Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rosaline Rousseau

"I am no one, everyone, and anyone."
Basic Information
  • Name: Rosaline Rousseau
  • Alias: Potentially, she has an unlimited amount.
  • Force Alignment: Neutral
  • Force Rank: Undiscovered
  • Species: Human
  • Races: Talravinian
  • Age: 26 Standard Years
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Build: Athletic
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Skin Pigmentation: White
  • Face Claim: Evie Frye - Assassin's Creed Syndicate
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Master(s): N/A
  • Mentor(s): N/A
  • Apprentice(s): N/A
  • Successful Student(s): N/A
  • Significant Other: N/A
  • Parents: The Lord and Lady of House Rousseau.
  • Siblings: Three older brothers, and three younger sisters.
  • Offspring: N/A
  • Extended Family: N/A
Strengths & Weaknesses

(+) Incognito: Rosaline prides herself on her ability to blend into almost any crowd. A few changes of costume, a slightly different hairstyle, and a change of mannerism can be as effective as a cloaking device.

(+) Impressionist: Though her natural accent reflects that of her homeworld, Talravin, Rosaline can affect the accent of almost any human world or culture, to add an extra layer of disguise to herself.

(-) Not A Soldier: In her line of work, if you need to fight, you're doing it wrong. One or two people, alone, with her having the element of surprise? Easy pickings. Beyond that? She enters the danger zone.

(-) Not a Marksman: Rosaline hates blasters. She concedes to pistols, but despises heavier weaponry, and will not use them.

Notable Possessions

  • Armor: Armor slows you down, makes you easier to spot.
  • Weaponry: A variety of hidden weapons, such as small knives and blades and darts.
  • Primary Transport: Hitchhiking.
  • Property: None.
  • Miscellaneous: Nope.
Notable Vessels
  • Who needs ships?
Notable Force Powers

Apprentice [ I ] - Knight [ II ] - Master [ III ] - Specialist [ IV ]

[ I ] Force Sense

Notable Lightsaber Forms
Never even held a lightsaber.

Born the middle child to an ancient and rich Talravinian noble House, Rosaline Rousseau has never had much prospects. She would inherit nothing, get nothing, grow into nothing, and die with nothing. Naturally, this is not a very comforting thought, and she sought to change her circumstances in life. So she entered the world of crime.

At the age of sixteen, she assisted in a heist on a large bank on Talravin, playing a very minor role. However, she found something more valuable than credits: information. She found accounts, passwords, ledgers. And she made far more money selling this information than what she made from robbing for credits. And there, a career was born.

She became a form of a cat-burglar, breaking into places to steal information. Over ten years, she built up a reputation, a set of skills, and a record for getting jobs done. Information stealing, infiltration, pay her fee and she'll steal whatever you want her to steal.

Nowadays, her fee is getting paid for by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. She spies for them, steals for them, and if she has to, she kills for them. Anything for some credits.

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