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Approved Location Sakoku

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  • Astronomical Location Name: Sakoku
  • Classification: Core Security System
  • Location: Atrisian system
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Orbital Period: N/A
  • Size: Massive
  • Affiliation: Atrisian Commonwealth
  • Population: Heavy
  • Demographics: Human (atrisian)
  • Accessibility: Designed originally by the empire to defend possible ways into the deep core and later expanded by Darth Krayt. Getting to the stations is easy enough, the defensive nature of the network is protecting the system itself and making it harder for other ships to get through. Interdiction capabilities to pull out ships from hyperspace and scanners to track and locate then secure non registered ships in the system.
  • Description: Designed by the imperials to defend the secrets of Byss and the deep core. Then later expanded by darth Krayt to lock down sections of the core worlds. The system used interdiction technologies such as stations strewn across. A little work and engineering to find some over a couple of years that could be repaired and turned on. hyperspace transceivers emitting cross-channel radiation to detect incoming ships that were traveling through hyperspace. Interdictor cruisers that could be salvaged and cannibalized from worlds like Braggia without much work or cost. Gravity mines for the main hyperspace routes into the system and allow them to lock it down restricting and slowing fleets that are entering or within the system.
Nibia: An anomalous and unknown area of the Atrisian system. The main suspicion is that there was a planet there at one point but something happened to it as only its moons still exist within a field of asteroids. They traveled in a retrograde orbit being bombarded and gravity was low enough that most couldn't stay on the surface. Generally seen as a place where Commonwealth criminals such as Jia Ren hide.

Antares Maelstrom: Obscuring and concealing where Ao'tuin goes to feed on summa-verminoth. Interstellar gases, carbonbergs, ice chunks and other debris. Named by visitors to Atrisia and the name stuck as the original name was to honor an old god that is no longer used on Atrisia.

Perditions Flame: A rare sight to behold as radiation in wavelengths from infrared to ultraviolet. Soming from the Atrisian system star flares out and encompasses a ring of asteroids. Tearing off electronically charged particles to form pinwheels of shifting colors. Often regarded as one of the most beautiful sights by visitors.

Expanded by Darth Krayt's empire from the deep core. The hyperspace security network was... large in scale and ideas. Atrisia itself though didn't need to cover an entire region of space like the core or deep core. They just needed to secure one system. So getting whatever they could from ships and mines to mimic and rebuild it within their system along the edges. That was the important part, both restoring a thing of the past and using it in a way that would add another layer to Atrisia's defensive systems. Since the proposed system sized shield was deemed to impractical... a network of stations around the system and strewn with projectors pointed along paths just outside of the system to monitor and alert for unrecognized ships. The bulk of the work throughout the new era of rebuild has been meant to streamline their abilities to restore and protect themselves as needed. Since they have gone towards modular building that are self contained and able to be mass produced. The harder threats of constant attacks on the system and its planets surface... just means that off world supplies and population centers are needed and should be protected. That was another appeal of the network coming back online as more industrialized sectors of stations or colonies on the moons and other worlds within the system itself.
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Junko Ike Junko Ike Hello there :)

If I understand the Wookie link and what you've written correctly, a Core Security System is something that deals with cyber security and isn't exactly something physical (unless you count heaps of generators, engines, and office space, but then it wouldn't be an astronomical location but rather on a space station or a planet). In that case, this submission does not belong here, but rather in the Factory's Technology Creation.

If I am wrong, could you please explain what you wish to do with this submission?
Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter

I am not certain where cyber security is mentioned but the intention is to use something from the legends canon that was created and never really destroyed. The hyperspace security network appeared in dark empire and was how byss was kept a protected location for so long. Then in the legacy era it was expanded to cover the core worlds to make travel and attacking harder. The intention is purely to continue to build up and solidify Atrisia lore by bringing what was a massive endeavor back (on a slightly smaller scale as one system compared to entire sectors). As it is a collection of stations, sensors and mines in space that were designed to create isolation.
Junko Ike Junko Ike Thank you very much for the clarification! In that case, yes, this is the correct template. Let's go over it:

  • In Setting Information, in Astronomical Location Name, the name that should be there is the name of the astronomical location (rather than the name of the location in which it's situated). I believe in this case, it should be Sakoku. And then, since it's the entire system and not a single planet, you could move the Atrisian system into the Location and it'll all check out.
  • Also in Setting Information, you've written n/a over the Demographics. Are all these stations and equipment unmanned? Run by droids? Something else? Please specify.
  • In Points of Interest, there should really be something. With something this massive, surely there are some points at are worthy of note, whether because of something specific they do, because of their precise location within this, or any other reason.
  • In Historical Information, you mention 'a network of stations'. For this specifically, I'm going to have to ask you to link to either a canon space station that you'd be using for this, or sub one and then link it here.
  • If you feel as though adding parts of other templates into this would make it clearer, please feel free to do so. You're always free to add more parts to the template as long as the original template is in place.
  • Additionally I would also mention that even with this system in place, taking hits or being caught is always up to the other writer. These security measures cannot be enforced on others, as is with any case of PvP on the board.
Let me know here in the thread if you need help with any of this.

Once the edits are done please tag me back so I can approve this :)
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