Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Sadira Valen

  • z5oplF0.jpg

    Sadira Valen

    Rank: Jedi Padawan

    Species: Human

    Age: 18

    Sex: Female

    Height: 160 cm

    Weight: 55 kg

    Eyes: Hazel

    Hair: Dark brown

    Skin: Light olive

    Force sensitive: Yes
    If there’s one word to describe her appearance, it’s humble. Sadira has excelled at abstaining from attachment to physical possessions, which has influenced her attire. She prefers more traditional Padawan robes of neutral and light colors. That’s isn’t to say she doesn’t care about her appearance. She is always clean and tidy, just never flashy or colorful, and she never wears jewelry or carries unnecessary trinkets. Her long, dark brown hair is typically straight and free, or worn in a loose gathering down her back to keep out of her face. Regardless of sun exposure, her skin is a light olive that can easily darken, with a few small scattered moles. Her eyes are a medium greenish-brown. Short and lean as she is, it’s not uncommon for opponents to underestimate her as a threat--something she is always happy to exploit.

    Outfit idea 1:
    Outfit idea 2:

  • History
    There are few memories of a life with her family. What Sadira can remember is parents who had a tumultuous relationship, and an older sister who liked to dote on her like a third parent. Her mother and father were both Jedi Masters, or so she believed. She watched them use the force in a variety of ways as easily as one breathes, and remembers them encouraging her to do the same. Easier said than done, when you’re 4 years old, but Sadira did her best. Her father was a loving and protective man, with a dark beard, and eyes that were always calm and patient. In contrast, her mother was an energetic and passionate woman, who was obsessed with bettering herself. Eventually, this transitioned into an incessant will to control. Sometimes she ventured off on her own for a variable amount of time, which Sadira assumed was some kind of special training. Sadira recalls watching her mother practice from a safe distance when she was home, mimicking her movements and attempting to manipulate the force like she did. She also recalls her father scooping her up on more than one occasion and pulling her away.

    There was a big fight between them one night, and then her mother disappeared. It’s difficult to say how long she was gone, but it was easily a few months or more. The day her mother returned, she remembers her eyes being a different color, and her expression unfamiliar. The glowing red sword was the first one she’d ever seen before, and she found it curious that her father never had one. Sadira watched her approach their home with clueless fascination. When her older sister jumped in front of her to carry her away, the chaos erupted. The intense heat of the saber as it passed in a blinding sweep of light in front of her, the pungent smell of charred flesh, and her sister splitting into two pieces, shocked her into dissociation. Her father intervened next, though he was at a disadvantage without a lightsaber of his own. The length of their battle is unknown to her, as she didn’t snap into reality until her father force-pushed her rather violently, flinging her over a distance that at the time felt like traversing the length of the galaxy through hyperspace. The landing broke a couple bones, but she still managed to get back up and run. Though she didn’t witness either of their deaths, she felt both of them happen. Her father went first. Naturally, Sadira thought her mother would catch up and her and kill her like she had the rest of them, but she never managed. She heard an enraged and surprised scream, and then her presence vanished as well. Sadira was later discovered in rough shape by wandering Jedi, who were passing through the ancient forest of her home planet in search of an artifact. They seemed just as shocked to see her as she was to see them.

    From then on, Sadira became absorbed by the Silver Jedi, and devoted her life to mastering everything they threw at her. She’s shown unwavering loyalty to their cause, but is far from a mindless follower. Those who trained her over the years would describe her best traits as hard-working, able to accept and utilize constructive criticism, and courageous. There are a few concerning traits however, and she’s been observed closely, and at times corrected harshly, for them. If only to prevent her from spiraling into the wrong direction. These include being competitive to a fault at times, argumentative against orders or instructions she doesn’t understand or agree with, and susceptibility to emotional manipulation. She takes after her mother more than she realizes.

    Sadira never mentions her family. Very few know she ever had one—that she can remember, anyway. What she doesn’t know is that the death of her parents was investigated briefly by the Jedi, and the cause of her mother’s death remains unknown, as there were no physical blows. It was confirmed that neither of them had ever been part of the Silver Jedi, and their origins are unknown as well. They seemed to have chosen a remote location to raise their family in an effort to hide, or at least remain undisturbed, on a sparsely populated and technologically stunted planet in the outer rim, with more wildlife and ancient ruins than humans. Their ship was found in a clearing of trees about a kilometer from her home, with surprisingly little wear and tear.

    The events of her early childhood have impacted her in many ways, nevertheless. Ways she isn’t even aware of. They have significantly influenced her personality and motivations, and play a huge role in her internal struggle between rebellion and compliance. They’re also part of the reason she has such little regard for personal possessions, and in an ironic twist, such a high regard for personal relationships. Yet, she’s aware of how dangerous it can be to become too attached to anything, including another person, which pushes her into behaving in a way that gives the false impression of being emotionally unavailable. When the first Jedi Master to take her under his wing died, she took it harder than she ever anticipated, though carried on like a stoic droid after it happened. In summary, she is a very complex person with the best intentions, and at times poor execution, who needs much refining before she can become a Jedi Master. There is a very real possibility that her good intentions could become warped through fear and pain, and turn her down a darker path in the future.

  • Strengths & Weaknesses:

    + The Armored Mouse: though not unusually small, she packs an unexpected punch for her size. She faces challenges head-on, and uses the Force to bolster her personal strength and defense. She is a master of none, but her greatest skills lie in abilities such as those within Tutaminis, Force Wave (within reason), Force Valor, and others.

    +Duelist: lightsaber duels are her favorite, and she has spent many hours practicing the different forms.


    - Open-Minded: protection against mental manipulation is her weakest area. Those who excel in Mind Tricks would be able to influence her.

    Personality Traits:

    + Inquisitive + Loyal + Dependable + Honest

    ~ Competitive ~ Skeptical ~ Fiercely protective

    - Headstrong - Impulsive - Restless

  • [WIP]​
    + Lightsaber

  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
    Sacred Heart
    Silver Valentine
    Valentine Massacre

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