Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sacking of Coruscant[OOC]

Hey guys!​
This is the OOC for the Sacking of Coruscant skirmish. The thread is intended to take place at the same time as the Invasion of Contruum, so that the OS main military force is not focused on Coruscant. If you're participating in Contruum, please keep this in mind but feel free to join if it makes sense for you. Other than that...Have fun!​
This is supposed to be a fun thread for all to enjoy. If you want to fleet we have [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] for that. If you want to PVP we have tons of people for that. If you just want to write a good story about running around while stuff is happening...have at it! This thread is meant to be all around enjoyable :)
Again, just have fun!​
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

As discussed in PM, I'll be flinging some NPC vessels your way

As for Everyone Else:
Hiss Hiss will be descending with her veteran Dread Dragoons unit to defend the Sith central temple and tango with any Jedi/Forcers who are interested :)
Rook's gonna reenact the plot of Taken.

[member="Cyril Grayson"] is going to try and find the Dark Lord, because the guy kind of wrecked him when he was a Padawan. More so to confirm if the rumors of his death are true or not. If anyone wants to fight either of them, feel free.
Julius will be headed towards the temple. I wouldn't mind PVP, but the main thrust is to grab a holocron (possibly two) and use the skirmish for dev posts to sub them. I'm willing to work out a good story for them, so if you would like to tango, please do contact me so we can set something up!
Raiens there, nobodies getting in the temple ;) or so his ego says! The more that fight him the merrier, he's at his strongest fighting a Darkside Master one on one, and his weakest fighting someone who uses compassion and acceptance.

Just know when you read Knight and jump in, also read his bio, as he's the strongest character I have by a clear mile still in terms of pvp. Any questions or concerns always pm me, we can ignore his squad or not as you like, have fun!
[member="Xavka Duquo"] Yes come join Raien, maybe protect the holocrons? Could even bring a small squad of troopers to defend the halls or the temple defenses.

Not entirely sure what defenses we'll have but I assume the Sith put up some kind of shield generator to shop a ship just blasting it to pieces, and maybe some anti air stuff?

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