Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sage Counsel [IC Advice]


Morality Policeman :)
Hallo, I'm the barefooted wanderer. I seek out wisdom as I travel the stars and counsel those in need. So here, any of you may request my guidance on anything that troubles you. Fear not ridicule, for I do not find reverent inquiries to be worthy of scorn.

I have seen this sort of thing done before, but the sage usually disappears and the topic hangs. I will try to keep consistent.

Keep in mind that I am strictly a counselor--not a medium. I do not seek to deceive you so.


Morality Policeman :)
Do not seek peace to evade strife, for peace is inanimate and strife makes us grow. Instead, seek after serenity: the submission to your high calling.
Well-Known Member
Though seriously though, what is going on here? IC fortune telling? So ask something and you reply with cryptic ism?


Morality Policeman :)

Not fortune-telling. Counseling--"suggestion" or "analysis". It is what elders do.

Fat is relative to your species' standards.
I'll bite. (And keep in mind this is all IC)

I have bouts of depression where I find myself in a dark place, and will occasionally contemplate suicide. These bouts are normally followed by surges euphoric ,yet fatalistic, adrenaline rushes. These usually lead to me craving confrontation and danger. What are your thoughts, friend?


Morality Policeman :)
[member="Robb Killian"]

Darkness is often associated with a season of your life that appears to promise no end. Whether it is a painful time of your life or not, being alone along a seemingly endless road will become unbearable to many. I perceive that you are a social creature, Master Killian, as most of us are. Perhaps you seek companionship?

Many of us feel loss or unfulfilled when we realize a void where camaraderie is desired. Patience is an obstinate trait to obtain, especially with the shortsighted vision we have of an uncertain future. I have experienced this suffering as well. Possibly, you seek brief excitement to satiate your unrest, as you cannot be sure that you may live another day in this agony. You have accepted your inevitable death, but perhaps too soon. Don't give up. I can see you are a fighter, and you must persevere.

The mind is a powerful thing, friend. It controls your body, even functions you do not think over. Your desires for a change in pace may be communicating to your body, and it responds in kind. Be careful of your impulses. There is a consequence for every action.

My advice to you, Master Killian, is to be brave and not hinder yourself in speech, for you are but alone until you open your soul to others. I would personally challenge you to seek out two friends, even, for a tether of three cords is not easily broken, and you will be made strong.

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