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Private Salvaging on Denon

Klumapto Thesu



Blizz Companion Guide


The Planet had long since been under the control of the Corporate Authorities of Denon but they were recently being hassled by the Galactic Alliance who hosted a session regarding the world being placed under new management. Although it was common knowledge that nothing would change besides a new name and face leading to the oppression of civilians under the guise of improving things from the past administration.

Rumors had spread throughout the Underworld Community and the Hutt Space Consortium recently about parts from a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser being sold on the open market. They would fetch quite a pretty price with antique collectors since it was the workhorse of the Rebel Alliance who emerged victorious over the Galactic Empire so long ago and formed the new backbone of the New Republic Defense Forces.

Klumapto was wandering through the back alleys close to a local trade district where his informant said that the sale was being held. His small size easily allowed him to walk through the busy streets without being noticed. A small hand dipped into pockets as the Jawa moved, counting the small number of credits he had managed to steal.

Kuminee bok cuza sunmato?

The Small Jawa said asking for directions from a hobo before being directed towards a building.

The parts were being held in only a small shop. Yellow eyes gazed over to a side alley next to the building and slowly walked over. Climbing gently into the dumpster and watching the street. If one was watching the road then one would see the yellow eyes peeping.

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua
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Equipment | In Bio
Location | Denon
Tag | Klumapto Thesu

Jackal herself had been here on Denon for a while now, having just finished up a simple spice run she had earned a little pouch of credits. Though of course for Jackal it was never enough, her greedy little mind had already started to think of what to do next... After all, here on Denon, they have some seriously sweet tech up for grabs. Perhaps she could find an excellent black market dealer for cybernetic augments? Or maybe new parts for guns? As she passes by a dumpster her ears hear little sounds coming from within the thing, the smell of it didn't deter the Sangir, who did not pay any mind after living on Nal Hutta for so long. So with curiosity, Jackal opens the dumpster to find a Jawa hanging out within it.

She simply smiles a bit, her fanged maw open to see. Jackal could understand Jawa, in fact, she held at least some level of respect for how they operated. Her inhuman crimson eyes gaze at the smaller being, blinking before she waves to him

"Achuta, boska parchee?"

Jackal sticks her own hand in the garbage, finding parts of a broken blaster. She pops out the cell, inspecting it for a moment before deciding it wasn't the right size for her pistol. It was still in a pretty decent condition, her pale hand remains open, offering the find to the Jawa.


After her offer to work together looking for salvage, Jackal would spot a burger that someone had thrown out. Seems they took a bite out of it and noticed mold, though to Jackal it didn't matter since her gut could easily handle it. Never one to pass up free food, Jackal snatches the thing before taking her own bite out of it.


Klumapto Thesu



Blizz Companion Guide

The Jawa was only within the dumpster for a few minutes before a strange person in the form of Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua opened the lid to the dumpster. Klumapto stumbled back in fear due to not having a weapon on him for a minute before realizing that she wasn't going to harm him. He watched with great interest as the girl smiled and waved at him.

He approached with a short waddle climbing over different trash piles toward her. Taking out a small datapad which converted huttese into the jawa language for him to understand. Typing into the datapad for a minute before showing it to her.

Tagwa boska parchee che moulee-rah

Klumapto watched as the girl reached her hand into the garbage, looking for parts presumedly.


His eyes opened wide in a shout as the girl offered him something valuable. Quickly moving his hand to take the piece and greedily stuffing it into one of his many pouches the sound of scrap mixing together could be heard. Typing something else within the datapad and showing her with excitement.

Good friends, u hopa je?

Looking up at her with his yellow eyes covered in the darkness of his brown hood. Pointing to the building next to them while jumping up and down for a few minutes as if to convey something through imagination.



Equipment | In Bio
Location | Denon
Tag | Klumapto Thesu

Ahh.. Jawa diplomacy, simple is how Jackal liked it. And by the looks of it, the two seemed to be starting off just fine indeed. Her crimson eyes focus on the data pad to read it, she gives him a simple nod before lifting him out of the dumpster, setting him down gently next to her all with one arm.

"Sure I will help, what are we after? I like to scrounge for weapon parts myself, I make things like my pistol here."

Jackal says while still chewing down the old burger, manners weren't her strong suit that's for sure. She shows Klumapto her pistol, it looked like she took several different blaster parts to make the horrid thing.

"So, you from Tatooine? I have been there myself once for a simple job, always nice to not have the republic down your neck... Wait, don't Jawa normally travel around in at least small groups? Or are you just a drifter like me?"

She scratches her head, it only just occurred to her that she knew little about Jawa, much less their tongue.

"How about we make a deal? You get to keep the best scraps we find, and in return, you teach me how to speak Jawa-ese? Perhaps also teach me more about your people... Considering we are both.. mmmm very appreciative of credits, I like Jawas."

Her eyes gaze over at the building that Klumapto was frantic about, what was special about it?



Klumapto Thesu



Blizz Companion Guide

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua was receptive to his plea for help and didn't fuss when she picked him up out of the dumpster and onto the street. Typing into the data pad in his hand to answer her question regarding what they were after. Bringing up a picture of a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser and pointing to a certain part being the ion engine on the back of it.

"We are after an ion engine from a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser"

It said while he took a long look at the pistol as it seemed to comprise several different parts. Reaching out with his hand and touching it for a few moments. Running around her for just a brief moment to peek around the corner while his friend spoke some more wondering where he was from and where his clan was since they often traveled in groups. Typing into the datapad to respond to her further inquiries.

"Clan was destroyed by enclave and gang war. I will teach jawa-ese as a sign of friendship."

He showed her the message with a somber look on him as the memories of his clan being killed by the Mandalorian Enclave. Typing another message into the datapad before turning it around. If the girl could get rid of the security currently hanging around than he would not complain.

"Big engine in there!"

The message read as he pointed towards the building again



Equipment | In Bio
Location | Denon
Tag | Klumapto Thesu

A whole ion engine? Holy chit that would be worth a lot... But now the question was if all the work was worth it. She crosses her arms, peaking at the number of guards. Jackal turns her attention back to the Jawa, thinking over it some more...

"Hmm I see, this reminds me of my past somewhat. Karking chit.. Fine I will help, but you better help me kill these bozos."

Jackal pulls out her pistol once again, slinking into the Denon shadows. She keeps out of sight, studying the pattern of the guards. Once one strolls by her whipcord flings out and wraps around their neck, a hard but feint snap could be heard as the woman quickly tugs them around the corner. The cord recalls as she dumps the body behind the dumpster, gesturing at the body.

"Check the body, I will remove the next one that comes by."

Taking in a deep breath, Jackal takes a fast sprint to hide behind a pillar. Footsteps could be heard as the next guard was coming by, she grits her teeth before putting away her gun... It would be too loud, so she has to resort to other methods. Pouncing on them, teeth ripping into the neck. Jackal takes a drink, only latching off them moments later. Her chest beats heavily as she wipes the blood off her face, smudging it in the process.. Now with the two patrolling guards taken out they only had very limited time until the others noticed.

Taking a tablet out from her corset, and plugging it into a power box outside the building. It wouldn't take long before Howl_Runner.exe would be into things, messing them up.

Once again she gestures for her new little partner crime, telling them to quickly come over. Once they come over, it would be now that Jackal settles on the idea of going loud.

"Surveillance cameras should be down soon, for the last ones I think we need to go loud.. Find anything off that guard?"

Jackal whispers to him before pulling down her goggles over her crimson eyes.



Klumapto Thesu



Blizz Companion Guide

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua agreed to his plea for help so long as he helped her kill them. Klumapto wanted to tell her that he didn't have a weapon but she might dismiss the deal as nothing more than a pointless hassle. He put away his data pad within one of his many pouches watching as they managed to strangle a guard and bring them over to his spot next to the dumpster. There was no hesitation within him as small fingers dug into the front pocket to the back pocket for things to sell on the market. Finding several credits and a small screw would not help them accomplish the mission.

Klumapto waited for just a few moments as the person dispatched another guard and began hacking into the building. He quickly walked over there with his little waddle after grabbing a half-empty soda bottle from the trash outside the dumpster in bags. Showing her the bottle of soda and a small mint.

It would not take rocket science to figure out what he planned to do.




Equipment | In Bio
Location | Denon
Tag | Klumapto Thesu

She visibly blinks a few times, seeing that he took a can of soda and a mint.

"You didn't take a gun...? Alright well.. Umm.. You do you, I got more idiots to kill. But seeing as you don't have a gun, I think this means I get a bigger share of the scraps eh?"

Jackal sure didn't understand rocket science, nor was basic chemistry something she knew either. All she knew was that this little guy had just brought a can of soda and a mint to a gunfight, and while she didn't understand it fully... Part of her knew he had to have some sort of plan.

So after giving Klumapto a smug wink, she gets a notification from her Howl_Runner that all the cameras were down. Time to shine!

Jackal turns the corner, kicking down the door with her brute strength, whipcording one guard to use as a meat shield as her pistol went to work.




Three shots go off, two of them hitting targets dead on, instantly killing them as the overcharged blaster bolts slammed into right into their chests. The third shot had missed its target slightly, hitting a durasteel crate next to their head, melting a section of the box.

Keeping her captive tightly against her she continues to storm through the building, adjusting her position to get a better shot on the target she had just missed.



Klumapto Thesu



Blizz Companion Guide

It would seem that Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua didn't understand about what he was about to do with both a bottle of soda and a mint. He simply shrugged when she was confused about not taking a gun from the guard. Klumpato shook his head no in response to her getting a bigger share of the scraps as typing in a datapad for translation would take up too much of their time. Until he dug into his little pouches and strapped a droid vocabulator to his arm like a watch to communicate in basic.

Moving forward into the building as she gave him a slight wink and kicked down the door with brute strength. Blaster round rang out as the guardsman moved to intercept the pair and protect the Ion Engine from being taken. Klumapto was harder to hit due to his small frame and moved behind a guard. As he dropped the mint into the soda and shook it. The chemical reaction blasted the mint like a slug into the guard sending him forward onto the ground with a harsh thud.

He moved into cover with a waddle as a trandoshan brute move in for the kill.




Equipment | In Bio
Location | Denon
Tag | Klumapto Thesu

Despite actively being shot at, Jackal seemed to be having a blast! Cackling along as another boom erupted from her pistol to kill the target she missed beforehand, the barrel started to smoke more now as the heat from the gun started to crank up.

The next to go was the guard that her little friend had managed to knock on their ass, an overcharged bolt hitting them right in the head, popping part of it like a melon...Gross.

Her fun takes a halt as she spots a trandoshan moving in to kill the Jawa, crimson eyes focus as the threat is locked onto.


Another almost inhumanly well-placed shot was fired off, the round slamming right into the side of their head, making the body crash onto the floor with a loud thud. While she had saved Klumapto, all her focus had been spent on taking out the target. A round from another guard manages to hit her right on the left hand, blowing off a clawed finger as the flesh was cauterized for now.

Jackal growls, baring her sharp maw to the rest of the guards. The three left blast their buddy into bits, making sure Jackal can't have a meatshield anymore. In a panic, she pulls both herself and the corpse behind cover, chomping into the body's neck she drinks up... Going to need the blood to heal her finger. The whipcord gets recalled as her seering pistol is dropped onto the ground, then soon the dried body, and blood runs down her face.

"E chu ta u!"

She yells out before her claws elongate as well as fangs, inhuman eyes glow as anima was being pumped within her. Despite the missing finger and charred hand, Jackal pulls out her lever action slug thrower off her back, quickly popping around the corner. The gun lets out a loud BANG as the slug fires out, destroying a guard's leg as the casing clinks against the floor. Using her foot, she kicks over her pistol to the Jawa.



Klumapto Thesu



Blizz Companion Guide

Klumapto peaked around the corner as the trandoshan brute moved in for the kill. But before the lizard could land a finishing blow, they were killed by the expert marksmanship of Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua . It would seem that she was more skilled than anticipated which would provide them with an easier time compared to having an amuetur accompany him to the Ion Engine.

Even as a guardsman intercepted her, it was dispatched quickly and a blaster pistol was slid across the floor. Picking up the blaster pistol within his gloved hand and moving back around the corner. Firing a few more pop shots towards a backroom which exploded due to convenient chemicals being housed inside.

The last guardsman was shot by the jawa as they slumped to the floor. Moving over as the Ion Engine was covered in a tarp with a short waddle. Grabbing the edge of the tarp and throwing it off to the side as the engine looked considerably unmarked for a supposedly used one.




Equipment | In Bio
Location | Denon
Tag | Klumapto Thesu

It was done.. The explosion had killed off what was left, thankfully not harming the target the two were after.

Jackal glances down at her hand, the blasted-off section already wriggling a bit as the flesh started to heal, then she glances over to her new Jawa friend.

"Might I have my pistol back now? Be careful handling it, the gun gets really hot."

The finger that had been blasted off already started to wither, the lack of anima now within the finger causing an obvious effect.

"Mm.. I would say we got ourselves a lovely prize right here, now, as per our deal..."

Her claws retract back to normal as Jackal looks around at the boxes that were left unharmed by the whole show.

"I would like to lay claim to some of these boxes, along with many of the weapons around here. I always crave more weapons, parts, and or whole ones."

Jackal kicks over another pistol to Klumapto, this one being one of the common blaster pistols once owned by a guard.

"Keep that one for yourself, it is foolish to walk around Denon without a gun."

Much like her equally greedy little friend, Jackal already starts to get her grubby mitts into boxes, finding all sorts of tech scraps.



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