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Approved NPC Samantha "Bird" Luxon

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Image Source: Here
Name: Samantha “Bird” Luxon
Loyalties: Eagle Squad
Role: Squad Sniper
Development Threads: None
Age: 32
Species: Human (Corellian)
Force-Sensitive: Nope
Appearance: Sam is a short, fair-skinned Corellian with auburn hair and light brown eyes. Her dark grey armor, like her squad’s, covers her up most of the time.
Personality: When in combat, Sam is focused and precise, never saying anything she doesn’t need to and wasting no time with her work. However, without the armor and off the field, she acts almost the opposite, a talkative girl with a taste for music. Etlan sometimes jokes that she's singing in her helmet when sniping, something she will neither confirm or deny. Some nights she'll sing, and the song is never interrupted by the others. Although she doesn't act nervous, she'll run a hand through her hair while she talks.
Weapon of Choice: Sniper rifle, carries a blaster pistol at all times.
Wealth: Enough to get by, but not enough to be frivolous in purchases.
Combat Function: Sniper, prefers to keep her distance. Not very well trained in melee combat. Skilled shot with most blaster-like weapons, especially pistols, but very little experience with slugthrowers.
Skills: Sam is an expert marksman with both pistols and rifles. She's spent years shooting and has gotten quite good at it. She's been singing all her life, and while it's not the most useful skill, the Corellian is proud of it.
Notable Possessions: Battle armor, Sniper rifle, Blaster Pistol.
Other Notes: Sam was born and raised the daughter of a wealthy businessman. While her older brother had a head for business, Sam had always been one for guns. She quickly began to love the hunting trips her father took them on, easily learning to aim and fire a rifle with speed and precision. Although she was offered a place in the company, she wanted to live life rather than rot in an office, as she put it. Leaving home for the outer rim, she worked as a bounty hunter for a while before joining up with Etlan and Seso to form Eagle squad.
A few small things.

First, I need the image source linked in the submission please.

Second, For her armor, rifle and blaster pistol I need links provided be that canon links from wookiepedia, or things that are open market in factory.

And third if under other notes could you please add a bit of history for her to round her out that would be great.

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