Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Rumble On Orax


"Oh, a sword."

Alina attempted to feign some interest, but the eyeroll and lackluster tone to her voice made it all too easy to show how little interest she had. "Artifacts are.. Useful in some cases. This sword, not so much. Why don't you tell me of you? Your use? Who you serve? Your order is long dead, but you can always tell me more."

Lady Venge Lady Venge
Venge gritted her teeth as she retrieved the sword from Alina. It was very obvious that she wouldn't be learning the secrets of the Sangnir from Alina Tremiru. Not yet at least. Alina Tremiru wanted to know the story of who Venge was, what made her tick? So be it...

" I once ruled over the Black Hssiss Order alongside a Dark Lord Of The Sith named Jarin Retsinis, of whom you have probably never heard" Venge said, a smile involuntarily crossing her face at the memory of better days. "Few knew of our Order's existence, but we preferred it that way, as it made it easier for us to strike at our enemies and fade into the shadows once more. We were assassins, sorcerers....warriors devoted to the Dark Side. And then, the most unlikely person comes along and tears it all down..."

Venge paused as memories of Alex StormWolf replayed in her mind.

"Lord Retsinis had a personal vendetta against a former Jedi Knight, who in an attempt to hide from him, fled to Yanibar of all places and settled down to raise a family after falling in love with a Force sensitive woman he met there. House StormWolf, they called themselves, as if they would survive long enough to establish a dynasty. Lord Retsinis, had a personal interest in their eldest son, Alex StormWolf. Farsight had revealed to Jarin that Alex would become a powerful asset if he could be swayed to the Dark Side. Ultimately, Jarin succeeded, slaughtering 'House StormWolf' and swaying Alex to the Dark Side. I found myself strangely drawn to Alex's dark persona. Was it true love, the lust of youth? I know not. All I know is that for a time, we were together, and I was content....if a Sith can ever truly be content. Eventually, I sensed a change in Alex, as if he was beginning to recall his former life. I tried to warn Lord Retsinis, but he refused to listen, insisting that Alex was a valuable asset. Soon enough, my warnings proved true. Alex renounced us and single handedly destroyed our Order.

Venge closed her eyes and visibly shuddered as the memory of being trapped under the collapsed roof of the Council Chamber flooded her mind.

"To this day, I have no logical explanation for why I alone survived. I should have been dead along with the others, and yet, I was spared. Years passed, Alex and I continued to orbit each other like two stars falling into a black hole, our paths crossing occasionally. I was conflicted...still am truthfully. Part of me hated him for what he had done, what he had taken from me. And yet, another part of me yearned to restore what once was, rebuild the Order, and rule it with Alex at my side. To that end, when Alex went missing from the Jedi Order a few years ago, I had him captured and returned to me. Heh, you should have seen him when I finally broke him using poison created by Sith alchemy. He was everything he was meant to be when he re-embraced the darkness within. I forged a secret Force Bond with him, the better to control him. Darth Amarok I named him. Together, we would rebuild the Black Hssiss Order...."

As she recalled how Alex once again turned back to the Light, Venge could no longer control her rage.


Venge trails off, staring at the ground at her feet for a long moment before turning her gaze back to Alina, shaking her head ruefully, shrugging her shoulders and throwing her arms wide.

"That's it! There's my story. I suppose you're going to mock me now, hmm?"

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


"I can't mock something so pitiful. I'm not that cruel."

Hard to tell if she was actually being mocking or not with how expressionless her face was. Her brow knitted together a moment later though, before she shrugged.

"You failed, you lost. You're not anything worth my time. I'm sure you can see yourself back to your ship without tripping up somewhere, mm?"

Lady Venge Lady Venge
Part of Venge wanted nothing more than to pounce on Alina and tear her head off using only her bare hands. Fortunately, the more rational part of Venge's thought process prevailed as she instead decided to answer the holocommunicator on her belt that had begun to beep incessantly, signaling an incoming call.

"What do you want?! I'm rather busy here! This better be worth my time."

Venge listened to the call, which stated: It is by the request of Adeline Noctua that any and all Jedi or light side force users are to be hunted down and captured in order to have their very force eaten by her, payment to those competent enough to capture targets will be blessed by her blood. The strength and power of the Sangnir are yours to be had, eternal life and dominion over mortality itself.

A smile of glee crosses Venge's face as she realizes another avenue towards her desires had been placed before her.

"Well, Sister, it appears I don't need anything from you after all," Venge said as she strode towards her ship. "Enjoy the rest of your evening and try not to choke on all that blood."

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru

(OCC- Exiting thread)


"Adeline won't give you anything you want. So long as I tell her not to, anyway." Alina swirled around the glass of blood, smiling softly to herself as she turned her gaze out towards the view she'd been watching prior.

"When you're ready to bend the knee and beg, it won't be hard to find me. Enjoy scrounging, Lady Venge."

Lady Venge Lady Venge

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