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Approved Starship Royal N-1 Starfighter (Classic)

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  • Intent: To create a Semi Unique Starfighter for Player Use

  • Classification: Starfighter
  • Length: 11 meters
  • Width: 5.8 meters
  • Height: 1.59 meters
  • Armament: Average
  • Defenses: Very Low
N-1 Deflector Shield
N-1 Starfighter Hull
  • Squadron Count: Average | 12
  • Maneuverability Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive Class: Fast | 1.0
  • Hotness: This Star Fighter is still a highly desirable collector's Item, with collectors paying up the nose for just one in their personal Collection. An excellent bartering item, any who see it are likely to be mesmerized
  • Pietro: This fighter is greased lightning, capable of matching even modern Interceptors and has an incredibly fast Hyperdrive
  • Age Issues: Due to the age of these unsecured examples, they require much more maintenance than freshly made ones after every flight.
  • Repair issues: While slightly more forgiving about accepting non standard replacements for parts as emergency repairs, don't expect anywhere near it's normal performance
  • Defense: Can take only a two hits. The shields were always kind of a funny joke, and much weaker than average due to the ceremonial nature of the fighter.
  • Acquisition Difficulty: While vastly easier to locate examples of given the fact that sometimes they were given away or just plain stolen, with some even ending up in rebel hands, often flown by former royal pilots, the fact remains that very few examples from the pre clone wars era survived to the present. The best chance you have of finding one is going to Naboo and seeking out hidden emergency hangars, hidden so long ago even the Royalty has forgotten they were even made.
  • Gollum Syndrome: Luxury does invite envy. Expect theft attempts

The N-1 Starfighter is the escort of choice for any vessel the queen of Naboo rides in, and without question is one of the fastest fighters in The Galaxy. The Luxury part comes in that, unlike many starfighters at the time it was built, this one came with a Hyperdrive, one of the most Advanced in the Galaxy, allowing it to follow anywhere the Queen went, along with it's bright yellow and partial chromium finish. You will fight and look utterly stylish while doing so. The Royal House sometimes gives away old ones as charity events or as tokens of gratitude to certain individuals. Some examples made it into the Rebel Alliance and certain Mandalorian clans also, as at the time they were among the best of the best, and remain status symbols to this day.

This fighter's prowess is such that it is one of the few Non-Imperial Starfighters The Amalgam praises other than the RZ-1 A-Wing, as it was the very first Starfighter the future Darth Vader ever flew, and his flying it proved instrumental in defeating the Trade Federation Lucrehulk Starship that was being used to control all Droid forces being used during the invasion of Naboo, where Skywalker's would be mentor got Rob Roy'd by Darth Maul. Indeed, the fighter's Influence on Skywalker was very telling, considering the two other star fighters he used for the remainder of his time as Anakin (A Delta 7 and an Actis Class Interceptor) used yellow highlights and markings on their hull in nearly the same shade of yellow as an N-1 Fighter.

So everyone, if you ever think of underestimating the people of Naboo, remember these are the same people who designed a fighter so well it allowed a nine year old boy to commit mass murder against a Lucrehulk Battleship. Sure, most of that was probably the Force, but be honest, would you trust anything less than one of the greatest star fighters ever to help the Force's Will a smidgen?
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Maple Harte Maple Harte

And one more cool shipr!
  • Your ratings are overpowered (+4), please edit.
  • I have concerns with the Defences and Armament, you wrote low to both, but these are the exactly the same Defences and Armaments what the N-1 starfighters have. It means Average and not low. You always have to compare these to the original. Why the same weapons and defences low here and not Average? Please explain it, if you can explain it, I'll accept both.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Maple Harte Maple Harte

Thank you! And if you want the Defences as Very Low I suggest to delete the shields, for this to have ship is standard and average or please mention in the weaknesses the shields are much weaker than the average.
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