Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[RR] Time to meet the Devil


"He's a very dangerous boy."
"I was told by my mother once, 'only God forgives.' I think she was trying to tell me to do whatever I wanted. To listen to no mans law. Because when a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw."

Tonight, not one person wasn't here for a reason. It was three in the morning, and still people came staggering into the casino. While the numbers were significantly thinned compared to just five hours ago, there still were thousands of civilians inside. Too bad, Lysle had waited many nights to strike, waiting until there were as few civilians in his way, but he knew too well what his customers could be like. While ownership of the casino was ripped from his hands, he still felt that these walls, the tables, the customers, were all his. He had started this, and now he was going to finish it.

Lysle was a well connected man, and he had made sure to abuse that influence he held in the galaxy. He checked his palm-sized datapad for a last time, possibly the last time. He had sent messages out to those loyal to him, and they had flocked to him. His Ravens. Yet one had not replied, a contact within the One Sith of whom Lysle considered an associate. Their meeting had been brief, and only twice had they ever met. Both times, neither of them had mentioned a word to one another. But there was still hope. The hotel Lysle had booked for his associate had been occupied as of 1:38pm yesterday evening.

He drifted from his bathroom and into the main foyer of his penthouse apartment within the Dragon Palace Casino. There his two lumbering giants waited him, his Herglic bodyguards. Ever faithful. Ever quiet. Lysle stood in his EVA-MK1, his visor transparent. Once he opened his door, he need only walk across the hallway and into the elevator, and from there it was a short trip to Chiasa's office. He had requested a private meeting with her five minutes ago. He had mentioned he wanted to discuss their differences, and how they could see eye-to-eye. Whether she would show, or if she were asleep and bothered to stir from said slumber, would have to be found out.

All he kept on his person, at all times, was a rather basic blaster. A CDEF blaster pistol. It was not out of the ordinary, albeit his EVA suit was. Lysle nodded, and his Herglics opened the twin doors for him as they stepped out into the hallway. They quickly proceeded into the elevator and Lysle thumbed in the floor number. While doing so, he pressed down on an exterior button of his datapad. He had his man, Spook, install a 'direct alert.' Once he had pressed that button, everyone in the know of the mission would be alerted to get moving. They all knew their jobs. Best they stick to it.

Tag List:
| [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] | [member="Jen"] | [member="Isaac Ideus"] | [member="Cambry Owens"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] | [member="Cal'diira"] | [member="Catalys Maijora"] | [member="Tyro'din"] | [member="Vell"] | Red Ravens |
The Datapad lit up, beeping, glowing in the darkened suite that Jennifer considered home. Perhaps the fact that she had covered the windows for the past months and had rarely turned on much light, if any at all, was done in an attempt to forget or even hide the filthiness that had built up since the message had arrived. She liked it clean. Her people, or rather: The race she partly belonged to, the Ryn, were known for their diligent cleanliness and that was certainly a trait she had gotten as well, however it was not apparent now, far from it.


A hazy, disoriented gaze slowly found its way towards the loud source, the whining noise from the computer seeming much louder than it was due to the deadbeat silence that had ensued within the suite for… Well, a lot of hours now. She stared towards the datapad that vibrated coordinated with the noise for a moment; her amber and blood shot eyes looking past empty beer cans, flasks, half finished dinner plates, syringes, plastic bags with differing amounts of oddly colored dust… Slowly the eyes adjusted themselves to the sudden appearance of a bit of light in the room. With a groan from both the leather couch, she had been lying in and her own mouth she slowly stood, testing her feet before she stumbled towards the datapad with the balance of a drunk. She reached out a hand towards it, the light illuminating her faintly shaking fingers as it was picked up.

She knew what it was about, she had been prepared to hear the beeping for the last week, but right now, she didn’t feel much other than the anxious knot in her stomach tightening even further as she read over the few words in the message. She had already cried, the flooded out eyeliner that surrounded her eyes was a testimony to that. She had already grieved and the expressionless, pale white face of hers that reflected in the glass screen of the datapad was the indicator.

Slowly, with a hand that started to shake more and more she put the datapad into one of the many pouches that lined her waist and trousers. She breathed faster and faster as the other hand of hers picked up a slug thrower that had been lying on the glass table that stood close by the couch, the magazines that belonged to it already sitting in their holders on her trousers. The click from the holster indicated that the pistol was secured behind a case by her waist, partially hidden, nothing unordinary about it though, normally she kept her blaster there.

She cast a lost glance at the hotel room before she exited and with long, quick steps approached elevator B17 where she would meet with the rest. As she ran down the corridor memories flooded her mind, her hand running over the vibro knife that was attached to trousers as well, her other hand at some point trying to adjust the iron skin suit that almost glued to her body under her clothes. It was not recommended to wear such a thing for large periods of time... Finally she arrived, out of breath and with an odor surrounding her that most of all smelled of beer, sweat and the chemical sweet stench of drugs. Her hair was dirty, her face pale and even the large smeared area around her eyes of eyeliner didn’t hide the sunken in bags under her eyes… Her gaze didn’t leave the floor as she neared the elevator. She was well aware of her appearance as well. Her condition and she wasn't proud of it.

She said nothing.​
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]​
Solan leaned back in the chair as he sat at one of the card tables within the casino, his eyes running over and touching the minds of the others at the table. He would test their feelings, their base releases. It wasn't cheating, mostly because he really never bothered to use his knowledge to make a profit. He used it to remain at the same credit limit that he started at. It was easy and fun to watch their reactions to him always walking away with the same amount he came to the table with. Something was in the air though, something more than the normal anxiety of early morning gambling. He smiled as he knew the feeling more than well enough, it was the feeling of maliciousness, of hunger. It was greed he was feeling but not that of the monetary kind. "Let the Games Begin."
The comm unit went off. The Twi'lek who had been trying to catch a rare moments sleep, curled up under the arm of [member="Emberli Garet"] swore as she was torn from her notoriously light slumber. Still, if someone was comming her at this hour there was likely a good reason. Pushing out from beneath him, she checked the message.

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]. Fine. So considerate of him as usual. Honestly it was starting to be a stretch trying to explain why she tolerated him with the way he insisted on treating her. But he was Lysle.

So with an exasperated sigh she rose. Pulled on her glistaweb bodyglove. The Shotcaller Armour with the added life monitors and bracers, not because she expected to be attacked, but because it was.. convenient. It hid things that others didn't need to know about. Oh she was tired.. Couldn't this have waited? She was exhausted almost all the time, she did not need to lose additional sleep. Still, he had earned her time.

She did not arm herself. Why would she? This was her home. Lysle was an ally, if an unreliable one. Besides, Declan was working security tonight. So between him, the Casinos droid defences, plus the veritable army her own head of security had seen fit to procure for her, why would she? Granted these things were usually dealt with by the Sgt at Arms, but since [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] had proven himself singularly unfit at every opportunity for the promotion [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] had given him, it was quietly done by others and nothing was said about it. He'd slowly been getting more reasonable and growing up, one could only hope. Maybe someday he would do his job. At least get made sure the others got lots of one on one combat experience.

Beyond that the Casino had bought out several surrounding blocks and stationed sniper droids throughout. Not to mention the planetary energy shields and orbital defence platforms.

The droids from Stargo all still had the failsafe installed on them, the ones [member="Xalus"] had purchased were overseen only by him. Everything else had at least two people working on it, overseeing or updating it at all times. A direct result of Cryax's traitorous actions. Much of the rest had been done by [member="Jen"] and [member="Jarven Zexxel"] working together with [member="Zenva Vrotoa"]s neice looking over their shoulders.

All of which explained why the Twi'lek went unarmed to her office to meet the man she still thought of as a friend, no matter how often he lashed out at her.

Though many of the Unkindness were currently on planet, and in the Casino, most were asleep. Not all, but most. Of course they also had no reason to think this was anything but another day at the races.

[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Krius"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="A.D.A.M."] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Cadan Tezi"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Genu Kadd"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="VV7-0Q7"] [member="Break"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Bryn Vash"] [member="Alexandria Fraytal"]
Talani was just outside the casino, selling off the last of a large shipment of spice and deathsticks she had been hired to bring it. It seemed the patrons of the casino had more than just a gambling problem in most cases. The Chiss smirked as she helped her client load up the last of the shipment. She took the large metal case containing her credits and smiled. The money in this area was definitely good, she'd have to do business here more often. With nothing left to do for the day, she took her credits and entered the casino. She didn't gamble much, but she heard the food was good and the bar was decent. [member="Solan Charr"]
There wasn't much that could rouse the Bear from his hibernation, but one thing that would was the sound of someone gearing up. It was an ingrained response to the Mandalorian lifestyle. Sleep through the artillery bombardment, wake for the charge. Made sure you were properly energized for the killing. That isn't to say it was a quick process, however. It took several long minutes, and by the time he awoke, the Twi'lek was gone.

Guess she had business to attend to. That was his cue to leave. Throwing his legs over the side of the bed, he moved to gather up his armor. Beskar'gam was a beautiful thing, and the Mandalorians had perfected individual body armor until it was the point of being a Mandalorian Army Knife of tricks. Jetpacks. Flamethrowers. Stun darts. A little bit of everything and then some.

The most disorienting thing for new Mandos was the 360 degree field of view afforded by the HUD. Useful, but hard to get used to. Slipping the armor on once his bodyglove was in place, he hefted the paired Ripper pistols and slotted them into the holsters on his waist. He usually had an assault rifle lying around, but he wasn't carrying that here. No need. Flexing his crushgaunts, he gave a tired smirk before lazily making his way from her room.

Slow, ponderous steps.

She was a busy woman. He was a blissfully unbusy man. Not a terrible arrangement, all told.

Lysle Rigger arrived on the floor, and he instinctively reached for his holster to make certain it was there. He noted the bodyguards and positioned his hands in a much more relaxing manner. Before he entered Chiasa's office, he turned to his Herglics and gave them a brief nod. They would stay outside for this. He didn't want them involved. He turned to the door and it greeted him and opened. He entered the room, a still, sleepy calmness. He noted Chiasa had been waiting for him, as he had hoped and expected of her. He checked his datapad again, the woman was still in the hotel room. Perfect. Maybe he still had time.

He walked close to the desk, admired the room one final time. He knew this room like the back of his hand, it had once been his after all. He had accumulated billions, and even trillions. Thanks to his own endeavors, his struggles, he was now one of the galaxy's richest men. It paid off. Such a shame, he thought, what name the Ravens had now made of themselves. More than once by many had he been told that without his presence in the casino, it just didn't feel the same. The flavor, the style, the very essence of what the Red Ravens had been was no longer. Evolution, perhaps. Everything changes, adapts, evolves, irregardless if he enjoyed it or not.

And so he finally spoke to Chiasa, a question burning in him, and he knew time was running out. "Do you have a lighter?" He remained silent for a moment, "Nevermind." He turned and began to walk out, and in that hallway he would signal his Herglics to fall back in line. He knew he shouldn't have asked her for a lighter, she was probably sleeping. Either way, Lysle had a very steamy date with a fiery Firrerreo in a hotel nearby. Soft blue eyes, short and straight black hair with streaks of auburn, pale albeit almost-silver skin, the woman was a beauty. She was definitely taller, much taller, but hey, who didn't like tall women? Lysle was not among them. And so he would promptly leave the establishment, and would make his wayward path to a hotel nearby for a night of fun. That was his entire plans for tonight.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
[member="Solan Charr"]

Thane sat at the bar of the casino, grabbing his orders of drinks, yes plural. He spotted a table with Solan seated, probably swindling the good people out of the hard earned trust funds. Thane approached with his tray of different drinks and sat across Solan, nodding to each other player at the table, not making it known he knew Solan. He remebered the bounty that had been held on them at one point. This time, he was dressed for the part, a mice pair of black slacks, a button up and a fancy hat. He didn't mind all the looks he got for either his drink count or attire. He liked how he looked and loved the drinks even more. Picking up a Gin and Tonic amongst the drinks, he sipped it as he bought in.

"So, how's everyone's day been? Make any good plays?" He looked to slyly, Thane was Force Sensitive, untrained, but he could've picked Solan's signature out blindfolded.
"You can't call a bluff with a dead man's hand."

It wasn't often that Keira managed to sleep for the majority of the night, or at least, what she considered the majority. But when she woke up, she knew something was wrong. The very air appeared to be wrought with tension, making it almost impossible to breathe. That, coupled with her ethereal senses, was enough warning that she had best be on her guard. Long ago she had learned not to ignore such warnings, and so, begrudgingly, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, no doubt smudging eyeliner left over from the day before in the process, and leapt down from her bed, foregoing the ladder that led up to it. Now wasn't the time to bother with such common things. Whatever was coming, it had a foreboding edge to it. She needed to be ready when the wire snapped.

Muttering something about people always choosing the worst possible times to attempt murder she ran her fingers through her hair, at the very least smoothing it down into some form of neatness, before stepping outside her bedroom door, clad in the same clothes as the day previous, lightsaber already at her waist. The door slid shut smoothly behind her, locking automatically, and no longer did she concern herself with any lost sleep. At the forefront of her mind was what attack was coming and all she could do to prevent it. First came an assessment of the main floor. If nothing seemed out of place, she would move up, taking her time. This threat would be neutralized, carefully and precisely. There wasn't a great time to menace her or hers, but now was arguably one of the worst, after what had happened.

Absently she wandered down to the Casino floor, scanning her surroundings with the Force and physical sight. Less people were about than she'd imagined, but that didn't really mean much. Not many friendly faces were about either, which didn't exactly bode well. But not everyone was gifted with Force sensitivity, and likely hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary. It seemed a few had, or they had been up beforehand, but regardless she made her way through the crowd to where [member="Solan Charr"] was seated at a card table, no doubt immersed in the middle of a game. He'd chosen both the best and worst time to be exactly where he was, given what she could feel and what he no doubt did as well. There wasn't exactly much time for pleasantries and small talk, this time.

So she only pulled up a chair, impromptuly sitting down between him and another individual, ignoring their disgruntled comments for the moment. Her amber gaze strayed to the other Dark Jedi instead. "Don't tell me you didn't feel that." No explanation, no introduction of her presence, not even a simple 'hello'. Just that one statement spoke volumes. Whether the danger was imminent yet or not didn't matter, she still wanted to keep everyone on their toes. No one was allowed a day off when others were constantly making attempts on all of their lives. In fact, if this was nothing more than a false alarm, all the better. Assassinations, whether attempted or successful, were the last thing any of them wanted. Even if she would grumble a bit about losing sleep later.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Chiasa had been waiting, leaning back against the desk. It wasn't her office per se. It wasn't anyones office. Whoever the ranking Casino staff on duty at the time was got to use it. When she was on planet it was her.

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] was apparently on more than his usual deathsticks, of else he'd gotten a bad batch. His question would be answered by flames flickering into life around the Twi'lek. A lighter? Who needed a lighter.

He wandered back out all the same, the Twi'lek sighed, rubbing her eyes. This was where she chased after him right? This was where she followed and they had it out and either wound up allies again or fell out forever.

To hell with that. She was tired. So tired all the time. But she couldn't stop, couldn't let up. Not even for a moment. Time was counting down. She could feel it. Her clock was running faster than most. She didn't have the energy or the inclination to go after him, particularly if he was using. Let it be someone else's problem.
Talani was leaning against the bar, fruity alcoholic drink in hand. She sensed some tension within the casino, but she couldn't place her finger on the source of it. A lot of the people in the building just seemed to be on edge about something. The Chiss shrugged and continued sipping her drink. If anything interesting happened, she intended to just sit back and watch the show. Who knows, maybe she could find some new clients while she was here, or if a fight broke out, get a bit of exercise. It had been awhile since she had been involved in a good fight.
There was not much that could pull the Mandalorian away from his corporate interests these days. Ever since ascending to the mantle of CEO, Arakyd had dominated the majority of Isley's time. Of course, this commitment was to be expected; for this was no ordinary occupation with an extraordinary amount of pay. Regardless, as Isley Verd was indeed a human, all work and no play made him quite the dull man. As such, he had decided to clear his schedule for the week so that he might indulge in the pleasantries offered by his apprentice's own casino.

Garbed from head to toe in his Terminus Beskar'gam, the Mandalorian was quite the spectacle to behold. He, a hulking mass of height and Beskar, was seated at a table dedicated to a game called "twenty one." For a non-gambler such as Isley, the premise was easy enough to warrant a hand or two; so he made himself comfortable and dove right in. Of course, like any Master who ventured into the "home" of his apprentice, Isley soon came to wonder where the Tigeress had wandered off to.

Sure, she had a casino and a government to "run", but one would think by now the whispers of a Mandalorian behemoth playing cards would have reached her ears.

"Perhaps she is occupied..." he mused to himself before signaling the dealer to add another card to his pile. Now, Isley found himself at a metaphorical fork in the road. He could make an effort to find and speak with his apprentice, for it was high time he showed her how to work magic (literally), or he could wait for her to appear. Ever the impatient one, the Mandalorian selected the former of the two options...opting to utilize a very minute spell as opposed to rising from his very engrossing game of cards.

An incantation was muttered, masked by a sneeze. Force energies were expended. And the shadow beneath his feet quivered with life. It, an entity summoned from the furthest depths of the Netherworld, had been given a rather simple task: find [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]. At once, the "demon" slinked about the ground, moving from shadow to shadow with absolute discretion. After all, it would not do to make a scene...but it would be difficult for partying patrons to notice a shadow moving between shadows...

For minutes, the demon traversed the breadth of the Casino until it found that which its master sought. Orange skin marked by onyx lines. Feminine. The head Raven was found...and now her shadow had something dark lurking within it. Meanwhile, Isley received a subtle, telepathic nudge on the subject.

Oh look, twenty one. Time for another hand.

Oh gods. Another call over her comm unit? Voice this time no less? Did these people not know what time it was? Still, the deep solid voice on the other end was Declan, and he at the very least would not be contacting her just because he was stoned.

"Go ahead."

"Sorry Ma'am, saw you were up and about over the cams, otherwise I'd leave it."

"It's fine, what is it?"

"Likely nothing but after that bast-, sorry, after Mr Bane, me and my boys have been keeping a real close eye on things."

"I appreciate it."

"Well.. Like I said, it's probably nothing Ma'am, but Ms Phoenix just exited her room fully armed, and we've noted she's.. Her condition has been unreliable."

"You mean she's using more than she ought and I've not done anything about it yet and now she might be going to do something stupid."

The hand rose again to the bridge of her nose. Dammit. Dammit she'd seen this. She'd noted it on Nar Shaddaa but there were so many things to do and what did she know about raising teenage girls? That thought was tinged with just the slightest bit of despair.

"Should I send the lads out Ma'am?"

"No.. I'll go."

"We have you on cam."

"Regardless of what she's on I'm sure [member="Jen"] doesn't intend to shoot me."

Came the amused reply. If only she knew. If she had just the slightest inkling of what those she fought and schemed and bled for were planning. But she did not. She was a creature of loyalty, in her own way. It was hard to imagine that others were so empathetically not. She did not notice the addition to her shadow.

"I'm sure you know best Ma'am. She's gone to elevator B-17, still within the building so far."

Jen was not Lysle. Lysle was an adult and had made it clear on serveral occasions what he thought of her regardless of the high esteem she'd held him in. Jen was.. She was not. She was tough, but she was still just a kid in some ways.

Straightening with a sigh, the Twi'lek left the office, heading for B-17.

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] Isaac Ideus Cambry Owens Vrag Cal'diira Catalys Maijora Tyro'din Vell​
Xalus hated it when reliable, good people made alliances with unreliable, despicable people. It was a shameful thing, really. Being an ancient warrior several centuries old often made sure you learned a thing or two about other beings: they don't last forever. Nothing does. Not friendship, not love, not some old agreement that you and some Hydian Way mook made. It was why he didn't have friends, allies, and especially not a family.

However, he made a few exceptions from time to time. It was a depressing, fruitless endeavor most of the time but what else was there for him to do? Spend his meek existence in the company of fresh air and grassy plains, with nobody else to converse with besides his own lonesome, solitary self? The state of permanence, of perfection was a lonely, sorrowful one full of nothing but inward thoughts and philosophies on how everything else fades except for you.

It was terrible. Terrifying really, but Xalus never let anyone know that.

Nor would he let them know he hated killing people. Every single being in existence knew him for what he was: a monster. A murderer, a soldier of fortune, Death's collector. He'd seen women and children slaughtered in heaps, masses of broken dreams and too-big dresses all for a measly paycheck to sulk over to your next meal or round of booze. There was an almost ethereal feeling to the whole thing, as if it were all some dream and the only way to wake up was to forgo living life.

Maybe that's where he was wrong. Maybe living wasn't all that worth it. Maybe everything was supposed to be lost in the end, only for you to start over in the next plane of existence under the same circumstances. Time was endless, though it seemed fleeting on occasions such as this. Xalus didn't even want to kill the man named Lysle - or even that lass with colorful hair, [member="Jen"]. He didn't want to halt their time in this galaxy, to break the chains that dutifully kept them anchored to this existence.

He felt strange.

Why was he so calm?

Wasn't he supposed to be throwing a fit of rage, ordering droids to safeguard his Mistress while he geared up and readied himself to steal yet another life? Wasn't he supposed to be angry? To feel sorry for these poor souls?

Lifting himself up from the couch, Xalus lugged 'ol reliable onto his shoulder with a sigh. Why did everything have to be so damned complicated? The Gen'Dai inhaled a few times, savoring the sterilized air pouring through the filtration systems. The mercenary keyed in his stealth systems and departed, taking care to ensure that his droids were all operating correctly and on watch.

Chiasa had already left. He'd just sulk in her shadows.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"], [member="Jen"]

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
'A deep breath. That's good. Breathe in, breathe out. Take a motherkarking deep ass breath...' The same thought circulated through Lurcano's head as he tried to keep his breathing steady. Throughout Lurcnao's life, he'd gone through, over, and around many obstacles. He liked to think that this had toughened him up just a bit. But even years of experience hadn't prepared him for the anxiety that he would face today. His heart was pumping wildly, goosebumps covered his skin, muscles were tensed up, hair standing. Everything in his body screamed at him to turn and walk away. To pretend as if he'd never been apart of such an asinine plan. But no one had ever claimed Lurcano was a very smart person.

"You ready?" This message was directed to the scantly clad Jessica which didn't help his already racing heart. 'To bad our little ruse isn't going to be for real. The way she looks right now? Damn. A massive step up from her traditional combat armor.' Lurcano himself was dressed in his traditional leather jerkin with black combat pants and boots. The only weapons he had on him that were visible anyway were his two WESTAR 34's and his Thek'la knives which he never went without. Jessica just shook her head at his question, a wane smile plastered forcibly onto her face. "No." 'Always the joker, that she was.' "Perfect. On we go." The two had been standing in one of the back alleys situated towards the southern most section of the casino. They pushed open the door that had been left unlocked for them and entered into an environment which made them stick out like a sore thumb.

The kitchens of the Dragon Palace Casino were certainly an interesting place. They were filled with all sorts of alien life. Orders were shouted across the large room, and a variety of smells wafted through the air mixing and mingling with everything around them. Both Lurcano and Jessica put on an act as soon as they entered the room. The chemistry outside between them had been that of extreme tension and frustration. It instantly changed as the two began to act intoxicated. Flashing a few smiles to the chefs who had become well accustomed to Lurcano's antics as the months wore on. He simply waved them forward furiously, realizing it was better to let the Sergent-At-Arms pass rather then to attempt to deal with him in his intoxicated state.

Despite the heavy security dotted all across the cameras, the kitchens were relatively clean. A few cameras dotted the environment here and there but weeks of planning and deft maneuvering between bodies allowed them to get through mostly unnoticed. This all changed once they exited the kitchens. Ignoring the camera positioned directly above them, Lurcano and Jessica made their way through to their destination. Staggering and pausing to kiss every few seconds. Even to force users, there intentions would be masked. The attraction between them was very real, and this was not the first time they had done such things together. Lurcano just hoped that they didn't decide to probe to deeply. Especially into something that was for all intensive purposes, expected of him.

Many weeks it had taken to put this plan into place. A different girl every night, the same entrance. The first few times he had been addressed by security which had led to a few embarrassing mishaps in a spare broom closet here or there as well as multiple slaps to the face. 'The things I do for my cause.' Eventually security had gotten the picture and Lurcano entering through the kitchens with a different girl every few nights became a regular thing. It was nothing out of the ordinary, nothing suspicious. And thus it did not warrant any cause for alarm. This was what Lurcano was counting on.

Upon reaching their destination, Lurcano and Jessica slowly squeezed their way into the room. Any person that would have been watching the couple would have made out their intentions loud and clear. This was what Lurcano was counting on. As soon as the door closed, they moved into action. Lysle had designed the casino from the ground up and he knew all the weak spots in the security as well as all the secret little rooms that had been built in to accommodate for storage and any other janitorial needs or otherwise. Cameras had been spared in this room which was a little smaller then a classroom. Dropping their ruse at once, Lurcano motioned for Jessica to make sure everything was in order and watch for security.

Turning his attention back to the room, Lurcanos eyes focused on several duffel bags which had been placed in the back of the room. They were coated in dust and appeared as if they had been around since the Casino's construction. Looks could be deceiving though. 'Oh baby. I had to grease A LOT of pockets for this to work. Thank god everyone including Chiasa already thinks I'm a massive screw up that's useful for absolutely, well, nothing. This might have been a lot harder to pull of then.'

Once opened, the duffel bags would show a large metal device tightly situated in the folds of the leather. Pressing a series of buttons which appeared to have no order. Lights flashed and a small message appeared on the scream. 'Primed and ready. Good.' The two bombs in question were an EMP and a Firebomb. Smuggling these two things in hadn't been easy. But there was no limits to what credits and a few well said words could get you. That and knowing the rotation of the security guards in charge of watching the cameras.

He repeated this processes with the other one. And a sigh of relief escaped him. He looked at Jessica who confirmed no guards were fishing around just yet. They were each outfitted with detonators that worked from up to several hundred meters away. The bombs could not be disarmed in a timely fashion. Even the most experienced bomb control unit would take at least thirty minutes to deal with them. The only way to activate them was through a flick of the switch. He leaned back and waited for the call. Everything had fallen into place perfectly, or at least that is what it seemed to Lurcano. He had made peace with whatever gods were out there and he was ready for anyone that tried to challenge him. He just hoped he was ready enough.

[member="Xalus"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Jen"]
A lot of very stupid assumptions had been made by the conspirators. Particularly given the paranoia of both the Chiss and the Twi'lek who succeeded him who had every reason to know there could be betrayal, who knew half the galaxy was after her.

No part of the casino was unknown regardless of what [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] or [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] believed. Everywhere was bugged, cammed. Somehow against all odds the bag had been slipped in.

It had not gone undiscovered.. Never mind that the majority of the security team on the organic side was screened intensively by Declan. Never mind that they were paid very well, never mind that there was a standing policy to accept bribes and then immediately report them for a higher reward. Never mind that every entrance had the best scanners money could buy and was watched constantly by two teams, one onsite and one off. All that aside, the hundreds of droids patrolled constantly. They never slept. They never got embarrassed. The contents had been replaced with identical but useless contents, and a closer watch was kept on the room to find the perpetrator when they eventually returned to the scene of the crime, as all idiot criminals did.


Declan's voice was rough, thick with anger.

"Ma'am, Lurcano and one of his crew just went into the room."

She drew up short. Paling with rage beneath her orange skin.

"Damned traitors!"

"Ma'am, what are your orders?"

"Alarm. Now. Lysle, Jen, Lurcano.. If Lysle and Jen are in it, Isaac will be if he's on planet. Tag them all unfriendly. Contact the rest of the Unkindness. Contact the Jackals. I want everyone to know they are traitors. I want everyone to know my protection of them has been rescinded."

This meant not only was every loyal Raven and the Jackals now aware of what they'd done, their status had been updated for every single droid as well as the planetary defences...

"Yes Ma'am."

She switched the comm off, fists balled at her side. Shaking with rage, rage partially fueled by hurt. Everything she'd done for them. Everything she'd been willing to do for then. This rot might have more than just the four of them, probably did, but it was a start, and may any other Raven in on their idiotic scheme know they better start running...

A wave of rage and betrayal and iron resolve spread out through the Force. Even before they were all contacted, the force users among the Ravens would know.
The most heavily armed Mandalorian in the sector stepped onto a lift playing some old, calming instrumentals and leaned himself back against the wall. Folding his arms over his chest, he inhaled slowly and let his head fall forward. Yup, fell asleep in the elevator on the way down. Thank the Stars no one was blowing the place up.
Something...Something wasn't right. Jarven had found strips of useless coding that were most frequently freezing up in their protocols. If described in physical terms, the code was supposed to flow like water. However, these similar looking strips of data were more like pond scum, floating around at a slower rate and occasionally getting stuck up on their surroundings.

It was late at night, so he just sent a message to Jen, saying, "Dang it, [member="Jen"]. How the frell did you mess up the code? Now, I have to freeze it and re-work it."

He assigned EXO Bytes to all of the data strips and made sure that they performed well by getting all of them. It was then that he got the network wide alert. Dang it, Jen...Lysle...Lurc...I didn't want to send you all to hell....His suit of Shot Caller Armor was hanging on a coat rack nearby. He took out the ARC contacts for he wouldn't need them since the same tech was in his helmet. He donned his armor as fast as possible. He scooped up his Lil Monster with Sith Killer rounds and his Outlaw Shotgun with Pack o Punch rounds. Jarven always had his weapons or another pair of weapons nearby, especially since places like the Dragon Palace Casino were prime targets for bounty hunters and assassins.

As soon as he was geared up, he burst out of the tech lab on the third floor and went to the railing, searching for a visual on hostiles. He was hooked into all the systems here, so he was coordinating his own tech and the cameras to find and highlight the exact locations and real-time highlight their figures into his HUD.

[member="Emberli Garett"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] @Xalus @Isley Verd [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Sar'Talani'Vek"] @Thane Drexel [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Solan Charr"]

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