Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sarené Emauri




FACTION: Independent / CIS-Friendly

SPECIES: Human (Nabooian)

AGE: 18

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 1.68 meters (5'6")

WEIGHT: 53.5 kg (118 lbs)

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Fair



VOICE: Hynden Walch as Starfire



[+]Wealthy: Sarené was born into a noble family of Naboo and likewise inherited part of the family fortune. As such, she has access to resources and credits the average person does not.
[+]Educated: Like many young Naboo, Sarené was afforded an expansive education. She had emphasis on business, architecture, and writing. Additionally, when her Force abilities manifested, her parents arranged for tutors consisting of ex-Jedi masters, giving her an advanced Padawan's level of knowledge.


[-]Young and Foolish: Sarené is only 18 years of age. While an educated young lady, she is still prone to the recklessness and naivety of youth.
[-]A Long Way to Learn: As previously stated, Sarené has only attained a Padawan-level of knowledge in the Force. She still needs some sort of mentor to attain more advanced, knight-level techniques.
[-]Sweet Tooth: Sarené has a love of all things sweet and sugary. While she does keep up with healthy eating and dental hygiene, she just cannot help herself. So far, her body has not seemed to developed any conditions as a result of such a sugar addiction.


Sarené is a kind, smart young woman. She has a bubbly personality. However, despite her intelligence, some of her demeanor rubs of as another airheaded valley girl type. She also has a strong, if skewed, sense of justice. As she is still young, she is very reckless and somewhat naive.

Sarené was born some eighteen years ago to the noble House Emauri from the planet Naboo. While never a house of major significance, like the Naberries, Palpatines, or Verunas, they were nonetheless a family of noble blood and great wealth. They were best known for its vineyards, particularly a homemade red wine made from imported wasaka berries from Kashyyyk. Sarené grew up in the lap of luxury, being granted an education like others of noble houses. She spent time at the House of Learning in Theed. She showed an interest in architecture, business acumen, and artistic writing.

Soon, her tutorship would change. On a fateful day, Sarené was having a heated moment of words and fists, defending another of her classmates from a particularly cruel bully. Out of pure instinct, she reached out to push him away. And that she did....sending him several meters without touching him. While not hurt, the offender was still spooked. It was from here that young Sarené was learned to be sensitive in the Force. Rather than ship her off to any of the various Jedi factions, her father was able to pull strings to have her tutored by former Jedi who had left the Order. She was taught the basics of that any Padawan would be expected to know, and even constructed her own lightsaber in the process.

Armed with her intellect, Jedi skills, and general good cheer, Sarené seeks to better the Galaxy in any way she can. From bringing criminals to justice, to philanthropy in the name of good causes. Wherever she is needed, she will be all of her pink-clad glory.


The Usagi, her rose gold H-type Nubian

A Solar Nova TT-86, for transport to public events.


Her lightsaber, outfitted with a Durindfire crystal that produces a blade like silvery moonlight
A ELG-3A pistol when her lightsaber is not handy


LF-RD, her FA-4 pilot droid who mans the Usagi's pilot duties

The "White Warren", a group of LEP servant droids aesthetically modified to resemble albino rabbits. They act as her personal servants abroad

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