Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Said the Spider to the Fly


L O C A T I O N | Saleucami
T A G S | Eriobea Eriobea

Saleucami. Another barbaric planet plagued with Nimue’s worst nightmare. An unforgiving sun that blasted the planet with rays of light that would, if she ever allowed it too, completely destroy Nimue.

However, this trip was different. She wasn’t in the company of Aries, or of her sister witch Vytal, nor indeed was she in any company at all. The trip to Saleucami was something that Nimue had opted to take alone, and this choice had afforded her the freedom of travelling there at night. She wouldn’t have travelled there at all if she could have helped it. Savage worlds such as Saleucami were not high on her list of places to visit, but fortunately for Saleucami, they offered a range of botanicals that grew wild in their wetlands and jungles that the coven of the Silmä very often used for their potions and alchemy.

Anyone of an ordinary nature would have considered it a shopping trip, but Nimue didn’t waste time with trivial labels like that. Nor did she have very much time to waste on such things. Her trip to Saleucami was nothing but a necessity.

Her ship shook softly as it broke the atmosphere and came to a steady glide over the surface of the planet. Night reigned supreme, covering the sky in shades of blue and black blistered with bright spots of white where eternal stars shone. A soft hum escaped the engine as it began to slow, just as the outline of a city broke on the horizon. Nimue stood, turning to head for the landing ramp as the ship came to a steady stop. A piston like hiss filled the cockpit as the doors slid open to allow her passage.

A small, rather timid man was standing at the end of the ramp to greet her. “L-lady Nimue… A pleasure. It’s been an age since we saw the likes of you ‘round these parts.” Nimue only nodded in response, throwing her hood over her head as she stepped out onto the planet. “My work is currently taking me across the galaxy. I thought it best to personally come and check on some of our investments.” The man was all too eager to agree, doing so with a fevered nod as he turned and directed Nimue toward the city. “Come, come, my Lady. I will show you what we are growing.”


L O C A T I O N | Nirnroot Collective, Saleucami
T A G S | Nimue Nimue
There was hope waiting in the dark.​

Bea just doubted it was for her. Why would it be? Nicademus, the Collective's master alchemist, had gathered the farmhands at dawn to warn them of the High Priestess' visit. He expected them all to behave themselves, but he help the hunchback to higher standards still. Freya didn't have to tell Bea just how unfair she though the owner was being, and cruel to boot, because she knew. She had been enduing such ableism since birth about.​

Your spine may be misshapen, my dear, but its no excuse to shirk work.

Or, Ancients forbid, embarrass Nicademus in front of the Silmä.​

And so to bend to that double-edge sword of expectation, Bea would work harvesting the jester root that grew behind the worker's quarters. Surely, no self-respecting sanguinius vampirika would want to be seen lingering around the help, let alone behind their ill-kept farmhouse. Just that she began doing with fervor, determined to prove herself to no one if not the winking stars above her twisted back.​

L O C A T I O N | On Route to Jester Root Fields
T A G S | Eriobea Eriobea

The man who carried her swiftly across the landing pad toward the ramshackle houses used to store their produce was… less than impressive. Nimue had visited Saleucami on a number of occasions throughout her years, but the trips were always few and far between. By the time she made the next one the proprietor of the business had often passed on, only to have been replaced by a sniveling son of much the same demeanor. Most of them remembered her, from the concerned expressions of their fathers and grandfathers, and the general aura of panic the farm held for days before her visit.

Nimue passively wondered how long she would have to live before a backbone was genetically bred into their line.

His jittering arms directed her past the main storage, along a path that ran along the edge of the fields and buildings used to house the workers. “We have had a good harvest this year. Very blessed.” The High Priestess rolled her eyes. Yes, she believed in her own deity, but he was tangible. He did not waste his time on petty things like helping crops to grow. “I am pleased to hear.” She responded stiffly.

“You have come at a fortunate time of the year, my Lady.” Nimue cast her flame orange gaze down at the almost man who shuffled beside her. She disliked being made to ask questions. Not when the answer was so readily bubbling from his lips. The firm gaze did enough to get across her meaning. “What I mean is…” He began, fumbling over his words. “The jester root you specifically requested is just being harvested, my Lady.” Rather pleased, for once, he made a thin smile form on her painted black lips. Though it was mostly covered by the shadow of her hood.

“Excellent.” She stretched out one of her spindly arms, gesturing for him to lead the way. “Please. I would like to see them.”

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