Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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RSVjun Launch!

Major Faction


OOC Writer Account
Hi Chaos!

So, I've recently began a new YouTube channel titled RSVjun. It is a Runescape community channel where I will be uploading videos of what I get up too in game, as well as series based around the world of RS. Videos will be set in the 07server as this is the type of Runescape I prefer to play.

Even if you don't like Runescape or don't watch YouTube at all, I would really appreciate if you could just subscribe to my channel, like my videos and leave a comment, as this helps to promote and grow my channel.

You can subscribe here ->

I've also begun new Facebook and Twitter pages to help promote my channel. Here you can find out when future videos will be released, as well as other content I'll be producing on there.

Facebook ->
Twitter ->

Thanks for reading/watching :)

Just a tip; I'd get a screen recorder that only records the area you want it to (eg Bandicam, FRAPS) so that it maximizes the video image on the content, rather than your whole desktop.
Major Faction


OOC Writer Account
[member="Jyn Sol"]

I think it's far easier to start out as a female gamer. People are more inclined to watch a woman than a man. That's what I've learned on the internet anyway. I'm using camtasia at the moment. I'm still in the learning phase with it, but so far I've found it easier to use than other programs. My first video recorded the whole screen because I didn't know you could change the recorder, but as you can see in the second video you can.

What's your YouTube? PM the link.

Girls get a lot of bad stick due to past YT gamers who were female; you've been on YT two days and you have more subs than I do, and more views on your vid in one day than I get in 2 weeks :p Which is awesome! Not raining on your parade! :) And aye, I noticed with the second that it was better but it still looks like it's been cut from your full desktop. When you edit it, make sure the finished product is altered to fit the screen (it rarely loses quality unless what you do is ridiculously tiny)

My YT is in my signature; it's Kioxes (naturally) Here's the link, though:
Major Faction


OOC Writer Account
[member="Jyn Sol"]

Looks fantastic. If you have a look here I'd be super appreciative of your help Libby. I know that you're fantastic with stuff like avatars, banners etc and by looking at your YouTube channel I was really impressed with how professional and tidy it looks in comparison to mine. I'm new to all this recording jazz and it would be fantastic if you could help me out with some behind the scenes stuff.

Plus you got yourself a new subscriber (your 14th) so well done. :D

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