Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sambo Maximus

Name: Sambo Maximus

Faction: NONE

Rank: Sith Knight

Species: Human

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Height: 6'2 or 1.776m

Weight: 230lbs

Eyes: Red

Hair: Blond

Skin: Caucasian

Force Sensitive: YES


Strengths: He is trained in advanced lightsaber techniques making him a formidable opponent with a blade.

Weaknesses: He has a robotic hand which limits his force lightning abilities. A low body temperature causes him to suffer in cold climates such as the Planet Hoth and other frozen worlds or areas.

Biography: Sambo was born on Yavin Prime. His childhood was hard and tough because His parents left when Sambo was young and Sambo grew up in hatred toward his parents. When Sambo was fourteen the sith found him in the forest of Yavin Prime and taught him their ways.

Ship: R60 T-WIng Interceptor
Twin Light Laser Canons
4 Proton Torpedo Launchers
Hyperdrive Class 1
Limited Shielding
Faulty Navicomputer and jump memory

Kills: NONE

Bounties Collected: NONE


Roleplays: NONE

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