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Approved NPC Scribes of the Golden Dawn

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: Expand on the Qadiri.
Image Credit: Here. Here.
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Links: Hasana Jai Anhala, Qadiri, The Pyramids of Tygara, Firedawn, Four of a Kind, Qadiri Sepoys, Communion, Firedawn, Board of Control, The Inner Circle, Sky Caravan, Tygara, Arkas, Shahbânu Semiramis III, Tephrike, Shikoba, Unchained, Shadow Knights, Eldorai, Void Stars.

Crew Name
: Scribes of the Golden Dawn.
Crew Type: Political Advisors.
Base of Operations: Void Seeker.
Crew Size: 8.
Loyalties: The Stardriven, Firemane, Shazora Jai Vahal, Qadiri.
Description: The Scribes of the Golden Dawn are a group of advisors who serve, counsel and assist Shazorai Jai Vahal, a Qadiri politician and Firemane functionary. The group is made up of trusted people she has encountered from all of Tygara. The Scribes includes scientists, regional advisors, and experts in various fields. It is, as the name implies, not a combat group, but its members have been drawn from the ranks of former scribes, eunuchs and educated slaves.

This is not surprising since Shazora used to be a slave who served a Qadiri oligarch as a scribe. However, her submissive, docile attitude hid something a lot more calculating. She was one of the ringleaders of a slave revolt that toppled the slavocratic oligarchy. Faced with a resentful coalition of neighbouring states, the rebels aligned themselves with Firemane when the sky people arrived on Tygara in order to preserve their freedom.

Having risen through the ranks of Firemane, Shazora's priority is ensuring an equitable future for all Tygarans, though she is focused on the Qadiri first. Her method is to be the governing force of Firemane dealing with them. She's ensuring their future by means of politics. Personality wise she is quite moderate and whilst she can be fierce when needed she uses a cloak of civility. She is well-aware of the fact that the 'sky people' are not enlightened bringers of knowledge and wisdom, but just more of the same. Like every group, they want to accumulate power and wealth and want to use the Qadiri to this end.

Politics is not a one-person show. Like any leader, she has political agents, allies, staff members and so on. Here it is pertinent to note that she has a dual role, since she is a leader among her people, but also part of Firemane's power structure. It is a delicate balancing act. Like any diplomat, she has learned to dissemble. She obviously has other staffers, but the Scribes are her main advisors, not ordinary clerks and secretaries. Shazora has filled the Scribes with former slaves who have similar stories to her and can understand what she went through and hopes to achieve. But they are not only a soundingboard, but contribute ideas of their own and implement policy.

Moreover, they serve the purpose of keeping her grounded. Her job requires her to negotiate with some horrid people, such as queens and kings who have given up slavery not because it was moral, but because it was politically advantageous to do so and now seek succour from the sky people. Politics is the art of the possible, and no one can climb the ladder without making unpleasant bargains or closing their eyes to unpleasant things. Fittingly, some of the Scribes are involved in the more unsavoury side of her work. Not all of the Scribes occupy a position that is clearly prominent from the outside. Some occupy jobs that are officially more mundane. But each of the Scribes has direct access to their boss, allowing them to bypass official and unofficial gatekeepers that inevitably show up in any bureaucratic organisation, whether in politics, business or the military. While the Qadiri have a matriarchal society with a strong preference for female rulers, they do not barr males from positions of influence like traditionalist Xioquo or Eldorai. Besides, the Scribes are former slaves and other people from the fringes of society, and so the group has both male and female members.

Before the coming of the sky people, the Qadiri lagged far behind galactic standard technology. They were a pre-spaceflight culture that used gunpowder, and relied on manual labour and beasts of burden for agriculture and the like. However, they had a well-developed culture. They have been actively playing catch-up since first contact. All Scribes have received tuition from foreign specialists so that they understand how the sky people's technology works.

This includes learning Basic, which was not much of a leap since many used to be scribes and translators. Shazora often speaks with them in Zandri, the most common Qadiri language, though. The language is incredibly obscure since Tygara is a remote backwater planet that isn't well-known in the galaxy, which makes it a good code when she is dealing with foreigners. The bond between the members of the Golden Dawn is quite strong. While a bit aloof, Shazora is known to be a rather solicitous boss, who takes an interest in ensuring the health and wellbeing of her subordinates and their families.

Of course, the group is not free of rivalries and competition. But she doesn't tolerate nonsense that breeds discord. Important prerequisites for joining the Golden Dawn are organisational talent, language skills, commitment and ideological dedication. The Scribes must be mobile and willing to travel far distances for an extended period of time, even at short notice. One Scribe or more will typically accompany Shazora to negotiations, inspections and so on, but they can also work independently on projects assigned to them by her that assist her in her diplomatic duties. Linguistic skills are a requirement for the Scribes. All must be fluent in Zandri, the most common Qadiri language. Moreover, they must all be fluent in Basic since that is the language the typical Firemane official will use. A degree of fluency in Eldarai, the Eldorai language, is also an advantage.

It is a civilian group, so there is no official 'uniform', though an informal dress code exists and members are expected to look professional. Shazora prefers to don traditional Qadiri attire, both due to personal preference and to make a point, and likes it when the Scribes do the same. While the Scribes are, as the name implies, not a martial group, each Scribe has received Holdout Bolter, gifted to them by Shazora with Siobhan's blessing for the purpose of self-protection. As Qadiri know well, politics can be a dangerous business, especially at the courts of despotic monarchies. Furthermore, each Scribe receives a quill and parchment. This is a bit of an in-joke since the Golden Dawn has transitioned to more modern tools since the humans they work with have introduced them to fancy tech. Indeed, they have adopted the quill as a logo of sorts. Another common curio are a broken chain and their old slave collars.

: Ashlon Jal Zaquir
Age: 80s. Qadiri age and develop at a slower pace than humans.
Species: Qadiri.
Role: Administrator, logistician.
Languages: Basic, Eldarai (Eldorai language), Huttese, Zandri (main Qadiri language), Twi'leki.
Description: Ashlon is a male Qadiri and a former slave. He was enslaved at an early age. As a little boy, he was part of a troupe of mummers who toured the cities of the Northern League on the continent of Ajustra. When they gave a performance in Karahamor, one of the oligarchs was captivated by Ashlon's beautiful voice and offered a large sum of money for him. It was too tempting for the boy's mistress to refuse. To preserve Ashlon's high voice, his new owner had him turned into an eunuch. Eventually he grew bored with him and bought a different singer to entertain his friends. Instead Ashlon was trained as a scribe, as he was good with his letters and seen as obedient and meek.

Growing up as a eunuch allowed him great access to the corridors of power as he was doubly powerless since he was a slave as well and had no Force powers. Thus he was dismissed as harmless. Therefore he was able to use his skills of administration to gain favour, but also was fully on board with Shazora's rebellion. When the time came the lords of the city inexplicably found that their units were out of position, their supplies were inadequate and their defences unprepared.

The pen was indeed mightier than the sword in this case anyway. He learned a lot from this, and happily joined Firemane because he recognised that the galaxy was vast and complex, but it needed organisation. There is little difference aside from the scale between Firemane and a merchant stall in Karahamor's streets. Therefore, he adopted a system which is called the Zaquir Plan for newly settled worlds or colonies, laying them out logically and distributing supplies using a sliding scale of needs and demands. Thus he has carved out a niche among the Scribes of the Golden Dawn as an expert logistician and administrator.

Shorn of any biological urge to mate and reproduce, he devotes himself to his work but also to helping poor of any race into gainful and educated futures. Ashlon is unfailingly polite and calm to everyone, except when he deploys barbed sarcasm. He has a very high-pitched voice, is good-looking and has neat hair. He despises the nobility for being, in his view, spoiled fools with too much power and too little consideration for the commoners, who are always massacred in their power struggles.

: Farahnaz Jai Anhala.
Age: Early 60s
Species: Qadiri.
Role: Fixer, spymistress, troubleshooter.
Languages: Basic, Eldarai (Eldorai language), Huttese, Zandri (main Qadiri language), a bit of Twi'leki and Xio (Xioquo language).
Description: When Shazora has a problem that requires a speedy, discreet and often somewhat shady solution, she asks Farahnaz to resolve it for her. She sets a time frame and gives her advisor the desired resources, then stays out of her way. Often the problem is successfully resolved or at least rendered less problematic. Generally Shazora doesn't inquire too deeply about the methods that were utilised to bring about this outcome, though she knows many will have been borderline or plain illegal. Farahnaz is a fixer and a spymistress, taking charge of assassinations, bribes, blackmail and other 'unsavoury but necessary' business. She isn't an agent who does field work, but a supervisor. Before she became a fixer, she was a slave and a harem girl for a Qadiri noble. Slaves like her were treated as pretty ornaments.

Status symbols a noble would show off as a sign of their wealth and power, but dismiss as harmless and docile. She learned how to use this to her advantage. Now that she has been able to retire from using her body, she tends to wear long flowing robes and covering clothes along with a headscarf or turban. She has a special affinity with those who have been in a similar situation to her. Farahnaz has established a network of contacts among freed slaves, harem girls, servant girls, courtesans and other people who often get dismissed due to classism.

She keeps vendettas against her external enemies and seek to undermine them without them ever knowing. Fittingly, she has a knack for poisons, planting and falsifying evidence. When not in the process of setting someone up, Farahnaz is rather pleasant to be around. She is said to be a bubbly woman, a person known for her warm and welcoming smile and reassuring, kind words. Her friends would call her lively.

But when she is working, her personality and emotions are suppressed, and she fulfils her duties with deadly calm and ruthless efficiency. She knows when to be cold and calculating. Notwithstanding her gregarious persona, she holds on to grudges, even if she has to wait a long time before she can get back at someone. Farahnaz did not gain her owner's trust or break free from servitude without making unpleasant deals and crawling over bodies. She knows when to hide her true self and when to let pieces of it bleed through.

: Bahareh Jai Anhala
Age: 50
Species: Qadiri.
Role: Advisor, expert on economics and social policy.
Languages: Basic, Eldarai (Eldorai language), Xio (Xioquo language), Zandri (main Qadiri language).
Description: Like Shazora, she is a former slave and a scribe. Indeed, they spent their servitude together. Bahareh is a good speaker who is a bit more radical and revolutionary than her boss though. In Bahareh's view, freeing the slaves is only a 'revolution half done' since the social question has not been resolved. She pursues a more radical agenda that focuses on breaking up the nobles' latinfundia and wants to get more radical with land grants on colonies for the freedmen. Freedom, as she puts it, is an illusion as long as there is a hereditary upper class monopolising land, power, and wealth.

Bahareh is sceptical of the capitalist economics championed by the sky people, and has become sympathetic to radical republican and communalist views. In this context her focus lies in empowering the peasantry and the nascent working class, and breaking the grip of the landowners. To this end she has taken an interest in the principles of the Unchained, a group of Tephriki refugees with anarcho-syndicalist leanings. Thus she has travelled to Arkas to study the way they do things. She doesn't quite share their beliefs, but respects their revolutionary spirit. Bahareh has tried to reach out to former slaves among the Xioquo, despite the historical antagonism between Qadiri and Xio. She is, however, far less accommodating to 'repentant' slave owners who claim to have suddenly 'turned a new leaf'.

However, since some of her views clash with Shazora's vision she follows along, for the time being. She has found an outlet for her ideas by supporting initiatives for freedmen to go off and colonise in outer space. Bahareh has a good grasp of resources and supply chains, and is one of the most prolific economic theorists of the Stardriven. For this reason she has authored or been involved in several of their social programmes to help the disadvantaged.

Bahareh is an economist, but good at rhetoric and argumentation, and application of economic statistics in a manner that is understandable instead of just using incomprehensible academic jargon. To observers she seems to be a coin with two very different sides. On the one hand she is very outspoken activist who is more than capable of firebrand speeches, on the other an institutionalist who can put in energy and commitment to implement policy she personally disagrees with, though she will do her best to tweak the details and the process of implementation to make it more to her liking. For obvious reasons, Bahareh is not popular among many Firemane officials, conservative or more moderate Qadiri. Despite - or perhaps because of this - Shazora has retained her as a member of her inner circle, and repeatedly shot down suggestions to send her some place where she has less influence.

: Tahmine Jai Jahangira
Age: 50
Species: Qadiri.
Role: Scientific advisor.
Languages: Basic, Eldarai (Eldorai language), Zandri (main Qadiri language), understands binary droidspeak.
Description: Tahmine is a scientist and researcher with a focus on biology and especially ecology. Like Shazora, she was a slave, but her background is quite different. She was owned by an innovative master who held (relatively) enlightened views by the standards of the time. She was still a slave, but he allowed her to get an education and acquire property of her own. This didn't change the fact that she was legally his property, but she was able to study and become something of an assistant to him, as he decided to encourage her intellect instead of suppress it.

Her owner eventually emancipated her on his own behalf before the sky people had even arrived. Thus while she condemns the institution, she keeps him in good memory and is still in contact with him. There was no romantic relationship between them, which is good because the power imbalance would have made it rather disturbing. Her owner is still a contact of hers among the Qadiri and even part of Firemane's apparatus.

Tahmine is Force-Sensitive, though not a combat sort. Aside from standard Force Sense abilities and the like, she has elemental air abilities, but in a specialised way. Basically, she can channel elemental lightning, but only via touch instead of being able to attack summon with bolts of electricity from afar. Her master used her skill to power some of his science experiments. She has developed a strong in interest in mastering and reverse-engineering the technology used by the sky people.

: Hashem Jal Torabi
Age: 52
Species: Qadiri.
Role: Scientific advisor.
Languages: Basic, Eldarai (Eldorai language), Zandri (main Qadiri language), understands some Ithorese.
Description: A pet scientist Shahbânu Semiramis kept around after capturing and enslaving him. He was better off than the average slave since his mistress wanted his mind instead of sending him to toil in a mine or in the fields. Still, he was property and was always monitored. His mistress made a show of being a benevolent and just queen, but he got to see beneath her amiable mask. When the sky people arrived on Tygara and started building settlements, Semiramis made an accord with them in return for technology and military support against the Xioquo.

Because Semiramis knew the sky people wanted to use her as much as she wanted to use them, she sent minions to their cities to learn their ways. Hashem was considered reliable and dispatched to spy on the outsiders. He played his part well, but managed to slip away from his minders and escape despite being pursued. Semiramis was annoyed about this and wanted him back, but Siobhan curtly told her that he was free now that he was in her territory and soon all slaves would be free.

Now free of the leash, Hashem devoured all the knowledge he could. He has a focus on the hard science. Hashem focuses on biology and ecology. He knows a lot about agriculture. His knowledge is helpful for devising new agricultural techniques and finding suitable habitats for the Qadiri to settle on. He is a natural philosopher type. When Shazora entered Firemane's orbit, Hashem arranged for a transfer. Now he works as something of a scientific expert for the scribes. Hashem used to be a free man before being enslaved, so he still bears his old family name.

: Soraya Jai Anhala
Age: 56.
Species: Qadiri.
Role: Advisor, specialising in law and military affairs.
Languages: Basic, Eldarai (Eldorai language), Prosabia (Vashyada language), Zandri (main Qadiri language).
Description: A Qadiri of southern Khajwar. She grew up in a world where the endless squabbles between petty Qadiri states and the agrarian economy provided an endless amount of slaves. These unfortunate people provided labour, warriors and servants for the many cities and tribes of this land. Soraya was enslaved early in her childhood after being captured during a skirmish. She was put to work and then trained as a mamluk.

She is an old friend of Hasana Jai Anhala, having participated in her slave revolt against the masters and mistresses. Soraya fought in the final battle, where she lost both her legs. Shazora helped the rebels overcome their oppressors with a gunship, so Soraya has transitioned to a civilian role on her staff. Slaves of her status were not allowed to receive an education, but she was an autodidact and caught up fast with the help of her tutors. She still maintains close ties to her former comrades though. Like many rebels, she has taken the name Jai Anhala, which means 'of/from freedom' to show that she fought for her liberty instead of having it granted by a 'benevolent' owner or foreign saviour.

In terms of personality, she is a rather militant person who seeks to improve the conditions of the freedmen. She takes a low view of mistresses and masters who suddenly claim to have seen the light. This is something she agrees with Shazora's former scribe companion on. Soraya is quite big on veterans who want to settle down receiving land grants to fair conditions, instead of being forced to become sharecroppers for their former owners. She still uses her experience to provide advice on martial affairs, such as military training. Much to the annoyance of some Scribes, she is quite big on everyone participating in regular emergency drills so that they know what to do in the case of a threat to their security. In contrast to Shahareh, the temple slave turned Scribe, Soraya is still spiritual and a godly soldier type. She believes the Goddess Kashara gave her the strength to free herself and others.

Soraya specialises in law and judicial matters. She is quite big on law and discipline, based on her sometimes unsuccessful attempts to control the rebel slave army. She can also provide former slaves with advice on legal matters so that the 'great and good of society' cannot scam them or trap them in exploitative contracts. Moreover, she is an important contact to former mamluks who are in military service, militias or have retired and settled down, especially from Khajwar.

: Sharareh Jai Saobana
Age: 46
Species: Qadiri.
Role: Advisor on marketing and spiritual matters.
Languages: Basic, Eldarai (Eldorai language), Zandri (main Qadiri language).
Description: A former temple slave of the Temple of Kashara in Krolis. Aside from keeping the temple clean and in order, slaves like her had to perform menial tasks such as tending the eternal fires, serving meals to the clerics and in her case, writing out dictations and sermons as a scribe. She was also in charge of maintaining inventories and making orders since she could read and write. The priestesses tried to drill it into their skulls that it was their goddess-given destiny to serve in this world and that they would be rewarded in the next if they obeyed with their betters. But Kashara didn't save starving orphans, no matter how many tithes the clergy collected.

Sharareh has taken the surname Jai Saobana, which means 'of/from Siobhan'. It is not uncommon for emancipated Qadiri slaves to take the name of their patron as their surname. However, she is a very, very cynical sort. She has seen where Kashara's holy light got her - nowhere. She took the name of Siobhan mainly as a career path. While she believe that Siobhan did a good thing, she has also seen that the 'Skyqueen' is not divine or entirely beneficial to the Qadiri. Thus she doesn't think too highly of Qadiri who have come to view her as a messianic saviour and wise lightbringer. But taking Siobhan's name has opened doors that would have normally been closed to her.

Sharareh has only met her 'sky mother' Siobhan sporadically, but maintains contact with a couple other Saobanas and Saobans, though some are more devout than she'd like. She has used her influence to help them get jobs. Sharareh is is much more interested in practical improvements, so she specialises in messaging, propaganda and public relations now, having learned from the clerics how to spin a lie. Moreover, she uses her temple education to provide advice on religious and spiritual matters. While contact with the greater galaxy has put some old truths into question, religion continues to be an important factor in Qadiri society and they have all manners of cults and secret societies.

Name: Narakava.
Age: Early sixties. Vashyada age and develop at a slower pace than humans.
Species: Vashyada.
Role: Offers advice on the Vashyada and is also a Force User.
Languages: Basic, Eldarai (Eldorai language), Prosabia (Vashyada language), Zandri (main Qadiri language).
Description: The only non-Qadiri member of the group. In contrast to the Qadiri, the Vashyada are a fairly insulated race. Most live in the deep forests of the southern continent of Yarkul, though smaller Vashyada clans can be found in Ajustra and Khajwar, where some have interbred with Qadiri to form hybrid communities. They are broadly compared to wood elves. There is a history of animosity between Qadiri and Vashyada, but also of peaceful trade and cooperation. Unlike some Qadiri, Shazora does not look down on Vashyada. Besides, it shows her commitment to peaceful cooperation between the Tygaran races by bringing a Vash on board. Better than a Xio...since she holds a grudge against them.

Narakava is a Force user and started out apprenticed to a shaman of her tribe. However, it didn't work out. She wanted to see more of the world, driven by wanderlust. So therefore she joined a trading expedition. Unfortunately, it was seized by Qadiri corsairs after Brahdok's defeat. The slavers took notice of her Force affinity. Narakava had notable Force sense and mind trick talents, which were used by her new owner after she was enslaved.

However, she was able to subtly turn them against each other and escaped back to the clan shortly after the star people arrived. So even though she was enslaved the least time she is an asset to the team because she gives different perspectives. Besides, her dislike of corsairs puts her in good standing with her boss, who was herself abducted and sold by Khaimari pirates. She usually accompanies Shazora when the diplomat visits Vashyada communities in Yarkul and elsewhere.

Narakava has taught the other Scribes the basics of shielding their mind from mental intrusion and manipulation. This is a useful skill to have in the political arena. She also has some mild healing powers. She is a distant relation of Shikoba, a Vashyada druidess who presently serves in an Order of Fire platoon commanded by Elpsis Kerrigan. Narakava thinks Shikoba is a bit eccentric, but sometimes babysits her kid. She has several tattoos and clan marks on her arms, forming a pleasant whorl of colours and shapes.


Scribes have long played a crucial role in Qadiri society. As is typical for pre-modern cultures, few Qadiri could read and even fewer could write. Even among the Qadiri nobility, it was rare for them to be able to write, though some could read. In Qadiri society, therefore, it was the priests and scribes who were reliably literate. Scribes were of vital importance to the maintenance of state and society; they accounted for taxes, population, stores and supplies and wrote the official proclamations and messages which provided the conduit between ruler and subject.

As a result, Scribes were very much in high demand, but literacy was not well regarded by the population as something to aspire to. Most Qadiri were peasants who lacked the means to acquire an education, and the nobility had no interest in them receiving it. The solution was to take intelligent slaves young and channel them into this field of study, often starting in a temple, but sometimes apprenticed to a senior scribe. Very occasionally a bastard child or extra child of the nobility might receive this training from a tutor but this was far from the norm. Some children of the merchant class might be enrolled in the hopes they'd make connections up the line, but this too was uncommon.

The apprenticeship and schooling was demanding, unstructured and required a lot of focus as well as the duties the students already had. Those who did the training had a final exa usually held at the local temple, where the apprentice scribes would be assessed by a literate cleric on their speed and accuracy of dictation, ability to translate the spoken word into a written order, and their ability to do arithmetic. The best would be sent or sold to the great temples or the nobility and especially royalty. A well trained scribe was worth as much as a dozen field hands. Those who had performed adequately would be sent or sold to the army, to merchants and to government buildings and lesser temples. Those deemed to have failed or who were deemed useless would be deliberately sold into the harshest conditions as slaves - even if they had not been slaves to start with. This incentive to 'beat the lash' was considered good motivation.

Scribes were on the whole treated well as they formed a necessary part of the household and they could be dangerous if angered. Therefore they were often set aside from the other servants and given better conditions, even if they retained a collar of servitude. Scribes who served well and loyally would often teach noble or royal children literacy if their parents were interested, and would often be freed after 50-75 years service. After being freed the Scribe would often continue to find paid employment as a tutor, teacher for the next generation or become a scholar.

The coming of the 'sky people' to Tygara had a profound influence, both good and bad, on many aspects of Qadiri society, though much of the old was carried over. Some fought the foreign intruders who sought to exert their will upon Tygara, and use the Qadiri, others allied with them to benefit their cause. Shazora Jai Vahal was one of the latter. Once a slave, then a rebel leader, and finally a member of Siobhan's inner circle. Shazora hailed from a remote island on Tygara. When she was young her village was attacked by Xioquo raiders, who enslaved her. En route to the Underealm, their ship was attacked by Khaimari corsairs, who proceeded to take both the captured Qadiri as well as surviving Xioquo as slaves and sell them on the slave markets of Karahamor, an independent Qadiri city-state on the northern continent of Ajustra.

Shazora was purchased by one of the city's oligarchs. Recognising that the girl was quite bright, she was trained as a slave scribe. However, her deferential, submissive attitude hid something a lot more cunning. She became one of the minds behind a slave revolt that took control over the city. The eunuch Ashlon Jal Zaquir was one of the planners behind the insurrection. Though the freed slaves had to endure much hardship, incluidng the invasion of a hostile coalition of neighbouring city-states, they were able to weather the storm. Realising that the sky people could provide protection to her people and help them advance, Shazora formally declared her fealty to the Lady Kerrigan. The display flattered both the 'Skyqueen's immense ego and touched the abolitionist inside her. In the years that followed, she became one of Siobhan's trusted agents, even joining her inner circle.

As Shazora transitioned into being something of an diplomat between the humans and Qadiri, she naturally sought reliable agents. Unsurprisingly, she gravitated towards the educated slaves, and eunuchs. These were people who had experienced similar things to her, whom she understood and could count on to be discreet. And they were not beholden to queens or Firemane's scheming oligarchy. One early recruit was Hashem Jal Torabi, a scientist who had served Semiramis but been able to escape his minders during a visit to the sky people. Her agents provided protection to him, and helped him avoid get returned to his rather vexed mistress. She set up a 'boot camp' of sorts where the scholars and officials would be trained. The Scribes were taken on a 'tour' of sorts to study the ways of the sky people - but crucially not be subsumed by them. They would work to build an equitable future for the Tygarans - but especially for Qadiri who had been among the downtrodden.

The favour Siobhan showed a 'sand baby' aroused jealousy, and so a Firemane governor tried to assassinate her. But with the help of Farahnaz Jai Anhala, a former harem girl, Shazora survived survived the attempt and was able to turn the tables on her would-be killer. Farahnaz became the fixer of the Scribes. It was suggested that a Xio join, but that got turned down by Shazora with the argument that too much blood ahad been spilt for that to be practical at the moment. Members of Firemane's ruling group, the Board of Control, were concerned about this little (mostly) Qadiri group deciding policy and wanted to insert some outside elements but again Shazora staked herself on it and managed to resist. Unlike some Firemane bureaucrats, Shazora was not sleeping with Siobhan. But she was not above exploiting her personal access to Firemane's mercurial corporate queen to obtain a favourable decision.

A former slave-soldier named Soraya Jai Anhala joined the group after Shazora helped the rebel slave army of Hasana Jai Anhala, who was leading a rebellion a coalition of Qadiri states. Shazora had arrived to try and mediate, but the nobles were not interested. So she stayed, aiding the rebels with a gunship. The rebel slaves were able to prevail, but suffered heavy casualties. Only about a thousand were left by the end of the battle. Recognising their potential, Firemane arranged for the survivors to be evacuated.

In their early days, the Scribes carried out tours of Tygara and tried to hold some discussions and solicit issues from groups across the planet such as land reform, religious freedoms, access to technology, healthcare and education, but got a little overwhelmed by people's issues and so had had to try and pick and choose what happens. They were able to make headway on the granting of land to former veterans and slaves, but much to the frustration of some members, had to work within the system. This often involved dealmaking with unpleasant people who were jumping on the bandwagon to curry favour with the new order.

At the end of the day, Firemane was concerned with profit and power, after all. The Scribes did behind the scenes work to help organise a great conference in Tygara's orbit to decide the future of the races. They prepared briefings on important players, provided Shazora with information and acted as interpreters. She was quite proud when she informed them that Siobhan herself had praised their work. Among the results of the conference were the abolition of slavery and further technological exchanges to allow the Tygarans to move into space. The Scribes accompanied Shazora and Hasana Jai Anhala to Golconda when the local Nawab refused to comply.

For Soraya it was a homecoming. However, gunboat diplomacy had the desired effect, and so Shazora elected to accept the Nawab's sudden conversion to the cause of abolitionism, even if meant keeping the old, slaveholding nobility in power. But it was insisted that all slaves who wished to be transplanted to prevent further exploitation once Firemane had lost interest. It was not a total victory, but one regardless. The Scribes took arge of the logistics of the process, as well as working with native and Firemane institutions to arrange temporary accommodations and education for manumitted slaves. Their duties could be escribed as liaison, project management and time and motion studies. They also helped dig up dirt on local nobles who were trying to circumvent the process or otherwise inconvenient. Likewise, they assumed supervisory roles during the construction of the Stardriven's worldship.

Trouble arose in a remote fiefdom called Kolkata in Khajwar. There the former mistresses had freed their slaves, but tried to trap them in exploitative contracts as sharecroppers. Driven to the brink, they rose up. The mansions of their mistresses were set ablaze. The rebels took out their anger on the hated nobles and plantation owners, but were branded as bandits. This confirmed to them that they could not be free as long as the establishment held sway, and radicalised. Firemane's response was bungled due to a mixture of self-interest and negligence, as they were far removed from the scene and their local resident prioritised stability. In the eyes of the rebels, the humans of Firemane were an ally of their enemy. Qahara Jai Anhala, a former coffee plantation slave, emerged as their leader.

The rebels fought a protracted guerrilla campaign, but lack of foreign sponsors and their enemy's superior technology whittled down their numbers. They were short on supplies and faced not only enemy troops, but disease and hunger. By the time Firemane got around to dispatching a task force to look into the situation, the damage had been done. Some of the rebels chose amnesty, others saw this as capitulation and continued to fight on. The rebels looked for allies and found them in the stars.

Their opposition to the ancien régime and its foreign backers led the insurgents into an alliance with the Shadow Knights, a group of Eldorai dissidents and renegades. The rebels' evacuation was facilitated by Shazora, who managed to establish clandestine contact with them through Farahnaz and Ashlon. To achieve this they had to work outside official channels since it contradicted Firemane policy. The Scribes were unable to help the rebels directly, and Shazora preferred to work inside the system. But the Scribes helped the Shadows evacuate them via secret communications, while spreading disinformation to stall the advance of loyalist troops. At her urging, Firemane recalled its resident and sought to push through reforms.
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