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Sear Gaalsien (Chara Tempate 2.0)

"Why fight a losing battle, Sear?"

"Because the only other alternative is laying down to die, aruetii."

- Capt. Sear Gaalsien

“Mando who carries a gun intends to use it..” - Sear Gaalsien

NAME: Sear (Pronounced "Sea-Arr") Gaalsien (Pronounced "Ga'al-sian)
SPECIES: Kage/Human
AGE: Equivalent to 30 standard human years
WEIGHT: 140 lbs

DESCRIPTOR-1: Mandalorian
DESCRIPTOR-2: Raider/Marauder
FACTION: The Clans
CLAN: Kith Gaalsien
RANK: "Alor'ad" (Captain)

ORIGIN: Quarzite
LOCATION: Mandalore
LAST SEEN: Concord Dawn

  • Mando'a (Mandalorian)
  • Concordian
  • Basic*
*Sear's Basic is spoken with a heavy Mandalorian accent. She often supplements her Basic with Mandalorian when unable to properly express herself, or for emphasis.


+ BATTLE-HARDENED: Skirmishes, raids and the occasional full-on assault have left Sear with nerves of steel and an intricate understanding of the dynamics of conflict. She's skilled with both melee and ranged weaponry, and is a lethally pugilistic hand-to-hand combatant. The Gaalsien marauder is a hardy and brutally efficient fighter; able to easily plow through several opponents when fully kitted out and armed.

+ ATHLETICISM: Kage ancestry has imbued Sear with a remarkable level of athleticism. She possesses strength uncanny for her size, remarkable conditioning and dexterity, and the lighting-quick reflexes the Kage are renowned for.

+ INTELLIGENT: Sear is knowledgeable on a wide variety of other subjects, ranging from fabrication and metallurgy to agriculture and geology - the denominator being things she perceives to be necessary in taking care of a clan fighting well, and supporting both activities. She is a capable mechanic, a decent farmer if push comes to shove, and has been noted for her expertise in working with Beskar - Mandalorian Iron.

+ CRITICAL THINKER: Sear Gaalsien has trained her mind to second-guess, doubt and break down almost everything; never satisfied with just getting the general 'gist' of something if it's something she perceives to be critical to her craft as a leader and a warrior. Little details never elude her methodical mind, and she can observe, process, interpret and then act almost instantly.

+ PHILOSOPHICAL: She can also be a deep, brooding thinker. At once a steely Stoic and a sardonic Cynic, Sear possesses a considerable fatalism and generally patterns her life after the Resol'nare, and any additional personal beliefs on top of that. She's known as generally distrusting of sophistry, capable of living on next to nothing, maintaining her composure where most others could not, being one/sound of mind, and as an extraordinarily resilient and tough Mandalorian.


- ANALYSIS PARALYSIS: Sear is prone to overthinking sometimes, and in the face of several possible courses of action can freeze or lock up. This sometimes happen when she encounters something new or unique, or when struggling to comprehend aruetiise.

- INSENSITIVE/CALLOUS: Sear's pragmatic Stoicism and heroic Cynicism have detached her from what she perceives to be fleeting passions and sanctimonious pretension. The problem begins when she realizes that she finds it very hard to empathize with others because she is of the opinion that most of the things people worry about are pointless to begin with.

- FANATICAL ZEALOTRY: Particularly with regard to the Resol'nare - Sear can be a real hardhat. She's notoriously inflexible and conservative, and often refuses to make compromises that she believes go against the explicit, or implicit spirit of the Six Actions. This can lead to sophistry, ironically.


+/- HOSPITALITY: In the spirit of the filial piety and loyalty the Mandalorians are famous for, Sear can be a very accommodating host, and a very gracious and low-maintenance guest. She tries to abide by ancient Mandalorian customs and traditions when entertaining guests, greeting friends from afar, making new ones, or welcoming returning kith home.

+/- COMMITTED (KAGE): Sear can be pretty cut-throat, especially when it comes to enforcing the laws of the Resol'nare and keeping peace and order as a senior member of her kith, however small. Whether welcoming aruetiise into Kith Gaalsien as adopted family members, hunting down dar'manda for their treachery or re-educating captured prisoners or hostages in the benefits of Mandalorian culture, Sear can be very philanthropic with her devotion to spreading the Mandalorian way of life, but also quite insufferable when dealing with foreign cultures and the ways of 'outsiders'.

+/- SPIRITED (KAGE): While a pessimist, Sear knows how to enjoy herself nonetheless. She is able to portray herself as a generally light-spirited individual, despite the heavy topics she usually broods over or discusses with confidantes. So long as one isn't trying to logic-chop around Mandalorian culture or customs, she can be a very agreeable person to talk to. Her enthusiasm for Pazaak, drinking games, and the prospect of good bounties for collecting have been noted.


~ SMITHING: Although a basic no-brainer for most Mandalorians who've traditionally come of age and constructed their Beskar'gam, Sear has taken it to the next level and taught her self how to work wonders not only with Beskar, but with other rare metals as well such as Phrik and Cortosis. Intense study into metallurgy and weaponry have made her an impressive metalsmith. She still however requires either mechanics, technicians or engineers for more electronic projects, mainly those involving advanced computer systems or large-scale machinery.
Without a doubt, anyone who has ever met Sear will never fail to mention her exotic tattoos and her undercut hairstyle, which lends itself to being a mohawk with a ponytail if she chooses to tie it for whatever reason. Although the story behind it is unknown, and no records of any of the Kage subscribing to this aesthetic as tradition, it has become a look that is synonymous with Sear Gaalsien. In green ink and with a plant-like theme to them, the tattoos begin on both sides of her scalp, just below her mohawk's hairline, stretch down the sides of her neck, shoulders and arms, flank her laterals, waist, legs, and stop just short of her ankles. When or where she got these remains unknown.

The Kage comes off as a lean, physically fit individual, notable for her athleticism and her remarkable beauty. Her hair is light in color; her skin fair, almost pale due to her Kage blood, and her eyes are ash-grey. These however have been noted to turn and glow pink as her pupils constrict, or when she is exposed to certain elements or compounds. Sear is often seen in simple, austere clothing, and almost always brandishes her two trusty Westar-35 blaster pistols, holstered her utility belt with the bottoms of the grips facing forward.
There are a myriad ways to describe Sear Gaalsien, but few ever capture the essence of what she does as much as marauder. As a Mandalorian and captain to a small but cut-throat clan, she's composed, intense, but also spirited. She always dares to go just one step further in pursuit of either gain or glory, to the extent that her fanatical zeal for adventure and philanthropically spreading the Resol'nare among aruetiise has come to be regarded by some as borderline obsessive insanity.

Sear Otua-Gaalsien was born to a misfit but nevertheless solid nuclear family. Her father was a human Mandalorian bounty hunter from Concord Dawn, and her mother was a Kage from a family of miners from Quarzite. Under what circumstances such an eccentric couple could meet is for another story, but what is known is that as a youngling, Sear spent most of her life on ships with her father, who'd often take her along with her mother where he went; then opting to leave them in the care of fellow Mandalorians when he hit more challenging snags hunting bounties that wouldn't be safe for his family. Either way, the life of a gun for hire and a mercenary impressed itself on the young Gaalsien, who would often play little war games with her father in mock firefights with a toy Westar-35 blaster he had carved for her. Her mother, although a miner, was committed and spirited as any self-respecting female of the Kage species, and fully supported the little girl's enthusiasm for her Mandalorian father's ways - probably favoring the prospect of living as a Mandalorian clanswoman among the nomadic Gaalsien rather than as a subterranean miner under the surface of Quarzite. She herself had been adopted into Clan Gaalsien following her marriage to Sear's father, but never really fully severed her connections to her past life.

The family would soon come apart however, as a feud with a warring clan cut the little family's happy times ephemeral . A thorium charge placed aboard her father's vessel, and the subsequent explosion killed both him and his wife. Only Sear, 5 at the time, survived. The rest of Kith Gaalsien was quick to adopt her as a foster child, and nonetheless showed her the unwavering discipline and unconditional love fit for any Mandalorian child. She was educated in the traditional Bajur fashion, and by her Verd'goten at age thirteen, she'd grown to be a proud, fit young Gaalsien adult. She was quick to pick up on the clan's love for aggressive assault, over time coming to be a member of the clan's Bes'cabur, - the Iron Guardians; Kith Gaalsien's vanguard commandos. A string of successful skirmishes and raids, but also her fair share of failures and botched operations that had taught her valuable lessons, she eventually participated in the raid against the rival clan that was responsible for the death of her parents. The skirmish was a major success for Kith Gaalsien, but it was the days that followed that would define Sear as one of Gaalsien's most benevolent.

"By Gaalsien law, blood spilled is repaid in kind."

Following the internment of the rival clan's women and children (and the systematic extermination of all their men), Sear surprisingly stepped in, protesting against the proposed exiling of the survivors into Mandalore's wilderness, where she knew they wouldn't last long. She led a small but collective outcry for mercy and reparation in some other form, citing that enough good Mandalorians had died in the pointless honor killings between their two clans. Her proposal was simple - the assimilation of the surviving families into Kith Gaalsien, and for the deaths of every Gaalsien warrior killed in their conflict to be compensated for by the former working the Gaalsien Beskar mines until such a time that every casualty could be accounted for in an agreed-upon equivalent in Mandalorian Ore. Few opposed, and in just a few years time, Kith Gaalsien's remote outposts and their mines roared with the fires of industry. The small clan prospered as commerce provided the arms, armor, provisions and fuel for their ever-increasing appetite for hunting the galaxy's fiercest beasts, bounties, The kith's family count grew from just thirty, to forty nine.

Nearly a decade on, and Sear is now one of two captains for Kith Gaalsien, and commander of her own small squadron of the Besk'cabur, consisting of about 10 Mandalorian commandos. When not leading her marauding company into battle, she passes her days as a mercenary or a bounty hunter, racking up her killscore and continuing the ways of her father. She has been known to generally be an agreeable but stern Mandalorian woman, and loves her Pazaak - even knowing a few card tricks to impress other cantina-goers when she cools off for a drink between bounties or missions.

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