Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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RP with a blind Echani?

Aeth Deschart

I just started this thread: link, but I'm also looking to find, in general, people to RP with. Possibly want to figure out if anyone has any holdings on Eshan, or plans to do anything with Eshan as well. I know Spencer is the current ruler, but that's all I'm aware of.

You can find my character sheet by clicking the link under my avatar if you want a little more info on me.

I'm open for almost anything.

Aeth Deschart

Machine cretin!

[member="Caelag Vass"]
I don't, I'm just feeling around.

Well if you wanna discuss we could probably come eye to eye on something to do, don't you think?

And [member="AD-Iqatar.13"] , on behalf of my alt Vigil: Your crusade is illogical and confounding at its core. You cannot seriously hope to achomplish what the Vong could not, do you?

Aeth Deschart

[member="Mishka Larraq"]
She'd steel feel it, she just... can't use the Force consciously.

And you evil son of a gun. You know Echani hate Mandalorians. :p

That... You... Oh, I hate you even more now. I will gut you and leave a trail of your machine innards through your lair.

[member="Caelag Vass"]
The blind jokes... Oh jeez. I am down for most anything, though.

[member="Arken Lussk"]
That was hilariously unintentional, lol.

Aeth Deschart

[member="Caelag Vass"]
That sounds like fun. Would be her first attempt at fighting since her incident.

Aeth Deschart

[member="Caelag Vass"]
Yeah, no worries of that with me, lol. Start a thread and tag me.

Just don't put it on Mandalore!

Yeah, DC is dumb like that. Dick was best Robin, though. But no, no machine Robin.

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