Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Search For Power

Ever since the attack on Coruscant, especially after his master, and the Grand General of the OS Army had been nearly killed.. Fortunately for the Anzat, he had been promoted to Lieutenant General, and that meant a much more better pay, and he could use the increased amount of credits to support his own personal endavours. Ultimately however, Krayzen also recognized that he would also be leading more troops in the battlefield, defending OS from its enemies, as well as conquering new land, and that was why Krayzen had contact him, in order to grow in power.

As he sat there, meditating in an unused room at the Sith Academy in Glee Anslem, Krayzen remembered that he had come far when it came to to his knowledge of the force. From his days in the independent force organization, the Zeison Sha, to his time now as a member of the One Sith, Krayzen's abilities were(or at least he feels this way) rapidly increasing, and as one would expect from a Sith, he wanted more power, and wanted to become more connected to the force.

While he meditated, Krayzen merged himself with the dark side nexus that was here on Glee Anslem, letting its powerful energies flow through him.If it had not been his ambition to be a warrior, like Malgus and Vader before him, Krayzen would have chosen the path of a Sith Alchemist, in order to learn as much as he could about the ancient -and dangerous- art of Sith Alchemy.

Suddenly, a bell rang; when it rang, Krayzen slowly opened his eyes, a yellow coloration appearing as he stood up. "It's time." he stated, waiting patiently for the Sith Lord, Soeht, to arrive.

Soeht arrived at the Sith Temple of Glee Anslem at the time that [member="Krayzen Dratos"] began his meditations. Soeht entered from the main entrance and was walking through the main hallway. He was heading toward the Archives.

Someone that was looking for him would have easily been able to track him down before he reached his destination - or perhaps even meet him there.
As the mysterious Sith Lord headed toward the archives, Krayzen sensed a powerful presence. He knew that the Sith Lord would most likely be at the temple, so he decided to go and see if the person he was looking for was [member="Soeht"].

The Anzat male got out of the training room, feeling somewhat disappointed since he didn't finish his meditation. He usually meditated for nearly the whole day, but Krayzen knew that the power he would -hopefully- get would increase his connection, and his abilities to new heights. That was one of the reasons why he had stopped his meditation.

Krayzen got out, and so the Sith Lord. Remembering the picture he had seen of [member="Soeht"], Krayzen quickly recognized the figure, bowing down to him before he reached the archives, and while Krayzen was positioned right in-front of him.

"My Lord." he stated to [member="Soeht"], his tone showing respect.
It’s rude to block someone’s path,” commented Soeht to [member="Krayzen Dratos"].

Soeht wore armor from head to toe - something that was typical for Sith. Even his mask distorted some of his voice. An assortment of lightsabers rested near his hips. A cape that stretches down only to his knees covered his back and even his arms.

Did your master not teach you manners?” rhetorically asked Soeht as his right arm emerged from behind the cape to point at Krayzen.

The dark side of the Force beckoned at Soeht’s call - as if he was about to do something.
"My apologies my Lord." the Lieutenant General stated to [member="Soeht"].

The Anzat wore his personal armor, armed with two lightsabers, a FWG5 Flechette Pistol, a particle beam blaster, and a Mandalorian ripper, and a Sil-50 flechette pistol, a standarad loadout for him, something that was exemplified when he wore it during the battle to protect the Dark Lord.

Krayzen so Soeht attempt to do something to him, as his right arm was above the versatile warrior. He could feel the dark side about to be used, and the Anzat prepared himself to defend himself if his punishment would kill him.

Move,” ordered Soeht.

Upon Soeht’s command, the Force beckoned and telekinetically lashed out at [member="Krayzen Dratos"]. Soeht intended to manipulate Krayzen’s body by throwing the Sith Knight several meters to the side with the Force. It was simple and had the potential to hurt one that was unprepared - though it seemed as if Krayzen was expecting something more grievous. Unless Krayzen’s luck was extremely poor, there was no risk of dying.

I don’t intend to play the Fool anymore,” Soeht said just after his attack.
Soeht's attack was expected, but Krayzen had expected something more grievous; nevertheless, as the Anzat was pushed back, his battle instincts took over, centuries of battle helping him in battle. Soeht's telekinetic attack was powerful, but per the philosophies of tutaminis, Krayzen extended his hand, absorbing the Soeht's telekinetic energy. While he did this, a blink activated his boots' magnets, allowing him to be able to withstand the attack of the Sith Lord.

The Anzat then used the telekinetic energy of the Sith Lord and sent an attack at him, aiming at body of mass. He extended one of his hands, and used telekinesis to pull Soeht toward him, the Anzat aiming at his torso(neck to the waist). Considering that he was aiming at the torso, Soeht wouldn't be able to alter his movement at all. He hadn't activated his lightsaber as well, adding to the fact that he was entirely defenseless.

In the first second of Soeht moving toward Krayzen, Krayzen's hand was parallel to a Sil-50 sonic pistol, and the magnets in his hand grabbed the Sil-50 sonic pistol, all of this happening extremely quickly. The Anzati and he fired two sonic bolts in rapid succession, aimed at Soeht. The Anzat knew that sonic pistols couldn't be blocked, and absorbed via tutaminis. He also, from his experience believed that they couldn't be reflected via usage of telekinesis. While he fired some sonic bolts, he also moved back, wanting to create some distance between him and the Sith Lord. There were no rocks, or anything really that would affect him, his balance, or make him fall. While he did this, he prepared himself for the battle.

What are you doing?” questioned Soeht before [member="Krayzen Dratos"] attempted to telekinetic pull Soeht.

When Krayzen mentally pulled Soeht with the Force, the Sith Lord stumbled forward several steps. He lifted his head up. Krayzen gripped the distinctive Sil-50 sonic pistol and pulled the trigger twice. Two low frequency pulses immediately rushed toward Soeht.

Yet just at the moment that Krayzen had pulled the trigger, Soeht stomped forward once to right himself. His right arm had already swung forward in an instant. A pop rang through the air. The dark side of the Force was active - something that could easily be felt by one attuned to the Force. Soeht surely used some sort of technique as he was not displaying signs of being disoriented by the Sil-50.

Ę҉̨n̵͜ơư҉gh͟͠,” growled Soeht.

Soeht then twisted his hand to be as if he was grasping something. A telekinetic power attempted to take hold of Krayzen’s throat in that instance. A Force Choke just as one would expect from Darth Vader - meant to squeeze consciousness from Krayzen.
The Anzat didn't answer; for all he knew, Soeht could be pretending to be survived. Krayzen however didn't want to die- he wasn't going to let himself try, or at least try to the best of his ability.

As Soeht moved forward several steps, Krayzen grabbed his lightsaber, and decided to also move forward as well. Before moving forward, he had deactivated the magnets in his boots by uttering a single letter. The magnets in his hands however were activated, and that made his lightsaber instantly went to his hand. They were both somewhat close to each other, and that was when the Anzat decided to run, his speed being 3x better than a normal human, but not exhausting him.

When Soeht had put his right arm in an instant, Krayzen knew he was going to use tutaminis. After all, Vader had done so against Han Solo in a similar manner. The Anzat still fired the weapon, and as the sonic bolts flew toward the Sith Lord, but he instantaneously put the pistol back into his holster, still being able to defend himself with his lightsaber, and if needed be, he would throw away his pistol if the situation required it to defend himself.

When Soeht was about to choke Krayzen, the Anzat was already there, his lightsaber activated. Attacking with his right hand, he sent a diagonal attack from the left waist, to the right shoulder. Since Soeht didn't have his lightsaber activated, the Sith Warrior could possibly cut him in two, although knowing that he was a Sith Lord, he probably had a few tricks up his sleeve. Either way, the attack would certainly interrupt Soeht's chocking attack.


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