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Approved Tech RS2 Astromech Droid

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Intent: to provide an astromech engineer droid for Vext Industries that can be used in Vext facilities and sold
Development Thread: NA
Manufacturer: Vext Industries
Model: VAE Astromech Droid
Affiliation: Vext Industries
Modularity: no
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel
Description: the RS2 was an astromech droid designed by Vext Industries. The droid has three arms equipped with numerous tools that allow the RS2 to perform multiple tasks. The primary job of the RS2 is maintenance however it is able to access computer terminals and do minor slicing.
The RS2 main form of transport is a repulsorlift engine. The droid is also equipped with thrusters that allow the RS2 the ability to operate in space. This makes the RS2 popular for work on space stations or ship dry-docks. The major downside of the RS2s repulsorlift design is the apparent inability to work on the exterior of moving vessels. To counter this, the arms are equipped with electro magnets so the droid could crawl around on its 3 legs to perform repairs on fast traveling ships without being thrown off. This made the RS2 less affective then its tracked or legged counterparts however its repulsorlift, thrusters and long arms allowed the droid to reach areas that would be near impossible for other droids.
4000 each
License rights: 2,000 each

Classification: Second Degree
Weight: 78kg
Height: 1m
Movement: Repulsorlift
Armaments: NA
Misc. Equipment: NA
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