Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Schoolhouse Rock (Past)


Current Outfit
Location: Coruscant High School

Voli leaned against the tree, her earpods pressed firmly in her ears as she observed her fellow students talking to each other, studying on the artificially produced glass, or just taking in the processed air of Coruscant. The school was created during the Old Republic era specifically 100 years before the Clone Wars began. It housed some of the best and brightest people many of which helped shaped the Galaxy for better or for worse. Coruscant High School is a preparatory High School backed by trillionaires and Senators of the Galactic Alliance. It was its own bubble, literally with an electrical dome placed over it school. It was as if one was entering a new planet when entering, the school was filled with sloping lawns, flowerbeds, and vegetable patches. A complete contrast to the city planet of Coruscant.

The facility members claim that this is what Coruscant looked like before the urbanization of the planet. However, Voli doubted it since there was evidence that Coruscant was a snowy planet due to the major ice caps that covered the planet. "It's just shallow trillionaires who want pretty things to look at," the young woman muttered as she slowly banged her head as the music picked up pace. "It's nothing like the original Coruscant."

She took out her notebook which contained drawings of the many monsters and Sith occult symbols that Voli thought up or researched. "Time to finish this little drawing," she said taking out her pencil her gaze focused on the unfinished drawing of a holocron. It appeared in Voli's dreams lately, she saw it while trying to navigate through the darkness. It served as a beacon of light though it didn't give out warm, fuzzy feelings like in those cliched stories. The light that holocron emitted produced dark and visceral feeling inside of Voli. But beneath it all, it provided answers that she was seeking.

Too bad the moment Voli touched the Holocron in her dreams, she woke up. But Voli didn't want to forget, she needed to understand what these dreams all meant. "I've been having these weird thoughts lately......" Voli wrote above the unfinished Holocron. "I can't tell what is real or a dream anymore."

Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss
"I've been having these weird thoughts lately......" Voli wrote above the unfinished Holocron. "I can't tell what is real or a dream anymore."

''What weird thoughts?'' Zoey suddenly spoke up behind the other girl, having been leaning towards the other side of the wide tree trunk when the girl came to join but seemingly had not noticed her. ''What's that you're drawing?'' she added with enthusiasm and curiosity, while peeping over the other girls shoulder. Zoey knew that the girls name was Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass and that they went to the same class, but Voli rarely did any noise and seemed to keep to herself a lot. Zoey were quite the opposite, being outgoing and extrovert while Voli had the traits of a more introvert person. After this year or something they had not exchanged a word to each other, Zoey finally saw the chance to get to know another one of her classmates.

Zoey pulled at the strap of her backpack and let her shoulder roll around the tree trunk making her turn towards the girl. ''You're Voli, right?'' Zoey added and cracked a friendly youthful smile, before offering Voli her hand to shake. ''I'm Zoey. Nice to meet you!''
Current Outfit

Being out of that damned school outfit was a boon for Voli. It was the one of the few times that she had to comply with what was considered to be conformity in high society. Wear the outfit or risk getting a verbal lashing from her parents and teachers. Though Courscant High insisted that the uniforms the students wear is a sign of unity and that everyone was equal. Voli could easily see that was a bunch of Bantha chit. It was another way for the school to bleed rich parents dry of their money and it was also their not-so-subtle way to let students know that they were planning on turning them into amorphous, mindless drones who will work to uphold the elite.

Voli continued to close her eyes trying to immerse herself into the music. Her senior year was here and her Mom already had her path set up for her. She was to go take pre-law at the University of Alderaan and then come back to Coruscant where she was to attend law school. Voli had to laugh thinking about it, either Mom could see into the future like a Jedi or she was a control freak. Either way, that life wasn't for Voli no way in hell was she going to defend some accountant who scam clients out of their money. That was how her Mom made her millions by making sure the white collar criminals avoid jail time, and she was really good at it. Sometimes Voli wondered who was actually evil: The Sith? Or the corrupt elites running Coruscant?

"Evil is everywhere," Voli thought. "The Sith embrace it while the rest cower behind it hoping that the darkness will protect them."

But Voli was intrigued by the dark and wasn't afraid of it. What did that make her?

Just then Voli was interrupted by a voice asking about her weird thoughts. "What the?!" She looked up and saw a girl around her age with shoulder length blond hair introducing herself as Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss . Voli paused her eyes grew wide with shock, this was the first time anyone in this school actually came and introduced themselves to her. Given that Voli had the social skills of a misanthrope and dressed and acted weird, it was an uphill battle for Voli to approach people in school much less talk to them.

"S-sorry," Voli shook her head taking out her ear pieces. "I'm not used to people just..... talking to me. I-I'm Voli."

This was harder than she anticipated almost as bad as trying to control her powers. "Worse," Voli thought.
Just then Voli was interrupted by a voice asking about her weird thoughts. "What the?!" She looked up and saw a girl around her age with shoulder length blond hair introducing herself as Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss .

Zoey's eyes widened some at the girls expression, but she had also expected the other girl to be surprised by her slightly sneaky and nosey move.

"S-sorry," Voli shook her head taking out her ear pieces. "I'm not used to people just..... talking to me. I-I'm Voli."

''Heh, no kidding? The teachers have to pull answers out of you, girl...!'' Zoey stated ''I guess that's alright, though! I could be pretty bothered myself with being pointed at in class and mrs. Hallet expecting me to do her work!'' she added with a chuckle as she shook the other girls hand. Zoey had also changed to her own clothes, this new uniform thing splitting the school, the pupils and the parents about them not being allowed to choose their own clothes. For the day, Zoey wore a red t-shirt and blue denim trousers, keeping it rather casual as the hockey captain she were.

''But, duh...? Still haven't answered what you're drawing? Come on, can I have a look?'' Zoey insisted, although friendly to the other girl. ''That's some far out make-up, by the way!'' she added, noting the girls peculiar and bold make-up.

Current Outfit

Voli still felt a little awkward being around people, it wasn't like they went out of their way to talk to her. Voli didn't mind since she preferred to be alone and the closest thing to social interaction would be behind a digital screen in her Holoblog. Yet the blonde woman stared a little too close for Voli's liking. "It's private," Voli responded shutting her notebook. "I like to express my thoughts and feelings through art. It's a personal thing..... I hope you understand."

Zoey looked like one of those sporty girls in school, she had that tough exterior about her. Voli never paid much attention to sports often retreating to the library to research more about the dark side and the occult. "Mrs Hallet," Voli sighed remembering Mrs. Hallet's infamous large piles of homework. "Is an out of touch old hag who treats students like a bunch of droids. We're kids for crying out loud we don't need that much homework."

Was it right to say that in front of Zoey? Would she be the type to snitch on the teacher? It wouldn't matter to Voli since she always wanted to tell Hallet that she can stick where the sun don't shine, but if Zoey was truly genuine it did feel a little good to actually vent to a real life human being. "It's much better than online." Voli thought. "You can't punch a person in the face for being an obnoxious windbag."

Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss
"It's private," Voli responded shutting her notebook.

Zoey blinked and looked at the other girl with a surprised face, straightening herself up somewhat as she took another step out from the tree. ''Hey, I didn't mean no harm by it...!'' she ensured, still curious about the other girls drawings which looked very good and detailed, but tried to keep her curiosity down for the moment. Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass had always been the odd bird in class and someone few knew that much about. That easily led to talk and rumors who she really was. Although, Zoey wasn't the one to spread gossip at school because she had both her grades in school and the results in the hockey to think about.

''Sure, I understand... I've seen you draw during class, when mrs. Hallet bore us out with her algebra and other stuff...'' Zoey filled in with an understanding sigh and roll of the eyes as she leaned against the tree with folded arms. ''Oh yeah, I feel you... Her homework could actually be pretty daunting...!'' she said with a chuckle and another roll to her eyes, while happily relieved that they had not got any this particular day. She threw a glance out at the court and the other students about to head home, some gathering up for the last chat for the day. ''So, summer's coming up... Anything special planned?'' Zoey added, trying to reel the other girl in into some small talk.

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