Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lypheen woke up with a start. Last he remembered he was shot and carried away. He had woke up a while earlier but almost instantly fallen back asleep. Another person other than Maleus was watching him.He reached for his blaster, but it wasn't there.Great, another stolen blaster. "Unhand me!" He yelled. The being watching him told him to calm down. calm down?They took me hostage! He thought. After this was over he would kill Maleus and his partner. Huge amount of credits would be payed if he brought in a sith. He did not know what the other one was, or who he was, but since he was a friend of Maleus, he would pay well too.
"If you do not cease your flippancy I shall regard you as what you are... His scarred face retracted from the view-port to look back at Lypheen. "I hear the vacuum of space isn't accommodating, if you do not wish to feel your innards buckle under it's pressure I advise that you stop and listen.. Having turned on the auto-pilot, he'd rise from his seat.
"I am your salvation.. The others sought your destruction, even now, no-one protested me taking you. You are scum, but fear no longer. I shall scrub the proverbial grime from your decrepit body. As he sought to look closer into Lypheen's soul, he'd grimace. He would witness the ferocity of the Sith firsthand. Slowly he moved to pry his metallic hand from the encapsulating darkness provided by his pockets that were woven into the sides of his cloak.
"Either you pledge your allegiance to me now, or I force you into a waste chute and send your corpse ricocheting into the nearest asteroid."
His ultimatum was cold, and firm.
"And besides, I speak your language.."
A chest lined with thousands of credits brimmed from the top.
"Death, or eternal servitude, what will it be criminal?"

Lypheen Grath

Iris Tyrad

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