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Character Samuel Wyrmstone


Samuel Wyrmstone

Height6'3" | 191cm
WeightAthletic physique
Hair colourBlack
Eye colourDark Brown
Affiliation(s)House Wyrmstone
Force SensitiveYes
AlignmentChaotic fun
VoiceTom Ellis

VoiceTom Ellis

  • kacper-szwajka-3-hd.jpg
    Born into wealth and nobility, Samuel is the youngest of four siblings, three girls and one boy. However, Samuel only came into the world later, though once he was born he was the centre of attention, like his cousin Adrian Wyrmstone Adrian Wyrmstone due to being born a boy. Like his three sisters, Samuel grew up in luxury and wealth, and unlike his three sisters, Samuel could get away with terribly much without facing much in the sense of punishment from his parents, which only made his relationship with his older sister Nerissa Wyrmstone Nerissa Wyrmstone , even more, tainted.

    Because Samuel had access to so much of the family wealth and partook in lavish parties and galas with only a few strict rules to follow, he grew into a charming, eloquent and sophisticated man. However, with his lust and desire for excitement and rush, he started to deal with illegalities and crime. Small rushes and excitement turned into bigger ones and little after little Samuel had managed to carve out his own little syndicate pirate kingdom as long as he followed his parent's rules and never placed the name of House Wyrmstone in jeopardy, Samuel was free to do as he pleased.

    Of course, that didn't hold on for long as Samuel grew extremely comfortable and rich from his criminal activities and soon challenged his father for the throne of House Wyrmstone. Sadly Samuel lost and was cut from the family, and family wealth and burned out of the family tree.​

  • P E R S O N A L I T Y

    "Desire shouldn't be contained, it's unnatural."

    - Samuel Wyrmstone

    Charming, eloquent and sophisticated, and fully aware of the fact, Samuel carries himself with an air of supreme confidence, charisma, and egotism, even arrogance, which is due in part to his strong Force sensitivity and the vast Force Powers that follows, to which he blatantly uses his powers for his own gains or profit. Because of this, Samuel is always sure of success in whatever he does, regardless of whatever obstacles are in his way, and fears no consequences.

    On the rare occasions where he fails to get what he is after, Samuel usually displays remarkable temper control, often viewing such happenings with amusement and curiosity rather than frustration.

    Samuel is also a being driven by rush, desire and lust more often than not and finds great pleasure in partaking in carnality across all genders and species, something of which most of his family did heavily disapprove.

    Furthermore, when he isn't conducting and directing his organisation of crime, he often times find great pleasure and joy in expressing himself artistically through the playing of instruments and singing. On top of his striking good looks, incredible charm and flirtatious nature, he is also gifted with a captivating and powerful voice.

    P H Y S I C A L. .A P P E A R A N C E

    Samuel is a light-skinned, tall dark-haired man with magnetic, charismatic and strikingly-handsome appearance with a model-like face and a muscular body.

    With a flair for the more expensive things in life due to his upbringing, Samuel often sports expensive dark suits and otherwise outfits that compliment his features. These often top-quality garments are perfectly tailored to accentuate his muscular frame. He can also be seen wearing a ring with a black stone on his middle finger.

    Standing 6'3" tall, he carries himself with an air of regal supreme confidence, charisma, and egotism baring common for many members of House Wyrmstone. However, unlike most of his family members, Samuel, like his cousin Adrian Wyrmstone Adrian Wyrmstone , tends to keep his own sense of superiority more light-hearted than downright cruel.

  • forcedrain.png
    ⨹ Force Sensitive
    ⨹ Striking features
    ⨹ Rich
    ⨹ Great sense of fashion


    ⨺ Arrogant
    ⨺ Egotism
    ⨺ Superiority complex
    ⨺ Complicated family

  • H O U S E . W Y R M S T O N E
    Duncan Wyrmstone Father | Alive | Head of the house
    Eleanor Wyrmstone Mother | Alive
    Nerissa Wyrmstone Sister (eldest) | Alive
    Aurore Wyrmstone Sister | Alive
    Chandra Wyrmstone Sister | Alive
    Callum Wyrmstone Uncle(mother's side) | Disowned | Alive
    Sylvia Wyrmstone Aunt (father's side) | Alive
    Adrian Wyrmstone Cousin | Disowned | Alive

  • Equipment


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