Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Saede Taggart



NAME: Saede Taggart
RANK: Captain
ALLEGIENCE: Herself/The Crimson Resurgent
FACTION: The Underworld


MANUFACTURER: Archangel Research & Design
MODEL: ARD X-1a Infiltration Human Replica Droid, Deluxe Human Model
WEIGHT: 80kg
EYES: Hazel - Visual processing modes; infrared, low-light, 20x magnification.
SKIN: Fair
SEX: Female
APPARENT AGE: Early 30's
BUILD: Athletic
MATERIALS: High strength polymers, plastiform moulding, cloned organic coverings.
STANDARD EQUIPMENT: Vocabulator capable of mimicking any known voice and speaking several thousand languages. Invisible communicator with audio or text broadcasting to other units on the same planet.


+ HRD. Infiltrator Deluxe Human Model. The products of extensive research into organic behaviour and practices, the Infiltrators are almost impossible to pick from humans. At best they can be near perfect replicas, at worst they can come off as a bit socially awkward, but easily within normal bounds. The Infiltrators are made of lighter materials and of a specifically non-magnetic construction so that they will not show up on most scans. Unless a unit sustains a serious wound they are almost indistinguishable from organics. They can even do things organics can such as eat, drink, sweat etc. This make thinks and even "feels" in as close proximity of emotions as is possible with the limits of programmable technology. Her programming actually includes the ability to "get drunk" when imbibing alcohol, though this feature can be turned off as well.

+ HRD. Resilient. An Infiltrator can take several blaster bolts to the body before the unit fails. Limbs can be severed and severe damage done, but it will press on regardless until destroyed. As they are made of lighter materials they are easier to destroy than other HRDs, but as they feel no pain they still require disabling blows to the head or chest to knock them out. Since they do not tire they can fight and exert themselves far longer than a comparable organic could.

+ Know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Saede usually knows when to keep pushing and when to cut her loses and run to fight another day. Sometimes, she doesn't always listen to that good sense, but she always KNOWS at least.

+ Brawler. Though HRDs are programed with a wide variety of combat skills, the template of the original leaned heavily on brawling- down-and-dirty hand to hand fighting.


- HRD- Machine Vulnerabilities. As machines HRDs suffer especially from ion and electrical attacks. A blast of Sith Lightning or an ion grenade can severely damage vital systems even if the unit is not destroyed. And EMP attack has the potential to shut her down entirely until she can be rebooted.

- HRD- Archangel's Thumb. This model was created by Archangel for a particular customer. Though bought and paid for, the man who commissioned her is dead, and she's off the leash. The Archangel company has ways to access her base programing and alter it, making her vulnerable to their whims should they seek to take advantage of that.

- I've Got No Strings. Saede does not know that she is an HRD. This will be both a practical and an existential problem when she discovers it.

- A Captain's Responsibilities. Saede is deeply loyal to those who become part of her crew, and takes her responsibility to them very seriously. She will move heaven and earth to do right by them, at any cost. Betrayal of that trust is not taken lightly. While she will extract vengeance without hesitation, it cuts her deeply (or so says her programing) to do so.


HRD- Not a Terminator Model. Saede Taggart has the strength and combat capabilities of a strong, skilled human fighter. Not of a combat droid.

HRD - Historical Reconstruction. Because the original model lived so long ago, there was no possibility of doing an actual brain scan. This Saede is based on historical documents and lore about the long ago so called "Pirate Queen" who operated off of Velusia. But there is no way to completely and faithfully replicate every detail of that woman, and few people alive who would know the difference.

Part of the Ship, Part of the Crew. Based on historical data, this version of Saede does best when she has a crew at her back. She is both spurred to greater heights by the support of others, and also grounded by the responsibility. This means that Saede does not do well, mentally, when by herself. Personal time is fine and important, but she is better suited as part of something larger than herself.


The historical Saede Taggart was a well known Pirate Captain that operated out of Velusia, starting around the year 390 ABY. During the Golden Age of Piracy, she captained the Crimson Revenant, a stolen Imperial SSD, and commanded a small fleet of pirate vessels as well. There is scant biographical information of any reliability- most stories fall in to what must surely be the realm of legend and mythology over the last half millennia. But maybe more of it's real than people believe....

The current iteration of Saede Taggart is a custom built Human Replica Droid who believes she is Captain Saede Taggart.. Commissioned by a man with a greater love of historical women than common sense, she was built to exacting specifications by Archangel, and delivered to his mansion. Unfortunately (for him), his death during the Omega War led to a strange series of events. Though she was meant to be activated by him, and had a subroutine in her programing that would make her loyal to whomever said her name first- his was not the first voice she heard speak it. Rather than becoming a play thing for an unhinged mind, Saede Taggart is free to roam the galaxy once more.

And she has a lot to catch up on.


Vibro Cutlass
​Blaster Pistol
The Red Messenger


Across the galaxy, the Omega hung like a jewel over frozen Castameer.
But we're not here to talk about them.

"Did his royal nibs tell you what was in the crate?"

The porter shrugged.

"Hey, I don't ask questions, Mikal. He said bring it to his chambers when it arrived. So I brings it to his chambers, hey?"

It was probably a good thing their master was dying on a cold, far off world. He would have been more than a little cross about the deathsticks both men were smoking in his chambers. Normally, the household ran tightly, neatly. But his absence the last several months had made them lax and lazy.

They both stood beside a large crate, Archangel and Fragile stamped on the metal. The porter leaned against it, inhaling with evident pleasure. Mikal stood by the door, far less at ease, sucking on the end of the deathstick like a nervous old man.

"Should we open it?"

Again, the porter shrugged.

"I was just told to bring it. Figured his seneschal would know what do to with it when it got here."

"Yeah, well, the seneschal's not here. Went with him to Castameer. What do you reckon we should do with this?"

The porter casually flicked ashes on to the thick carpet. "I'd just leave it. It'll sit till he gets back. Not like it's going to ambush anyone or anything."

The sound of a careful knock knock turned their attention to the crate veeeeery slowly. Both men looked at each other. The porter dropped his deathstick, grinding it in to the carpet with his heel before stepped up to the crate. Glancing over at his friend, he carefully reached out and offered a pair of return knocks.

Everything was silent for a long moment. Long enough that both men looked slightly relieved.

Tap tap taptaptap- knock knock

"I think something's in there."

"No chit Mikal. Bleeding genius you are. Help me get this open, will you?"

The pair struggled with the clasps on the crate. With a clack and a hiss, they finally got both sides free. Very carefully, almost gingerly, they eased the lid to the side. A muted silver light spilled from within and they both looked down in genuine surprise at the statuesque red-headed woman smiling up at both of them.

"Who the hell are you?"

Her grin widened, wolfish and bright.

"My name is Saede Taggart. And I'm the ambush."


"Nice ship. I think I'll keep it."

Saede sat in the pilot's seat of the Luxury Yacht. She hummed cheerfully to herself as she ran down the pre-flight checklist. The yacht wasn't really her style- too fancy, not nearly enough firepower. But it would do for now. Any port in a storm, after all.

It had been easy to convince the two men that she had meant business. After all, neither of them was prepared to deal with a pirate in their master's bedroom. She'd availed herself of some of the more portable goods immediately available, acquired credit chits from several of the rest of the staff (kindly rounded up by the stammering Mikal), and picked the one ship she could fly out of this place all by her lonesome. She took note, however, of a larger, far more suitable friend simply begging to be brought home with her-

"I promise, Saede will be back, love. I won't leave you here to languish among those who don't appreciate your charms." The redhead blew a kiss through the window at the ship below as she headed off toward the stars. Unfortunately, she knew she would need a crew to return for it.

She knew exactly who she was. Captain Saede Taggart. Pirate. She also knew, somehow, that a great deal of time had passed since the days of the Revenant and Velusia. There was no doubt, no question in her mind that her old crew- Serrena, Nathaniel, Rok, Alema, Jon, and everyone else was long dead. Velusia was no longer the hub of pirate activities in the galaxy. She didn't know how, exactly, she'd ended up in that crate, or how she's survived the intervening years. But here she was, and she wasn't about to waste it.

It was the least she owed those who were gone.
[member="Kalinai Soluza"] Hello my crazy pineapple. Hope you've been keeping busy in my absence.

[member="Tirdarius"] There was.... some external pressure to bring this character to Chaos. After the last couple of months, I finally caved ;)

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