Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rough times gone by (Open to all)

Now having his full attention on the man his eyes serious and sharp like a viper watching as the man looked back at the thugs that had attacked the Zabrak motioning at the seat next to him " Guess not " putting his hologram projector away looking over at the bar waiting for his drink.

[member="Chaca"] | [member="Hugo Nikanor Vasylyshyn"] |
Vasylyshyn repeated the same slow nod, taking the seat. His glowing eyes matched those of the man across from him for a moment before snapping away. Vasylyshyn saw danger in those eyes. He saw anger in them, anger too. Looking around the bar, the young man felt something close to derision rising within him. He snorted, unable to stop himself from releasing some of the absurd humor he felt.

He looked back at the Zabrak, a fleck of a sneer showing in his eyes. "It's a crazy universe, isn't it?" He asked from beneath his black mask. Vasylyshyn felt lost, sitting here at this random cantina with a strange Zabrak in the aftermath of some petty squabble. Such an insignificant moment, a meaningless event. But it was all he had right now, and it was moments like this that defined one's life, that changed and shaped individuals. As he thought, his eyes grow increasingly distant, more lost and stern. To look into them was like to stare into an endless sea at twilight. Deep and mysterious, the face they fit into masked behind a black veil.

Looking over that's not a phrase you hear often but true " Yes it is, not sure if it will ever calm down " changing his nature he became calm less on edge as he believed this man wasn't here to hurt him he pulled his hologram projector out making a call as mechanic popped up working on the landing gear " So, how's the ship " the man looks out from under the wing " Progress is right on track should be done in 6-8 hours " ending the call he put it in his pocket looking back at the bar awaiting his drinks.

[member="Chaca"] | [member="Hugo Nikanor Vasylyshyn"] |
Vasylyshyn leaned back in his chair, watching the man speak. "You're ship having problems, huh?"

"What's wrong with it?"

His tone may have been a little blunt, but there was no obvious animosity. Internally, Vasylyshyn wondered why he was bothering talking to this man. He just had a feeling that something may come of it.

Looking at the man the cantina starting to fill back up now that the struggle was gone " Yea, guess the Sith don't like me very much almost shot me down" his drinks hadn't seemed to arrive maybe the boy skipped out or forgot " Seems my fight against the Sith Empire is going to get a lot worst heard they stormed the Jedi Temple and leveled the place "

[member="Chaca"] | [member="Hugo Nikanor Vasylyshyn"] |
Vasylyshyn leaned forward as [member="SiRiDio"] explained himself, revealing where his loyalties lay. In Vasylyshyn's experience, it was a risky move to openly state one's allegiances in such a manner, and he made certain not to make a habit of it. Of course, he currently held no allegiances, but he had spent many years of his life under the employ of the Empire in one manner or another. He had truly believed in the cause of the Empire, and had sacrificed much to spread its power. But all things come to an end, and Vasylyshyn had seen the callous hypocrisy of many of the Empire's top personnel fully exposed, an experience he would never forget. So he left, and had determined to make his own way in the world. And he was struggling.

He snapped his head around to look at the Zabrak as he told of the destruction of the Jedi Temple. That, Hugo had not been aware of. But the Jedi were resourceful, and he doubted that they would cease to put up a fight.

"Do you work for the Jedi, then?" He asked the Zabrak, his mind racing.
Looking over after listening he leaned forward " No, I do not have a fight with them but I also do not like them so I choose to stay away " Sitting back he sighed.

" I used to hate them until I learned they had not killed my father, it was the Empire that killed him in order to make me a weapon no longer do I hunt Jedi now I turn my sights to the Sith I hunt them now "

The Zabrak was beginning to get excited remembering his past making him angry but he could remain calm he has spent time dealing with past SiriDio was tired of these games he wanted to know what this man wanted no one just sits down with a stranger who beat up some thugs something more was going on.

Leaning forward " What is it you want, people don't just sit down with strangers and chat what is it you want to know " putting his hands on the table to show he was not intent on harming the man " Of course I'd also like to know who you are "

[member="Chaca"] | [member="Hugo Nikanor Vasylyshyn"] |
Taking another mouthful of the free whiskey he came to the conclusion that the show had ended rather undramtically but not disappointing. Swinging his head around to check the time, his eyes swing back looking the door. Not too long later a scruffy thin man wonders in wearing tattered brown robes his hair unkept beard closing in on over his belly. The mans attention was locked in on Tiali he began to waddle towards the booth where Tiali was located.

Tiali noticing the man immediately he grab the case sliding it to the edge of the table. The man quickly approaches the table when he reveals a brown sack dropping it on the table. Without halting Tiali looks into the bag then returns his attention to the man giving him a nod. "The case is all yours."

The man snatches up the case then tries for a speedy exit. Within all the sudtle commotion it looked like the zabrak made a new friend. Polishing off what's left of his drink he stands out of his chair taking hold of the bottle in one hand the sack in the other. Throwing the sack to one of his guards the rattle credits can be heard on landing in the guards hands. Grabbing a chair he slides it to the table with the other patrons and continues to sit on said chair "Nice show you put on earlier, not any average joe can go against a trandoshan a live to tell the tale."

Placing the glass on the table he pours himself a drink afterward he places the bottle in the centre of the three "help yourself by the way"

[member="SiRiDio"] [member="Hugo Nikanor Vasylyshyn"] [member="Chaca"]
Awaiting an answer from the man another decided to join in what was it with this day everyone seemed to be interested in the Trandoshan's beatdown looking over at the man as he slid a chair up the Zabraks table now apparently a party " It was nothing he was just a thug " grabbing the bottle and pouring himself a drink since his had not been delivered yet " All you need is the will to live and you will find yourself more capable than one usually believes " .

[member="Chaca"] | [member="Hugo Nikanor Vasylyshyn"] | [member="Tiali Orazio"] |
Chaca had been gone for some time. But he had a feeling of dodging two bullets after he left the kitchen. The small cathar found himself grateful that physical disciplinary action hasn't been taken against him. Instead he was firmly aware now to be much more careful. Another such incident wouldn't be tolerated in kind

Leaving the kitchen with a small tray, Chaca had brought two fresh drinks for SiRiDio, his eyes widening a little as he noted that SiRiDio now had two other patrons at his table.

Also, some of the usual crowd began to filter back in and fill in tables as it became clear that all the shooting was done. The thugs who had been so severely and embarrassingly beaten by the Zabrak crawled from the cantina as each individual could manage to do so.

Approaching the table, the boy seemed to stick closer to where SiRiDio sat. Chaca couldn't tell if either of these two were force sensitive - and if they were would they be offended by his mere presence?

Innocent sapphire eyes scanned to each one of the three of them, SiRiDio then Tiali, then Vasylyshyn. He offered a little smile, setting down the drinks in front of SiRiDio

"Can I interest you anything, sirs?"

He offered in a friendly tone, tucking the tray under his arm after he had placed the drinks on the table

[member="Hugo Nikanor Vasylyshyn"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]
Grabbing the drinks as the boy brought them smiling " Thank you, I'm fine I don't need anything " even though the boy seemed to numb all of his senses but even after the Zabrak seemed to want and protect the boy knowing how horrible it can be when one is defenseless.

[member="Chaca"] | [member="Hugo Nikanor Vasylyshyn"] | [member="Tiali Orazio"] |
Vasylyshyn had been opening his mouth in response to the two other men when he was hit by a cold, empty feeling. It felt as if there was a hole in heart, a void torn in his reality. He could sense it getting closer, the emptiness more urgent. Suddenly it was upon him, gripping his senses. Visibly unnerved, the cloaked man turned to the small Cathar boy that had approached their table, and who, strangely, seemed to be the source of the disturbance... or rather, lack thereof.

"Um... I..." He seemed to need a moment to get over the Cathar's anomalous nature before he could put together a coherent response.

"Yes, yes, I want an order of StarFries."

[member="SiRiDio"] | [member="Chaca"] | [member="Tiali Orazio"]
With zero connection to the force the effect the kid gave out didn't have affect tiali. Turning his attention to the kid Tiali rubbed his hand through the stubble on his face thinking quietly to himself. "So this is the little trouble maker, you're pretty luck your friend here was willing to help or you would probably be that guys dinner." A smile creeps onto his lips as he looks to the bottle on the table "Oh yeah we'll get another..... whatever whiskey this is" his eyes wondered between the two other patrons not understanding what was special about this kid, one seemed stuck for words when seeing the boy.... maybe love at first sight, maybe something else the other helped a stranger without question. Something fishy was going on, and it wasn't the cats breath.

[member="Hugo Nikanor Vasylyshyn"]
Chaca nodded and smiled at SiRiDio, realizing he had already ordered several things.

Chaca's sapphire eyes locked on Vasylyshyn the moment he stuttered in surprise at the small cathar's presence. The boy knew in a moment that Vasylyshyn had to be force sensitive

For the briefest moment it put Chaca on edge, until it became clear that Vasylyshyn had no ill intent toward the boy, at least for the moment. Chaca has experienced force users attacking him immediately without question. He seemed to relax as it became clear that this wasn't one of those situations

As Vas orders his star fries, it became more clear that he didn't mind Chaca's presence. A noticeably wide smile appeared on the boy's lips as he became washed over with a feeling of relief. He nodded quickly with a cute smile

"The starfries are great here, I will have them out as soon as they are done. Do you want sauce?"

His gaze turns to Tiali now as the man spoke of the incident with the frogs and the Trandoshan. He seemed to almost blush, looking down a little as his large round ears folded back closer to his head. He nodded, his tail swishing a little as he fiddled with the tray in his fingertips

"Yes sir.. Well I didn't know frogs liked Trandoshans so much"

He said, snickering a little and trying to lighten the mood. He was truly grateful no serious injuries came of it, other than the thugs perhaps.

The boy gasped as he saw the bottle, his maw and eyes both opening wide. He wondered for a moment where Tiali had gotten it. He didn't remember the man ordering it. He stifled a snicker as best he could, and swallowed hard. His voice faltered for a moment and one might wonder what the problem was, until it became clear with his words

"A-another fermented hawk-bat urine then? Its a delicacy among some of the locals because of its rarity. Its also kinda expensive at 75 credits a bottle.."

[member="Hugo Nikanor Vasylyshyn"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]
Tiali looked from the boy back to the table "Sounds as delicious as it tastes." Diging through his coat pocket he pulls out the required credits with a bit extra approximately 85 credits in total. Handing the credits to the boy he looks between all three of the group pondering the situation, turning his attention to Hugo he asks "since he is here to fix his ship." Pointing his thumb to SiRiDio "What brings you to this neck of the Galaxy?"

Clearly Tiali didn't fit in within the group of force users, but what's wrong with making some new friends.

(Sorry for the late post been a pretty busy weekend)
[member="Hugo Nikanor Vasylyshyn"]
Pouring another drink into his glass he put the jar in the middle of the table his hands folded together rather large hands as well the Zabrak had a bigger frame than many Zabraks he reached into the pockets in his cloak grabbing a hologram projector turning it on it displayed 3:04:13 he still had some time to wait for his ship to be repaired " So what are a couple fella's like you doing here, " as he put away his device he looked at the men reaching out with the force to feel the intentions, although SiRiDio was sure neither was here to start trouble more over just making chit chat.

[member="Chaca"] | [member="Hugo Nikanor Vasylyshyn"] | [member="Tiali Orazio"] |
Vent was off from another day of hunting for bounties, he pressed a button on his cybernetics that let out a puff of steam- it was simply restarting as he walked in the bar- he adjusted his cape and walked in checking his vitals as he looked around the bar. He slowly sighed as he recognized some people within the bar or their groups, he sighed as he didn't recognize any mercenaries until one caught his eye. It was one sitting at a table alone vent made his way over the sound of his boots going across the durasteel floor.

He looked at the Mercenary, "Mind if I sit here bud'?" Vent would ask the man at the table ([member="Tiali Orazio"])

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