Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sanctuary Rock

The invisible island had nothing more of interest for Jaron and Sasha. She seemed to be bored with exploring the island anyhow. They were not far from Naboo or Arbra. Both worlds could offer what Jaron was looking for by way of a base, and the later especially. Arbra held an old Rebel base, but beyond that it held a structure known as Sanctuary Rock.

It was large, flat on the top, and seemed to be a giant rock structure. On the inside of it, however, there was a base built into it. The temple above seemed to be a lone archeological structure where many pilgrims came to pay tribute, none of them knowing what lurked underneath. How was it Jaron knew of this. A long time ago another Lesan had helped to build the facility. It was a known family secret.

Jaron's stealth vessel touched down on the surface the forested world. It had been sometime since anyone had been in the facility so there was work to do. A smirk crossed Jaron's face as he attached his belt around his waist which held his lightsaber. There were two objectives, first, Sasha, like Jaron, needed to constucf a hilt that fit her new station. The blade she had as a Jedi was no good to her. The second objective was to get the facility functional again. Once they were complete the two could celebrate their find however they saw fit. The two still carried the wounds of their last encounter.

Black boots touched on the ground as Jaron stepped off the ramp of his ship. He would need to have a new once commissioned for Sasha at some point, one reason he took several Stygium crystals from the surface. His attire was simple and shrouded with his robe. The cowl was pulled over his head to hide his face. Sasha was at his side. Though she called him master at times, Jaron chose to have stand as his equal. She deserved it.

"The rock should be ahead another kilometer. We can assess the condition of the facility once inside. I don't know what we will find. It's been centuries since anyone was here."

[member="Sasha Voss"]


Sasha was dressed similar to her new partner, lover, master or whatever one called their pairing now that she had completed her fall to the dark side. The redhead had broken the chains that had bound her to the light and the Force had set her free during their search for stygium crystals on Maramere, though she did have a little help in the form of one [member="Jaron Lesan"]. He had been her catalyst to take the final bold step into the darkness. Sasha had never felt freer since then; with each passing moment embraced by the dark side making the former Jedi padawan more powerful and stronger in the Force. It was like a drug making the Denon feel euphoric. She let her passions and lust be her guide, which had certainly opened up a whole new meaning to Sash's admiration for what the opposite sex could do for her… And the Telosian had not disappointed her yet.

Following Jaron down the aft boarding ramp of his Sith Infiltrator, the hood on Sasha's black cape was pulled up hiding her facial features as well except for the long wisps of her red hair sticking out. Blue eyes with a hint of yellow around the edges peered out into the distance taking in the forest world.

"Well this place is much better than that rocky island to set up a base on. At least there are waterfalls here, and I do like to play in the water… " she smirked with a suggestive look, then pushed past Jaron walking further into the heavily wooded area near where they had landed his ship in a clearing; ever vigilant of her surroundings as Sash did.
"And I am certain we will find out how much you enjoy it. A dip in cool water after our muscles are sore from all the work sounds wonderful. Taking you as the water cascades from above even moreso..."

Jaron saw no reason to hide his intentions from the redhead. Their bond was interesting. It was if their souls were actually tetherd together. The phenomenon was not something Jaron ever thought possible. He knew the bond Sash had severed, the one shared with his cousin, had been a strong one indeed. This seemed to eclipse that bond greatly. His own lips curled into a smile. Sasha was an exciting woman, and Jaron rather enjoyed life at her pace. Though he also saw the need to pause and slow long enough to be intentional. This was a moment where his Telosian nature was winning out. He work hard first, and play even harder later.

"This place is set up better as well. I'm surprised my uncle never let you in on the family secret. Perhaps you took off too soon. It was while in my training with him before he shared it with me. Regardless, this place will serve us well, and if others join our cause, then it will serve well as a place to gather."

The sound of rushing water could be heard in the distance. A waterfall was nearby, meaning they were headed in the right direction. Apparently there was something about that waterfall which was important to the Lesan lineage, no doubt some ancestor was created there. A worn path was beginning to come into view, and just ahead of them was Sanctuary Rock. It was majestic, large, and best of all, private.

Jaron walked up the path as they neared the rock. The ground entrance came into view. It didn't look like much from where they stood, but once they passed through the doorway which was hewn out of the rock, it was clear there was more to it than they realized. Closing the door, no one would ever know it was there. Old lamps lit up with the sound of whirring motor. An old generator would need to be brought up to date. That was one thing to handle.

"Well, it's a bit dusty, but this may work. Shall we see if the lift works and get a better look at this place. We might even find a room to claim if we need a respite from the work."

[member="Sasha Voss"]


"Even though I was made to feel like part of the family, I still was an outsider, and different from them. And now I know why… The darkness always called to me, but I was taught in the Jedi way to push it away and hide from it. Now I will embrace it in every. way. possible. The only bit of information I kept that I felt useful at all was to always keep a good pair of stun cuffs available. Never know when they will come in handy for subduing someone you don't intend to kill, just play with…" Sash smiled with wicked yellow eyes flashing. Yeah, her insatiable passions fueled Sasha now allowing the dark side to consume her very being.

It was amazing how in just a short time a person could be changed into such a monster with evil thoughts floating at the edges of her mind just waiting to be called upon. As before, Sasha tried to be a good person and please others. Now she just wanted to please herself, and to a degree [member="Jaron Lesan"]. Why… because it benefited both of them at this juncture. Goals were beginning to be formed, which would affect both of them and their own destinies.

The redhead sneezed as it was indeed dusty inside the tunnel they had entered inside Sanctuary Rock.

"Well I for one am going to find where the worker droids are kept and get them going on cleaning up, and I will prepare a room suitable for just that," she quipped, then took out a datapad from it's pouch on her utility belt.

"So lets start a list of things we will need to make this our place as we survey the base as it is."
"Well you know where you belong now, and more importantly, who you belong to," Jaron said definitively.

Yes he had claimed her as his, and he was very certain she had claimed him as hers. They understood each other very well, at least the need to embrace the power the darkness gave them. It started with a chance encounter, but now they were bound together by the darkness they had sought after. The mention of stun cuffs brought a smirk to his face. The fun would be trying to get them on. Jaron wasn't the kind to simply role over and comply.

"Already shirking your duties to cleaning droids? Yea, find them. I am certain we will need them for more than dust. There are signs of natural disrepair and the facility is more than the two of us can handle on our own. The main chamber should hopefully have a working data station. The place is still drawing power."

Jaron led the way to the lift, and the pair took it all the way to the main chamber. Just as Naron had thought there was a data station they were able to get working. Sasha was left to track down the cleaning droids while Jaron took stock of what was needed to repair the place. Like his uncle would have done, Jaron took stock of the security system. It was online, but no longer adequate for the new technology which existed. Another run for Stygium would mask the place from scanners.

"Add security upgrades to the list."

[member="Sasha Voss"]


"Not shirking anything, [member="Jaron Lesan"]… Just thinking ahead. Wouldn't want to break a nail as I thought you rather liked me running them down your back. At least your screams before indicated as such," she smiled wickedly, then stepped into the lift for the ride to the main chamber several levels up inside the rock base.

While the Telosian worked to get the data station up and running, Sasha moseyed down the corridor and found where the worker droids were kept. After activating them as they were still charged though on idle mode, she spilt them up to do certain tasks that would help them facilitate making Sanctuary Rock their place. The redhead also found a small chamber that must have been for sleeping in as a bed was in there. She flipped the mattress over and tested it out… not bad. It would do. There was also a workable fresher and a galley, though only ration bars were found in the food storage unit along with bottled water and a bottle of champagne. Interesting…

"Added… I also put down staples, that is if we intend to stay here for any length of time. So how about the power generator? Will it need to be upgraded as well to accommodate all the extra draw on it? I didn't make it to the hangar yet… Want to check it out with me? Prolly should download a schematic of this place to my datapad too."
"Yes, I can still feel where you dug them into my back. Though your own sounds seemed to indicate you receive as well as you give," he smirked at the thought.

The banter served to remind them of what was certain to happen later. With all the work they would do today, the promise of the cool water of the water fall awaited them. The privacy of the location was sure to make the place a sanctuary for them to enjoy the natural wonder, and each other, in anyway they saw fit.

"The generator is sufficient for now. As long as it works we will use it as is. What we would need to power this entire facility correctly would be a massive undertaking, and difficult to do without drawing unwanted attention."

Without a word, Jaron led the way to the hangar, indicating where security cameras needed to be placed. He had Sasha record them on the schematic he downloaded onto her datapad, as she was the more organized of the two. Jaron had an eye for details, and even an uncanny ability to file away useless information, but he was not always organized about it. Sasha was stronger in this, and Jaron simply took advantage of the strength which came more natural to her. It was a way in which they worked well together.

Dust, cobwebs, rust, greeted the pair as they stepped into the smaller hangar. Jaron expected something larger, and was surprised to find rust on the massive hangar door. The rate at which it had rusted seemed to be too fast for an area that was not overly exposed to harsh elements. There were few things which could speed up the erosion process, like salt, extreme exposure to the sun, water... water!

Jaron moved swiftly to the control panel on the wall and activated the door. The sounds of screeching and squealing from terrible disuse filled the room. Fingers were placed in Jaron's ears as he noted this needed oil, a detail he was certain Sasha had discerned for the list as well. When the noise finished, Jaron was staring at the waterfall.

This hangar was a private one, only big enough for a ship or two. Somewhere Jaron must have taken a wrong turn and found an area that was not mapped by the previous Lesans who had called this place a home. If there was a private entrance here, was there a secret one below? There was only one way to find out.

Jaron walked to the edge, divesting himself of his clothing as he did so. He turned his head over his right shoulder and looked back to Sasha right before leaping into the pool of water below.

"Are you going to follow," he pressed into her mind with a playful tone carried through. "The water is exhilarating."

[member="Sasha Voss"]


A wry smirk came to be plastered on the redhead's face. // "You don't know the meaning of exhilarating... yet." // Sasha pressed back with a mental cackle, then striped out of her own clothing. Of course she was going to follow... [member="Jaron Lesan"] wasn't going to have all the fun, and there was still exploring to do.

Sasha used the Force to aid her leap from the hidden hangar opening behind the waterfall, bursting through the cascading wall of water to execute a perfect swan dive into the pond below with little splash noted, then her body came up right in front of her lover to capture his lips with hers as arms snaked around his neck, bodies flush with each others.

"Where ever you go, I go. That is how partners work."
The kiss, the press of her flesh aginst his, Jaron knew there was going to be a break from the exploring as the two were seemingly well set to fool around for a while. Jaron smirked at her comment, partners, yes that was the best way to put it. They were partners trying to build a new world for themselves, one that would give them the freedom to do as they pleased. There was still the matter of keeping her a secret from his master, or anyone that would try to leverage her agains him.

"As long as we keep you a secret from my master, and anyone else that would try to play you against me," he said pressing his lips to her neck, and grazing her skin with his teeth. "We can't have anyone trying to tear us apart now can we..."

Using the force to keep them floating in the water, Jaron guided them to a more shallow portion of the lagoon. First he wanted a better look at where they had just leapt from, and second, well he wanted to take advantage of the fact the two were without clothes. With how fresh Sasha's fall to the dark was, he would take any opportunity he could to press their bond deeper, to make her more his. There was something very possessive about what he had done in taking her from his cousin, and now he would see to it that no one would take her away from him. He had to keep her close until he could train her. To do that though, he would have to seek teaching wherever he could find it, and move without Ayra's knowledge.

Their was always a raw passion between the two. In a way they seemed to battle for dominance with every encounter, and it was not always a given Jaron would win in that endeavor. The reality was they both found themselves winning in that competition as the embrace of their passion always led to pleasure, and the struggle for control always steeled the will. A stronger will meant better control and handle over the force.

"No I certainly cannot let you get away from me," he said breathlessly as his eyes caught a glint of a door a few yards down the cliffside they had leaped from. "There... that door, do you see it?"

[member="Sasha Voss"]


There was no doubt an undeniable pull towards [member="Jaron Lesan"]; an attraction that went well beyond just the physical, though that was very strong in itself. Was it just simply the Force bringing these two, lost and broken souls together, or was it something darker at hand. Probably both, but at this point Sasha didn't care the true reasoning. Her present needs and desires, whims and passions were being fulfilled and then some. She was satisfied with their arrangement… so far.

As they finished their "cooling off" in an exhilarating way, the redhead's attention was brought to an apparent sighting of a door in the rocky cliffs where a smaller water fall was cascading down. Passion hazed orbs looked to where her dark side lover had referred to. It wasn't exactly a door that one would find in a house, but rather a split between the water sprayed rocks just off to the side of the main waterfall that perhaps could be an entrance.

"I do see… " Sasha replied, then pressed her lips to his one last time before she pulled back, capturing Jaron's lower lip with her teeth not in a gentle way either before letting go in an exaggeration.

"Shall we take a look now that you have sated me for the time being?" The red-haired Dark Jedi didn't wait for an answer as she pushed off of him and swam over to the area, climbing out of the water to make her way to this "door" and slipping through the opening into the darkness.
There was something about watching Sasha walk back behind the waterfall, seeing her in all her form, that made Jaron pause. For a brief moment he contemplated the decision he had made to hide her, and keep her from the public eye. Was he being selfish? Why did he really want to keep her from others? Jaron wanted her to himself, yet to keep her hidden, he had suggested to her he may need to be seen with other women in order to keep their relationship a secret.

He knew there was something more drawing them together. Was it darkness? Jaron wasn't sure. The woman was appealing to him. He loved their interactions and sexual encounters, but was that all they had, or was that all they were... passionate lovers. Jaron suddenly felt as though he needed to not hold her so tight, but yet never let her go. This was certainly more than what it seemed. She had used the word partners.

The Dark Jedi followed the gorgeous woman behind the waterfall, and was astonished at what they discovered. A smaller control center, a room, full living quarters with all the amenities needed, room for training, and a lift back to the hangar bay above.

Jaron came up from behind and wrapped his arms around Sasha's waist and kissed her cheek from behind.

"This is quite the find... this may be easier to maintain the entire rock."

[member="Sasha Voss"]


By the time [member="Jaron Lesan"] had joined Sasha inside, she had fumbled around and found a wall panel, then activated the lighting in the chamber that housed a control center and living quarters. It would need to be spruced up, but much more suitable for the two of them to hide away in their mountainous paradise.

The redhead just gave the Lesan cousin a look like "duh" over her bare shoulder when the Sith commented that this place would be easier to maintain. She hadn't been too keen on living in the main part of Sanctuary Rock, but this… This could be a place to call home. Wait! Home implied domestication… maybe a different word was needed.

The fallen angel didn't see herself ever marrying and settling down with a family the Harriet and Ozzie way. If she would have stayed with [member="Judah Lesan Jr."], that is probably what Sash's life would have succumbed to. UGH. No, the Dark Jedi wanted life to be exciting and full of adventure and experiences; some even to the wild side.

"I think it is perfect for a lover's den… don't you think," Sasha smiled, then sauntered down the short steps barefooted from an office that had a display of old relic ships to the living area.

"We should probably move your ship into the hangar, then get to work up-linking and securing everything not to mention completing our list of needs," she said, taking a seat upon the edge of the bed. A wicked look crossed her face as lips were licked.

"Hmm… Definitely a new mattress. I doubt this one will stand the test of time knowing us."
"Can't a man state the obvious at times," he snickered as his eyes took in Sasha's full form.

Gods she was magnificent, perfect. While he had not ever once thought to steal her intentionally from his cousin, he was glad the opportunity had came. A lover's den she called it. That's what they were now, partners and lovers. The more time they spent together, the more Jaron was being forced to realize the fact they were equals. He had his secrets, and she would likely have hers, even now there were things she kept from him, he was certain.

His eyes quickly scanned the control room to determine it's usefulness, and followed the bare woman down the few steps to the room which they would claim as theirs. He found her sitting on the edge of the bed, a mischievous look on her face. "Needs," they certainly both had those, as well as healthy appetites. The pool encounter had been a more tame expression of the way in which they satisfied their hunger.

"Only one way to be sure..." he said before closing the distance between them and pushing the woman onto the bed. His lips met hers as his right hand pressed into the mattress. "Mmmm yes... it is a bit old. It certainly will not do," came the response when his lips parted from hers.

Standing once again, Jaron moved to view the training facility. It was mostly plain, and in need of some equipment, but there was room for them to both train. This was good. Other skills could be taught outside, but more involved skills would be taught indoors where they could remain hidden. Sasha was right about moving the ship, which meant he'd need to find his clothes.

Shall we retrieve our clothes then?

[member="Sasha Voss"]


Sasha swatted [member="Jaron Lesan"]'s bare and very firm behind as he moved away from her, pouting that he'd not wanted to test the bed out more thoroughly. She quickly followed though and was awed by what they'd found. The room was huge. It would be perfect for a dojo especially if they got some remotes and a holographic machine to change the training scenarios up.

"I suppose that would be prudent… You should show me how to fly your ship. Never know when I will need to rely upon it or you for me to pilot," the redhead smiled thoughtfully, then turned around and made her way to the turbolift with purpose. The fun and games were over with for now, and more serious business for the two dark side lovers was at hand; really getting their hideaway up and running fully.

Exiting out of the lift, the hangar came back into view along with their two piles of clothes that were left near the opening behind the waterfall. Sasha quickly redressed, then waited for her partner, anxious to hear his answer to her suggestion. They were building trust and that wasn't easy between those bound by the darkness. Course they had something in common, which maybe was a good thing or not; they each were Jedi before falling so Sash and Jaron knew both sides of the coin.
Jaron had smirked as he walked off knowing Sash was disappointed he had not gone any further. The truth, Jaron intended on surprising her... keeping her guessing. The scenario was just too obvious, and with her, spontaneity would be an ally. He had to ensure the woman did not get bored.

"You've piloted before yes," he asked, thinking being among the Lesans she had no choice but to learn as both Judah and Katara had been exceptional pilots. "Then you shouldn't have a hard time with my ship. You can even bring it into the hangar if you want."

Yes they were still learning to trust, or trust enough. With the Sith Jaron had learned trust to be a weakness, yet in some cases required. For instance, he could not fully distrust Sasha, otherwise how could he appreciate her loyalty. No to be partners they had to trust each other. Their trust would be tested as well. Once Sasha was ready to be revealed, there would be those who would want to divide them. This is why he kept her hidden for now. Until they were strong enough to not be torn apart, they could not move about in the open together. There would always remain one in the shadow.

When he was fully clothed, Jaron led the way back to where the ship had been. He lowered the ramp, and grinned. Pointing to the pilot seat, Jaron indicated for Sasha to take the controls. He stood from behind.

"Go ahead. I know for a fact you know how to handle a control stick."

[member="Sasha Voss"]


"I was a student of two Jedi Aces and lived with a very Corellian family. What do you think?!" Sasha quipped with a roll of her eyes, then added with another snarky comeback. "And of course I want to… Duh. Can't let you have all the fun slipping your ship into tight places."

Actually the hidden hangar had room for one more ship about the same size, but it would be cozy.

The redhead followed [member="Jaron Lesan"] out to where he had landed his Sith Interceptor in a clearing on the forest floor. Sasha nearly walked into the cloaked ship. She could sense her partner's warped enjoyment in that and his laughing at her expense made her huff up the ramp afterwards.

Sasha didn't have to be asked twice to take the pilot's chair. She slipped down into the seat like it had been hers all along; an air of confidence rolling off of the young woman.

"Yes, yes I do…" she smirked with a wink, then added. "And control yokes as well, though sticks are so much more responsive in my opinion given the right touch."

With that said, Sasha flipped switches starting the engines up and bringing all systems on-line. After the status board was green, she feathered the controls and lifted them with a steady hand. Instead of flying directly to the hangar, Sash took them for a joyride of the planet doing some recon along the way. This would allow them to see what else was around and give her time in the pilot's chair.

"Any where in particular you want to survey more in-depth before I tuck our baby in for the night?"
Wow, who put a bee in her bonnet? Had Jaron's decision to wait until his advances were more a surprise to her caused this foul mood? Sasha proved to be a natural pilot, and he couldn't help but smirk at all her innuendos and double meanings. The woman certainly had sex on the brain, but so did Jaron.

"You say that as if I'm constantly putting my ship places it doesn't belong," Jaron replied as he reached across the way and flipped the control to autopilot. The infiltator would maintain it course, and was programmed to self adjust if needed.

Jaron turned the chair around so Sasha was facing him. The height from which he stood above her gave him an interesting vantage point of her figure, and his mind could no longer find an excuse to deny himself what he wanted in the moment. His hand pressed against the back of the seat cushion next to her head, as he leaned down to capture her lips in a kiss. This time he did not relent, and found ways to make up for his earlier indescresion.

Some time after he had ensured Sasha was fully satisfied, they found the hangar once more. The lift was taken down to the area they would call their own. Jaron went straight for the kitchenette to set up the caf machine, and began to brew some caf. His mind had been confronted with a thought he never thought would, and found himself thinking it through. Was Sasha jealous?

[member="Sasha Voss"]


Sasha didn't answer [member="Jaron Lesan"]. It was better to make him guess if she actually gave a fig where his ship berthed, than to come out with she was jealous, which she wasn't… Okay a little. He was supposed to be hers; they were partners after all, right? Though the Sith apprentice had already said he would need to be seen with other women to keep her secret… That just smacked of him wanting to have his cake and ice cream too. Well she wouldn't play nice if that was the case.

Amazing though how a very well timed attitude adjustment lightened her mood. So Jaron had earned his brownie points back, well almost all with his latest attentiveness in the cockpit.

Afterwards the ship was docked and secured, then they retired to the living quarters they had discovered earlier below the hidden hangar. While the Telosian tried to make domestic in the kitchenette, Sasha unpacked her duffle bag finding her "precious" still hidden amongst the womanly toiletries she had. The small vial of Andris called to her, but again with great trepidation refused its beckoning.

Thinking about it, Jaron coming into her life when he did was the best thing otherwise Sasha probably would be strung out in some spacer dive looking for her next ride to paradise. Now that her chains were broken and she was walking freely on the path of the dark side, artificial means of pleasure and forgetting her tormented past did not need to be used any more. That was what her lover boy was for.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
The caf wasn't about being domestic, simply be wanted it and Jaron was used to being alone. Until Sasha agreed to travel with him, break her ties JJ, the Dark Jedi had been alone, free to move as he wished. There would be adjustments in living with Sasha who had stolen to their bed quarters rather quickly. He waited for her to join him, but she must have been unpacking. With two mugs of caf, he walked back to the room quietly.

He found her holding something, a vial of some sort. Jaron could only guess, but he was certain it was some kind of spice. Setting the caf down on the nightstand, he looked at Sasha, and what she held. A small glimmer of disappointment mixed with curiosity was etched on his face. Jaron sat on the bed, and looked in her blue eyes.

"How long since you last used?"

It was a valid question? Would she answer, maybe that it had been found out, but Jaron wasn't going to send her packing because of it. JJ, his uncle, his aunt certainly, but not Jaron. He wanted to know what was behind it all. Would he ever use? He'd come close, but hated how quiet the force was the one time he tried. No, Jaron didn't find the stuff helpful, but maybe now that he wasn't alone it wouldn't matter. It wouldn't drown out Sasha.

"I have some caf if your interested in it..."

[member="Sasha Voss"]


Sasha had smelled the freshly brewed caf before sensing [member="Jaron Lesan"] as she had been so distracted by what was held in her hand and the musings that followed. Blue eyes lifted from the small glass vial that contained a white powdery addictive substance to catch the small glimmer of disappointment shadow her lover's dark orbs, then she felt his curiosity pique through their Force bond. Sash's protective nature for her "precious" made the Dark Jedi's first inclination to stash it behind her back so he couldn't get it, but then she relented and kept it in the palm of her hand.

"mhm Thanks."

Maybe Jaron wasn't as disapproving after all… It might be fun if they used together. The thought of a combined high while passions flared almost blew her mind. But that is not why she used… It was to get rid and numb all the years of her tortured pain of physical and emotional abuse in her youth. The scars were deeply carved into her soul. That was why the dark side so easily manifested itself within her being.

"The night before we met on that space station at Brentaal IV… You and the dark side have been my drug of choice as of late," Sasha answered honesty, then moved to straddle him as he sat on the edge of the bed, slipping the small vial into his hand. Nimble, slender fingers ran through the Sith apprentice's dark wavy locks - he needed a hair cut, then she leaned in and pressed a long, slow passion-infused kiss to his lips.

"Help me to set my soul free from this."

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