running right into Braze Braze , before falling onto her rear.




Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Braze didn't expect to come to face first with Jonyna and blinked as he stumbled back, surprised she just... walked right into him. He rubbed his nose and looked at her as she tumbled to the ground and offered her his hand. " Um... Sorry did I wake up Master Si?" Braze asked gently as he tried to help her to her feet once more. " I didn't think you'd be asleep at this hour. " Braze trailed.

"I wanted to ask a favor of you Master Si. "
Braze stated simply.

She took a moment to stretch and yawn as she picked herself back up, a roar echoing through the lonely halls of the dormitory "Huh? Oh yeah, sorry. I was taking a nap after a long training sesh'. Sup?"



Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"I heard you were really good at making fire. I wanted to ask if you could show me how. I have an idea I'd like to try to do but I need to able to make fire first. " Braze chirped happy enough to explain his reason for waking her up.

"....yes. I can teach you how to make fire." Her tone was incredibly amused. You'd think the padawan would go ask Val, since she was kinda the master at that kinda thing, but Jonyna was also at the level of mastery at this point. She also wondered why he didn't ask Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el first, but hey, maybe he did. Who knows. She wasn't asking questions. For now, time to burn stuff. "You up for a trip to a planet where we can burn stuff first?"

Jonyna smiled, leading them to the hanger. "So, what spurred this interest in learning to burn stuff?" She asked, looking to her ship with a bit of an idle eye. The ramp dropped as they approached, Jonyna smiling at the sight of the old Imp scout ship.



Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

As Braze trailed behind Jonyna, his youthful enthusiasm couldn't be contained. He was practically buzzing with excitement, and as they walked together, he couldn't wait to share his latest idea with the seasoned fire manipulator.

"I have a cool idea for something I want to try, but I need to learn how to do fire first,"
he began, his voice eager and eyes sparkling with anticipation. He wanted to master fire manipulation, a skill he knew could complement his existing proficiency in controlling wind.

"I've been working on perfecting using wind,"
he continued, his voice brimming with determination. "And I'd like to try combining the two." The thought of blending these elemental forces together was electrifying, and Braze's imagination soared with the possibilities.

"It would be a neat trick to do,"
he mused, a grin spreading across his face. His mind was alight with visions of creating a harmonious dance of wind and fire, a display of power and control that few could match.

His excitement escalated as he recounted a memorable battle against a Sithspawn that could breathe fire. "I kinda saw something similar during that fight," he recalled, his voice quickening with enthusiasm. "I was using the wind to push back the flames, and it made this cool vortex of fire." He struggled to put the mesmerizing sight into words, realizing that some experiences were beyond simple explanation.

"I dunno how to really describe it," he admitted with a laugh, recognizing the limitations of language in capturing the full essence of the moment. But the memory of that encounter fueled his desire to explore the possibilities of combining fire and wind in his own unique way.

As they continued walking, Braze's eyes darted between Jonyna and the surroundings, his mind abuzz with thoughts of fire manipulation. He felt a sense of eagerness and vulnerability as if he was laying bare his dreams before Jonyna, someone he looked up to as a master of this incredible power.

"I know it won't be easy,"
he acknowledged with humility, knowing that fire manipulation required patience, skill, and discipline. "But I'm willing to work hard to learn," he affirmed with unwavering determination.


"Oh, a fire tornado. Yeah, I can teach you that. I've only attempted it a few times, they can get out of control if you aren't careful." Jonyna nods as they board the ship. "Have you ever done any pyrokinesis before?"

Inside, the ship was littered with little knick knacks from Jonyna's time. An old jacket that seemed to just lay on the stairs up to the main floor, a massive slugthrower that sat across a table in one of the halls, an old lightsaber hilt that seemed to be unusable, given it was currently cut in half. Some were trophies, some were scrap, some were mementos of times gone by. Which was which was hard to say.


Jonyna led them to the head of the ship, an astromech already getting the ship ready for take off. "It' experience. It's not like your average force power based on the light. It's about channeling your passion. Your need. Letting that burn up and explode out of you...then learning to control that."


"It can be. But it's not about letting off stress. It's about fulfilling that need. Your use fire as a tool, and it can only manifest as that. The Force Flame I use can only be used if I really need it." Jonyna said, taking a seat on the bridge of her ship. "Dice, set a course for New Cov."


Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Like a campfire for cooking then?" Braze asked curiously thinking about Jonyna's words considering the truth behind them.

Braze looked at his hand and moved to pick up his training saber and held it in his hand considering it it's self like a 'tool'. Once they reached their destination Braze was just about bounding with energy ready to pad off the ship.

"That's one thing, yeah."
Jonyna nods, watching the hyperspace go by. "My first time was on accident. My group was trying to track down a scientist the empire was holding hostage. We had broken into this base on Naboo, got ambushed by an Inquisitor, and as the Empire was running off with the scientist, I looked at the speeder and just...threw my arms back. Didn't even really think about it, just happened. Woosh, flame came out and I caught up to the speeder."

The Knight shrugged. "More or less, yeah. I don't like using fire on enemies. Burning people alive isn't very....heroic. So I just use it to get places. Whether that's dodging attacks, getting the jump on someone, or just scooting around the place. Little bit of fire can do wonders for that. But, yeah, it's scary. People can get hurt real easy."



Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"How do you define heroism?" Braze suddenly asked as he considered those words. He never really put thought into why the way someone died from combat would matter much in the heat of the moment but this line of thinking projected the aftermath of opinions he hadn't really considered before.


"Do Good. Protect the Innocent." Jonyna recited, letting out a sigh. She'd said those words so many times, perhaps she should explain them. "Do good. Help those around you at every opportunity. If people are suffering, it's your duty to help them as a jedi. No matter how hard it is, you have to do your damndest to make it right. Protect the Innocent. You are the shield against the darkness. The sword to slay evil. No matter how much it hurts, you keep your hands up and keep the people behind you safe. Until they are, you stay up. It doesn't matter how much your legs burn, doesn't matter if you're bleeding, you stay up. You stand tall and hold up your sword arm. To me, that's what a hero is."

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