Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rrush'hok Ichnar Vinim'hok

"Faster! Guvvuk!"

Legs pumping, callused feet hitting the ground, leaping over fallen logs and other obstacles Mokurzmau and six other warriors of Domain Pasaar moved through the jungle. A ship had landed within their territory. Perhaps the other Domains intended to be lax in their duties, but Pasaar would not. The abomination would be destroyed and all who brought it into the Yuuzhan Vongs territory would be offered up to Yun-Yammka. Perhaps there would be true warriors among them, worthy of duelling, or even sending some of Pasaar's warrior back to Yun-Yuuzhan, but this seemed unlikely.

Most of the infidels were weak. Pathetic.

Still, the prospect of bloodshed had Morkurzmau's own black blood pounding through her veins. Bladed hand slashed vines and other obstacles out of her way, pace unflagging. Throughout generations the original order for stealth, to keep their enemies from discovering their foothold on this planet had grown to something nearly as embedded as their religion. It was now a point of honour. Step into their territory and die. For the most part they had enforced this surprisingly well. Very rarely one of the native Soltarans might catch a glimpse of them and manage to escape undetected. This happened only often enough that words of terrifying mutilated killers existed in the lizards lore, A tale to scare their young with, not enough that it was taken seriously and any major investigation was undertaken.

The unnatural stench of the abomination caused her lips to curl back from her teeth, and almost as one the warriors of Domain Pasaar slowed and fanned out. Moving to circle the ship. Voices could be heard, though the words were indistinct. Where a moment before there was only speed, now feet stepped carefully, causing no sound as they slunk through the jungle. Large forms managing to pass through under-brush with almost supernatural silence and skill. They were the apex predators of Solovarna, of that there was no doubt.
Though it galled to put off the sacrifices and veneration of Yun-Yammka, training kicked in, and Mokurzmau slunk in, scouting out the situation rather than just bursting out of the jungle blades slashing. She could, and she would likely be successful, but it was not how they had been trained. Yellow eye peered through the undergrowth as she apprached, crouched low to the ground. Two Devaronians and a wookiee. At that last her scowl turned slowly into a grin, no more appealing nor comforting than the original expression.

That one was hers. To hell with caution, she'd not have any of her brothers stealing her prize.

"Tchurokk Yun'tchilat!"

Her voice roared through the jungle, as she burst into the clearing their landing had made. Forward and forward, zig-zagging slightly, blades up and prepared for the blaster fire that was likely to be sent her way. It was, the Devaronians both pulling blasters, a cowards weapon, though few bolts were sent her way as at her cry her brother acted as well. The Devaronians spun, back to back, trying to figure out where to fire, how to defend themselves from the sudden appearance of the seven hulking warriors.

The bolts she did catch on her blades were enough that they started to heat up, too many more and she would burn the stumps strapped within as well as possibly compromising the blades strength. The last concerned her, the first did not. Earned pain was welcome. The ultimate truth. A truth she intended to share.

The Wookiee raised his Heartlance.
The lance stabbed out towards her as she closed, normally she would merely bat it away, but the Wookiee was strong. Physically stronger even than she was, a worthy opponent. Perhaps the strongest she had fought yet, this was a thought that brought great joy to the warrior. Blade met lance, and deflected it enough that the warrior could twist to the side out of the way and continue advancing as the lance slid past her.

Her brothers had already dealt with the two weaklings, though some of them were injured none fell. They knew better than to interrupt a duel, it would be an insult to her honour. Instead they moved to begin destroying the abomination. The Wookiee brayed his opposition, but could not take his attention off Mokurzmua. Even the momentary distraction let her slash at him with the blade not currently checking his lance.

He countered by using the lance and his strength to physically sweep her to the side, turning a killing blow to the neck into a shallow gash to his shoulder. Still this was hardly something she was unprepared for. Largely unarmoured she was light on her feet, and simply moved with him, circling faster than he swept. As he got caught up in keeping up with her, she grinned wickedly and dropping to her knees slashed out at the back of his knees, hooked blade still tangling his lance. He howled in pain and fear, perhaps understanding the situation he was in at last. Trying to shift his position the shaggy beast fell to his back, his tendons severed and no longer able to support him.

She rose, freeing her blade as he rolled over to his side, mewling piteously.


She commented contemptuously, sneering. This has not been the challenge she'd hoped for. Blade was brought down once, viciously, severing the shaggy paw that warded it off, and then again, slicing through thick fur and throat, letting his lifeblood drain out into the jungle. Perhaps his life would feed something more worthy. One could only hope.

The sounds of destruction could be heard from within the small ship. Anything that could be destroyed was. The metals would not even be saved and smelted. Unless they were gathered and worked by hand they were abominations. It would be gutted and left for the jungle to reclaim.

Her bloodthirsty mind ticked as she moved to aid her brothers in their task.
The band of seven was moving back to the hidden camp from which those who identified as Domain Pasaar currently operated.

"How did you mother and fathers die?"

Mokurzmau demanded suddenly, brashly, breaking the silence.

"We share a father you know this."

One who was brother in more than Domain replied, brow creased in confusion as he tried to predict where this conversation was going.


She pressed on obstinately.

"Slept and did not wake."

"My mother took her life when she became a burden."

There were other similar refrains. Little variation. A few accidents. This was all.

"It is best to die in honourable combat."

"Of course."

Surprise that this even needed to be stated.

"And yet none of them did."

Silence as this sunk in, uneasiness passing about the group. This was true, everyone knew this, but it was largely.. ignored. Skirted around.

"I do not intend to sleep and not wake. I intend to die a warrior."


"By fighting until I am cut down."

This statement was punctuated by a vicious slash at a sapling in the way, cleanly severing it's trunk. It was also met by approval. It was not much of a plan yet, but Mokurzmau had ever been the boldest and most vicious of the current generation of Pasaar's. If there was battle to be had, she would find it.
By the time the seven reached camp is had been decided, and from them it flowed to the rest of Domain Pasaar who seized this enw idea, this new opportunity gladly. Pasaar was not the largest domain at a score and eleven, but is was known to be the strongest. It had been the most careful in it's breeding, the most strenuous in it's training. All it's members were marked by the decidedly purple hue to their skin. Some of the other Domains shared it, but none to the same extent. It was a physical sign of their oneness and commitment, their devotion.

It was time to go back to the main camp where the other Domains, Taav, Esh, Shul, Qat and Yim waited. They would tell the others the new plan, and if it were not embraced.. Well then they would be shown truth, as only a Yuuzhan Vong could be,

"Yim and Shul will oppose us."

"Yim and Shul oppose anything they did not think of, but the blood they are so proud of is bru."

Makurzmau responded, spitting on the ground to show what she thought of the two. Shul who thought the name of Intendants meant they ruled still though their blood was long muddied and Yim who were so small they might as well not exist at all. What use a Shaper Domain when Shapers were things of legend only?

"Qat and Esh will likely back us. What of Taav?"

"They will or they will not, and if they will not then I will show them that it is Yun'tchilat!"

"Skrithurzmau is strong.."

"And whole, he is not beloved of Yun-Yuuzhan no matter how many lines he carves. He lacks devotion. The Gods will not favour him."

This seemed to settle the matter and they continued in silence.
"Secrecy has ever been our way!"

Protested the Mau of Domain Shul to the assembled. Once understanding of what Pasaar was proposing had been passed around, all returned to hear the debate. Hunting, gathering, crafting, all had been put on hold for the discussion of that which was most important.


"Where do the God's tell us to hide!"

Mokurzmau rebutted, stance stiff and ready to fight. Still, some words needed to be exchanged first. They were too few to kill each other without cause.


"Yun-Harla is deception not cowardice! Deception and aggression! Perhaps Shul has none left, but Paasar does! Pasaar honours all the Gods! Yun-Harla with aggression, Yun-Yammka with blood and war, Yun-Txiin and Yun-Q'aah through our mindful breeding and Yun-Yuuzhan through our sacrifice!"

This last was roared out with both arms raised, the blades that had replaced her hands prominent. Domain Pasaar and their allies Qat and Esh roared their approval.

"Perhaps Shul is content to hide, to grow weak and die in their sleep while the infidels only a hands-worth of days away create more and more abominations, creeping farther and farther across the face of this world. Pasaar is not content!"

Again the roar of approval.

The Mau of Domain Shul was troubled. The crowd seemed to be against him, in battle he would surely lose, and yet to back down now would be to lose face, to lose honour. Shul's position was tenuous enough. Perhaps.. His eyes searched the crowds for a figure that might be his salvation..

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