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Approved Planet Safe Haven - Darang'Netalak

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[SIZE=10.5pt]Name[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Darang'Netalak Basic name is Safe Haven[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Region[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]:[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Unknown[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]System[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Dovanarang system[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Dova - Giant blue star,[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Nariem - Medium sized yellow star[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Rotational period of ~21 years with a distance of 17 AU away from each other. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Orbital Position:[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Orbits both of the suns within the habitable zone. ~4.5 au from the two suns. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Moons[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Three moons, Kawai'kawahue - Largest moon, Laway'tinka - middle sized moon, Haktke Nariaum - Smallest moon[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]System Features:[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Cardona Asteroid Belt outside of system - Furthest formation away from suns[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Dova major sun stays still while Nariem revolves around it as well as other planets. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]2 other planets, Kikrina a gaseous planet with no signs of life, Yanat'ete a very small planet that orbits Nariem in a matter of 7 standard days. Too hot for any form of life as plant is almost literally a mass of magma. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Coordinates:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] E9 Smack in the center between Miasma and Rhigar[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Rotational Period[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: 72 Galactic standard hours. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Orbital Period[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: 679 days.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Class[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Terrestrial [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Diameter[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: 30,826 km in diameter[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Atmosphere[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Type I[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Climate:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] A planet made with 30 percent of oceans/water formations that snake its way around the planet like a very large river look. While the other 70 percent is covered with land, Out of all the land available to walk on, about 45 percent of it is covered in cityscape and other forms of towns. The other 55 Percent is reserved for safekeeping in wild animal reserves that have been sanctioned off because of recent years of attacks. These lands are called the Borderlands as each of these areas is cut off by boarders to keep the people safe from many different kinds of animals or creatures. This area is very wild like filled with plains, swamps, forests, jungles, and lava ranges. Rain can fall, but is really only found in the forests, jungles and sometimes in the plains and city. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Gravity[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: 1.5 times standard, slightly more than standard. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Primary Terrain:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Grasslands, lava fields, Swamps, Forests, Jungles, and cities.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Native Species:[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Dovakarain (will make species if planet is approved),[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Rancor,[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Akk Dogs/Wolves,[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Swamp Acklay,[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Nexu,[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Azaru - Considered Extinct but are just in hiding (will do sub later) [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Zhell, (myth) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Immigrated Species:[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Humans[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Other Sentients in small increments[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Primary Languages:[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Galactic Basic[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Dovakarain[/SIZE]
  • Others in small incraments
[SIZE=10.5pt]Government[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Various Kingdoms/Empires on the planet. 7 kingdoms in total,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Population[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: 7 billion [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Demonym[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Dovons [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Major Imports: [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Weapons[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]armor[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Building materials, [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Mercenaries[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Major Exports: [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Captured creatures, some sold on black market [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Gold, [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Diamonds, [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Onyx/obsidian[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Rimidian (will make a tech sub if planet is approved. No lightsaber resistance materials.) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Affiliation[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: None as of the current moment.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Major Locations:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Goragora[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] - The volcanic mountain that reaches over 17,972 meters, it has been quiet for over a century however scientists say that within the next 50 years it may erupt once more bringing a new age of chaos and the restart of the world. The volcanic mountain top is covered in snow and ice at the current moment as there have not been any lava flows spewing from it above the range of 4,000 meters. This mountain is very high up in the atmosphere and getting above 8,000 feet will require a suit to counter the lower oxygen levels. In myths and stories of the mountain is that it was created by their god when a prophet asked for a sign that he is who he says he is. The result was the ground shaking and rumbling constantly over the span of many years for the mountain to rise up from the surface and proclaim himaself a true god. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Housed within Goragora is a tribe of people who worship this god and still believe that the people who create buildings and scar the surface with manmade materials are hurting this god and one day the people of this planet will burn and become ash and then again to dust for their sins. This cult is one of the Seven Kingdoms on the planet and is ruled by a group of prophets in a council of five. Very much focused on religion, they offer everything of their life to the god and the unifying way of making people repent for their sins against the world. (Mixed species) [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Damanta[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] - The capitol city of the planet, it is the largest city and the only one with an actual space port for ships larger than a freighter. The city is ruled by an empire that deems themselves "The Red Triad" Ruled by three Pillars or kings that make up the central government of the city state. it is also the largest empire by far and is controlled by humans. The members of the Triad, Pillars, are The Pillar of Knowledge, Strength and Clarity. These pillars often change due to death and the cloak and dagger game of politics.[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]To get into said position, one must be chosen by the other two pillars, as well as the second in commands for each of those pillars. This group of people is called, "The House." More than likely if one were to die, their second in command would take control, or if they have a suitable replacement that is deemed better than the second in command.[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] Once in the position of power, you may check out, but you will not leave alive. Very much up to date on technology, they hold the advantage over just about every other city-state out there. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Summur [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]- The second city and the second largest is ran by a King, King Gerun the third, this is another human ran where their main purpose is to stop the capitol of Damanta from moving its vast empire across the "seas" to other areas and to stop the growth of a city planet. Much like other kingdoms you have your lavish uptown hideouts where the king and his closes advisers, family and friends can all be in safety. As well as the further out from the center of the city, the more you see people without shoes, or even clothes and simply walking around without a care. as of recent they have been dealing with a pandemic of a virus that is making people grow spines along their back and their skin to harden much like an alligator styled look and become frenzied. So far there is no cure. The best they can do is either kill the person who has the infection, or let them run wild in the plains outside the control of the governments. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Kall[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] - The city of Kall is rather small, as well as the other cities that are named after, this is the third largest city but even considered to Galactic standards, this city would be considered a very large town. A little over 700,000 people living there, There is no ruling district other than a Town hall where elected people of each of 13 districts send in 4 representatives to delegate laws and rules or even declare war. The city is not very large, but its major import is that of weapons and armor as a major black market has grown here and flourished for about 17 years now. The only reason they are not taken over by the other cities is because they are the farthest away from all the other cities and are surrounded by hundreds of Kilometers of hot plains and prairies with no food, shelter or water in sight.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Nirvana[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] - The city of peace and tranquility, Nirvana has a local government of people who believe in being at peace and study in the art of the force for healing, and helping properties and finding one’s self within the force, rather than attacking people for land. They are the smallest group of people on the planet having only 60,000 followers who are all about learning the natural way of life and preservation. The ruling government is composed of "Doves" who are in a council group of 7 to make the right decisions for the followers and for the city itself. Anyone is welcomed to their city should they want to join or just rest for the night, however they have a very large armory of weapons that are dropped off to prevent crime. To enter the city you must pass 13 different weapon checks as well as metal scanners, and pat downs for any weapons or items that are deemed dangerous. These weapons are then put into an armory guarded by trained soldiers who do not hold the vows of not killing or harming others in protection of the city. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Hellgast[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] - The hellish place on the planet is home to everyone who loves to kill. If hell was a place, this was it. There is only one rule. Survive. The place is very much like a town of mercs, murderers, thieves and so forth. The "Government" is really just a mob boss by the name of Garaton who rules with an iron fist and does not take it kindly should you go against him. The man is not afraid to get his hands dirty and will do so if need be. Because there are no rules, there is no real jurisdiction where people work here, but there is a line where they tend to stop and that is at the end of the lava fields. The city Hellgast is near the center of the Lava fields and is only protected with high walls and fortified basements against lava to prevent the city from falling under into the lava. There is also only one way in as the city is literally hanging over a lava pool. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Drakna[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] - Drakna is little more than a string of villages along the lines of the forest and jungles and reaches out into the plains where their houses are built literally into the ground and hills of the grasslands. This is the place where almost all Dovakarain reside. Their government is run by a Champion who displays their skills by fighting other proclaimed champions or warriors for the top spot of ruler. Much of the society would be considered primitive to the other cities as they rarely use ships and futuristic weapons and tech.[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Their system of government is more in thanks the the "Traditional Economy/Government" and have decided that staying with something that works is better than trying something else and failing and ending up all on the wrong side of life.[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Think more of a Current earth lifestyle and you will get the just of it. While they may seem primitive in not using current technology, they do have one major city portion after the same name of Drakna. This city can house up to 30,000 people for a limited time. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Culture: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]While most of the people on the planet vary in cultures, according to the government body that is there, as well as where they live, each culture varies from place to place and even if you lived alone in the wilderness you find different types of people with different views. Most notably will be the Dovakarain Culture which will be done on their own Species sub later on when this is approved. However, there are two days that everyone on the planet celebrates no matter where they live. That is Goren Day, and Zhell day.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Goren day is celebrated in the name of a great king long ago by the name of Goren the Wise for leading a group of 2,000 young men who believe that above all that they would win in a battle against the people of the Capitol. Taking on a city of hundreds of thousands of people, and yet they won because of the fast acting. Through this take over, the Humans took their rein away from the Dovakarain and their tyranny and The Mad King. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]The second day is Zhell day where they celebrate the supposed coming of the Zhell people to the planet where the Dovakarain were born from.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Technology: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Depending upon the city depends on the technology level that they have. While the cities of Damanta, Summur, Kall, and Nirvana have a very higher abridged technology level to that is up to par with the Standards of the Galaxy. However places like Hellgast, Drakna and Goragora have a lower range gap in technology as they either don't get all that could be possible for them, or they refuse to use higher ended powers of technology that is given to them. However, Drakna will be through sufficient RPs and later on down the line will become more technologically advanced due to Rps I will be doing with this character and to integrate Things such as lightsabers, and blasters to the smaller city. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]History: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The history of the planet goes very far back to the time when a species called the Zhell were living and the prominent species of the Galaxy. It is supposed that there were many groups of Zhell that lived around the galaxy and this planet is just another one of those places. Rumored and mythed as being the original species that settled here. No real official written language until about the time of the Pre-Republic era. From there they called themselves the Dovakarain and made different cities and tribes. These tribes all separated by different land formations; they each made their own societies. From there they evolved on their own Culture wise. From this, it started many wars.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]The first war was never truly named, but was given one none the less as "The Forever War" because the war lasted over two hundred years. The result was the usurping of the king knows only as "Dread" because no other name was given to him. it was after this time for about 50 years that peace ensued and continued on for a majority of the cities until the Capitol decided to expand. As thought of this expansion were being taken place, humans, mainly one known by the name of Sorval Damcus, found the planet after his hyperdrive malfunctioning and popping him into the system. While the malfunction in minor, he continued on to the planet he named Safe Haven as any pilot would rather find a planet to land on, rather than the empty void of space. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]With his landing, he fixed up his ship and left after trading some goods and returned to gather many people to discover this planet once more. After discovering this new world, many flocked to it to understand why it was here, and what profit they could earn off of it. Thus, many of these humans whispered into the ears of the Capitol to expand. Influencing them to continue even against the other cities. This expansion took place over three hundred years where the different kingdoms then decided to go their own ways, thus creating the seven city states that have been at peace for over a millennium. It was then that the war over the Mad King's throne took place. A war that lasted only four years during this time, many people were known to leave the planet as the Humans had given them the technology to do so. From this, the leader of the Human resistance, Dominic Kinder, took the throne after beating the Mad King to a one on one duel. It was then that the next twenty years had peace, [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]During those twenty years of peace, the Red Guard slowly expanded and continued to do so until people got the idea that this had to stop. During this expansion done by the Red Guard, They had found old remains of what had been ships and [/SIZE]communication[SIZE=10.5pt] devices. As they were not so keen on making a ship when no life could not be [/SIZE]outside[SIZE=10.5pt], they opted out to simply make a form of [/SIZE]communication[SIZE=10.5pt] to send a signal out into space. From this action. ships came as many scared people wanted to run, the people who came were humans, looking almost like themselves, the humans considered them an ally and began to aid them in the creation of starships and increasing their technology. Causing a rift between the Kingdoms once more. Rebels who rose up [/SIZE]calling[SIZE=10.5pt] themselves the Warhawks formed a rebel alliance to take on the King Kinder. Small skirmishes have taken place since then over the course of four years. And this will all change when it comes time for a Native who left with his family to a different world, to come back and cause a rebellion, to become a war. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Notable PCs:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Asher Kellan, (Born foreign but is a Dovakarain decedent because of his parents) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] To create an independent planet where people can RP away from other factions and to give experiences for Asher for him to grow as a PC as well as others. To create another longer story line that I will continue to do over the course of the next year or so. [/SIZE]
Hello Asher, I'll be judging this. First off well done on such a large amount of work! You've clearly put a lot of time into this. :)

In general there are quite a few grammar/spelling errors in the sub still. Fortunately if you shove this sub in word/google docs it should highlight nearly all of them for you.

Asher Kellan said:
Dova major sun stays still while Nariem revolves around it as well as other planets.
Quick note, two objects will orbit around their center of mass (, not one of the bodies. One star is liable to be ~10 solar masses, the other ~1. For comparison the second largest body in our system, Jupiter is 0.0009546 solar masses. If you put the masses of your two stars and separation in here: you can calculate their orbital period!

Asher Kellan said:
Their government is ran by a Champion who displays their skills by fighting other proclaimed champions or warriors for the top spot of ruler. Much of the society would be considered primitive to the other cities as they rarely use ships and futuristic weapons and tech. Think more of a Current earth lifestyle and you will get the just of it.
Even for "current earth lifestyle" this method of selecting a leader seems remarkably primitive. Could you justify it a little more?
Asher Kellan said:
The members of the Triad, Pillars, are The Pillar of Knowledge, Strength and Clarity. These pillars often change due to death and the cloak and dagger game of politics. Once in the position of power, you may check out, but you will not leave alive. Very much up to date on technology, they hold the advantage over just about every other citystate out there.
How does a new triad get selected in the event of retirement/death?

Could you please add a little on how the planet joined the rest of the galaxy to the history section?
[member="Asher Kellan"]

Hey, how is it going? This is a good sub, and just needs a little more info so you can crack on with your roleplays :)

I can pm you my skype if you want to bounce some ideas off me?
[member="Raziel"], Sorry! I have been stuck with work, school and then trying to keep up with other characters. I can PM you, but I do not have a Skype if that is okay with you?
Since [member="Raziel"] has moved to Starship Judging, I've been given permission from Mr.Raziel himself to look this over and finish up the process. [member="Asher Kellan"] what is the status of this submission? Did you complete the two things Raziel asked for? Your sub looks good to go otherwise.
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