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Approved Tech Sanya's Saber's

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Intent: To build Sanya a new set of sabers after losing her blades on Taris
Development Thread:
New sabers

Manufacturer: Darth Praelior
Model: Lightsabers
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: Crystals can be changed
Production: Unique
Leviathan Bone
Blister Pod
Soul Crystal
Lightsaber components

Classification: Lightsaber
Size: One-handed or Two-handed
Length: 1.33m (normal) 2.66m (second length)
Weight: 2.7kg each
Special Features:
Waterproof Internal Casing
Alchemically Hardened Bone
Lightsaber resistant External Casing
Darkside Ensnarement
Darkside Aura
Sith Runes
Force Activated
One free crystal slot
Dark'chyld Crystal
Soul Crystal in second hilts
Duel Phase Length
Overload Surge Ports
Addictive/Euphoric to Sanya

Constructed for the Jedi Knight Sanya Val Lerium whom lost her sabers in a fight against Balaya on Taris. The jedi knight was different wanting to not die from her injuries and accepting the siths help in keeping her alive. Swearing to follow and help her afterwards as they continued through the undercity and on various missions.

The first step was materials as Balaya tested Sanya's skills with a leviathan from the breeding pits. Not a massive or adult who could fight but still a dangerous one able to contend with her. The girl finishing it on her own but not without challenge while Balaya worked on the blades crafting from the bones into twin v shapes.

Then came the real challenge, ensuring the sabers were what she needed for this former jedi that would ensure she fell into the darkness she was wanting to help. More then that she sought to drown her in it and that light within her let it become something corrupted while working on the second sections of the sabers.

The soul crystals from ancient tombs, well shards of them able to contain the souls of those weaker then her were the key and with the blister pods from the leviathan she could have a bridge able to absorb and send them nto the crystals for containment. A sith spell she had used on the Pius Dea ship to face the thousands of souls trapped on board.

The pair ventured to Korriban's valley of the dark lords, leading the way for their testing of the sabers while tinkering with it more. Using a force activation stud that would make it impossible to turn on unless you used the force on the sabers, a waterproof internal casing to allow the sabers to work underwater and something special.

A thought she was wanting to test out after some encounters, a surge and overload protector that would take fed back energy meant to disable the internal systems for several seconds. Then ground it out a port on the blade as a small electrical arc that could be used as a secondary weapon if the blade was disabled.

The next part involved internal charms and magics she had practiced, the more the blade was used the better it would feel. The more enjoyable it felt the more slowly it could poison the mind and ensnare the user. Her magics working to turn the sabers into this charm she had made for a tiem with the padawan pack awhile back.

The euphoric sense the blades would give the user while the sentient sith crystals whispered secrets and promises for using its power. The better and more addictive it would come until the one wielding them would be the very thing she had sought to protect against. A servant of the sith and darkside. The alchemy and sorcery giving the benefit of making the blade unmistakably darksided and resistant to lightsabers.
Primary Source:
Ensnarement Rings
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