Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]“This is a good robe. Look how well it fits him.” The Dug scuttled closer, long whiskers swaying with each step. Those hazel green eyes shot over to Trextan. Okay, they [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]did[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] look good on him; seemed to fit well. Granted, seeing him standing there dressed as he was still had the slight issue of being distracting. Things were so much easier when she had first met him back on Polis Massa when it didn’t really matter on his proximity or the way he looked at her. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The shopkeeper’s voice drew her attention again, “Well made means good use still. Still worth twenty credits.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“It doesn’t have holes on it but it still smells likely the Bantha it likely had been draped over.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“What’s a little bit of smell?! Blends you into the desert so the [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Womprats[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] don’t get you.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I’ll give you thirteen credits, then.”[/SIZE]



[SIZE=9pt]The entire matter was done in a span of a few seconds with sharp words tossed back and forth. Not that the Dug didn't notice the shiny cybernetic Trextan had. He might be able to get more money for the filters.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Turning towards Trextan, she gave a short nod. R4 gave a small toot, moving beside the Jedi to get a closer look. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Twenty five credits for this filter.” The Dug followed up, handing her one. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Just like new, barely used. You will find no better elsewhere.” Considering it was Tatooine and the amount of sand there was, could be a viable claim. However, Choli was quick to inspect this as well. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Barely used?” A dark brow rose, the woman taking it to shake it close to her ear and listen for any loose particles. To her surprise, she didn’t hear anything shaking. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Huh, maybe he [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]was[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] right. [/SIZE]
[member="Choli Vyn"]

The concept of bartering was relatively alien to Trextan. Beyond, he supposed, the odd online auction. Things should have stickers, he thought to himself. Stickers with a price that you pay or you don’t. How could you tell if you were getting a good deal if you couldn't compare prices? Experience, that was how. Damn Drocken would have taken all his credits by now. There was a grateful look in his eyes when he turned towards Choli.

A few minutes later and they were walking back to the cafe. Drocken had managed to sell Trextan a worn travel satchel when Choli was distracted, but at least it was well made and didn't put him too much out of pocket. He felt rather embarrassed about it now.

“Let your uncle know I'll be down tomorrow evening for our rematch!” called the dug after them. Trextan looked over his shoulder to acknowledge the request.

“It's nice,” he said as he turned back towards Choli. “Seeing you more in your element I mean. Not in a hospital gown,” he added with a grin. What he didn't say was that it was nice to see her focused on something productive and not covering up how fragile she was feeling after losing time. She hadn't just warmed to Trextan during their time in the hospital, she had started to come to terms with how she'd arrived there. He supposed, on reflection, the reverse was quite true
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

Out of all the things Choli had thought Trextan would tell her, the compliment and observation hadn’t been it. Her olive face deepened an off red, something that perhaps could be attributed to the heat of the Twin suns or perhaps just a trick of the eye. None the less, it was a blush that colored the Rogue’s cheeks and had they’d been back in the same situation at Polis Masa, she would have been quick to counter with a tried and true quip taught to her from hanging out far too much with the Rogues.

All the more with the ease Trextan had managed to set himself up with the phrase.

“Covered in sand and beginning to sweat you mean?” she added instead, weaving through the dispersing crowd. R4 was right behind them, close to Choli’s heels. He did not want to be abruptly snatched by the Jawas that had almost done exactly that to Trextan’s arm.

“And what’s wrong with hospital gowns? I think the bright salmon pink brought off your skin tone quite nicely.” a joke was said to hide her slight flutter of embarrassment and minor joy at seeing that Trextan appreciated what she had done. Granted, it was just normal affairs for her. Out here, she expected things to be haggled and to get a good price. It just made sense.

Granted, Trextan likely never had to deal with that. Not while in the Inner core at least.
Trextan grinned. His mind flashed through several thoughts in quick succession whilst paradoxically also remaining quite fuzzy. Talk of the pink garments reminded him of the storage closet they’d hidden in. The lobster pink garments thrown in his face before she had started to hurriedly disrobe. There was a little warmth to his own cheeks now.

“Thought they suited me,” he replied just to say something. “Think you’ll see worse from me in these conditions. I'll be nothing more than a puddle when we reach the open desert.” He wished he could be wittier. At times the banter had moved back and forth quickly between them but at other times he found himself short of anything to say. It didn't occur to him that he tended to run out of things to say when he spent time trying to think of what to say.

He wanted to explain that after seeing the state she had been left in after her capture and spending so much time worrying about her since Mustafar that it was just nice to see her more at ease in her own element. But it didn’t feel like the time. That talk would dredge up memories he doubted she wanted to dwell on.

A quiet beep came from behind them before R4 rolled around the side to put the pair between himself and a pair of jawas. Trextan tucked his artificial hand up to keep it from view. As they turned into the street with Kellan’s shop they could see him talking to some customers outside. Some were arriving now for later afternoon drinks and snacks or perhaps an early meal.

Kellan excused himself and raised a hand. “Found what you needed then?” he asked rhetorically giving Trextan a look up and down. “I’ve got something to show you both!” he said, leading them towards the side room. Kellan hadn’t thought much of the arrival of his nephew ahead of time. He had always felt slightly disconnected from the family that had left Tatooine. Having him turn up had changed that. Kellan’s wife had died years back and they had never had children. Much of the business left by his mother was gone now. When he was back in the sand there wasn’t going to be much left behind. Seeing the young Voidstalker nearly fully grown had tugged at something. Yesterday Trextan had been just a name and a memory. Now he was a relative he had seen grow. So far he seemed a good sort and it now it meant something to Kellan that Trextan had wanted to explore Tatooine because of his family roots. And although it was a slim hope with Trextan's life maybe, with the way he looked at his local guide, he would co wider settling down here for a time.

He moved through the clutter - of which there was a great deal - to an old locked cupboard. He fished out a key from his robes and unlocked it. He pulled out what appeared to be a clean, white rolled up piece of paper. He looked quite proud of himself as he found enough space on an old wooden table to unroll it.

“Now,” he said. Trextan recognised the tone. It surprised him that he did. It was the tone Kellan took before breaking into a story or explanation. Choli had transfixed him with a story about her tribe paying tribute to demons. Was telling stories a culture that extended across Tatooine, or what it just chance? He mused.

“I’m sure,” Kellan said as he held up a hand, “that ATC have some new, detailed mapping data. You could probably download it and view it holographic form or whatever... but this is one of the few original Doosans.”

Trextan looked down at the blank piece of paper, before giving Choli a glance out of the corner of his eyes.

Kellan touched a corner of the paper and a planetary map formed on its surface in dour, brow hues. “Back at the end of the dark times this explorer called Doosan paid for people to risk their lives heading out to all corners on bikes to re-map Tatooine. They did most of this work by hand and taking images.”

Kellan used two fingers to zoom into a region. Little yellow dots appeared. He tapped on and an image formed on the map’s surface. “Volunteers updated them from time to time over the years so they’re not far off. Just know...might be useful and a nice keepsake from the trip?” He looked to them both, gaze settling on Trextan.

The teenager realised he was under close scrutiny. He didn’t realise it was one of the last items of genuine worth Kellan kept in that locked cabinet, but he wasn’t oblivious to how important it was to his uncle.

“Wow, I mean, that’s really cool. You can have it back when we return if you want to keep it, if there aren’t many left…”

“No, no,” Kellan said with a shake if his head. “I’d like you to have it. Oh and the veranda out back is all yours for the evening if you want to kick back and relax before the long trip?”
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]Trextan wasn’t the only one having doubts melding with those odd, spurts of thrilled awareness. There was an underlying, awkward tensions whenever the Jedi would turn to glance at her direction or make some commentary that would have her feeling the heat rise up to her cheeks. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Watching the uncle and nephew speak in low tones, heads dipping close, Choli was able to see more of that family resemblance tumble through. Oh Trextan’s skin was nowhere near the weathered leather Kellen sported, and certainly the elder had more gold woven through his hair than the mahogany on the tousled locks upon the Jedi’s head. But it was there. Along the eyes and the nose. In that stubborn cut of a jaw that the younger barely sported a sad shadow across. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Part of Choli wondered if she should take a step back, it seemed to be a rather intimate moment. It made her feel a bit awkward, and in fact, she began to shift her weight from left to right and took a step back. R4 would swivel his dome head towards her, giving a tentative beep in curiousity.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Not now,” the girl would reply in hushed tones, glancing back up and again from the Pebbledrone over towards the pair. It didn’t pass on her just what value Kellan’s gift to Trextan meant. Those old Doosans were worth several times over its weight in water. With the way the sands had a tendency to shift and carve the landscape, knowing just a little bit more was worth it for many a treasure finder. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Or junkyard collector. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Her olive face would shift between desire to get a good look at it and stay back to provide them their space. She was just a guide after all. Or at least, that was what she was telling herself. Nevermind the flurry of sensations that spread across her belly whenever Trextan came close or attempted to hold her hand.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]In hindsight, things were so much easier before Asmus kept on badgering her about the ‘boy who kept comming for her status.’ Now her mind wandered over everything Asmus had said and whatever [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]that [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]meant. [/SIZE]
[member="Choli Vyn"]

There were times when Janes crossed the line over from the side of gentle ribbing. Causing upsets whilst remaining oblivious to the fallout was in his nature. Perhaps, under different circumstances, he would have been more helpful. Likely if he hadn't been making a foolish attempt to cheer up a bed bound Choli with jokes about a boy who was an unknown down the end of a comm line.

“Thank you,” Trextan replied wholeheartedly. Kellan grasped the back of his arm and gave a brief squeeze. Trextan felt slightly overwhelmed. There was a great deal of internal conflict on how he felt about Jacen. His parents were gone and the sith who had taken him in had left him on Coruscant to die just to buy them more time to escape. And now Kellan was giving him time, shelter and a gift and asking nothing in return.

“Right, I'll have customers. Don't let any of them see the map. Out back is all yours so you can do some planning if you need. Just pop into the kitchen and ask if you want anything, just don't get under my droid’s feet. He gets grumpy about strangers in 'his’ kitchen.”

Kellan looked over Trextan once more then turned to Choli, perhaps catching her off guard. “Tatooine has danger, but also a lot of beauty.”

“I've heard,” Trextan murmured. Choli might have caught his gaze falling on her only briefly before moving back to the map very quickly.

“Show him a bit of both,” Kellan suggested with a smile before adjusting his worn robes and strolling back into his cafe. A customer called a greeting as the door closed behind him.

Trextan appeared lost in thought. His brow furrowed in concentration as his finger meandered across the interactive map.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

Why was it that the passing commentary by Kellan and the way his eyes settled upon her made Choli shift her weight a bit more in growing uneasiness. The Rogue wasn’t sure how to take it or just what he was insinuating, to a degree, it had a shadow of what Asmus had a tendency to rib at her about.

Hazel green eyes had caught the brief flicker Trextan shot her way, and for a moment, Choli bent down to a knee beside R4, as if the Pebbledrone caught her attention. Blunt olive fingers rose, brushing away the long raven bangs away from her grimy face. A thin coat from the earlier expedition out into the bazaar. Something to be expected regardless if they were in or outside of shelter. Sand would always get everywhere.

Beep. Beep. Boop! Ever with his inquisitive, and perhaps, keen observation, R4 gave a swivel of his dome head and a nudge alongside Choli’s knee. The result was Choli haphazardly skimming her fingers over his head and dusting off the grit there.

“Just checking on things. she told him, as if that were the reason she bent down low. Another insistent nudge and the young woman gave a sigh. Rising to her feet, hazel green eyes would observe Trextan playing with the map.

Again, that back and forth uncertainty.

Annoyance with herself shone through, twisting her features for a bit before she took a step forward. Stop being ridiculous, she told herself. Act normal.

Well, acting normal was basically sliding on up beside the Justicar in training, and nudging him to the side with an elbow to get a closer look at the map.

“Didn’t think I’d see one of those.” well, Choli at least didn’t have to face the small bit of wonder in her voice then.
[member="Choli Vyn"]

“It meant a lot to him…” Trextan murmured. He’d been too distracted to notice the interaction between Choli and R4. “Huh.”

After a moment of idly tracing his finger out from Espa into the dunes he crossed his arms over his chest and turned towards Choli. An absent smile crossed his features. Trextan remembered how scared and confused he had been when he had first met Choli. His eyes fell down to his artificial hand. His fingers gave a little wiggle. A problem with him, not his arm. She had been right then and quite blunt about it. Would she care what was running through his head now? Would she have to point out that he was being silly again? Why did he always care quite so much what she was thinking about him?

“Sorry,” he apologised. “It’s been...well, a lot has happened since I was here.” Trextan didn't need to say that he was suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed by it. Like Kellan he hadn't expected to feel much of a connection to his kin. Yet he found he was glad that Choli was here right now. There was a pang of guilt as he remembered the state he had first seen her in. Tugging frantically to pull the tubes out of her arms. They'd made their own little adventures and some large ones that had landed them in serious danger. And back in hospital. But they'd ended up smiling. Trextan had missed her. The adventure was ahead, not behind.

“Good isn't it?” He said trying to sound more cheery. As he turned back to the map he returned her gentle nudge. It wasn't that he was sad, just reflective. Trextan would have taken a hug over a nudge right now. The imagery the map brought up was a little window into where they would be travelling soon. He found it fascinating. “Shall we head out back then?”
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

Part of Choli really wanted to study the map a bit more closely. Maybe get her hands on it as well. It was as much to see how it worked as comparing the information there with her memory. How accurate would it be? How old was it? When was it last updated? What secrets lay there?

The nudge brought the brunette from her reverie, prompting a small half turn of her face towards the young man. She might not be a Lorrdian, but Trextan was fairly expressive when something was bothering him. Or more aptly when he had something on his mind. Brows would jut forward under the fall of those dark forelocks, a slight crease [SIZE=10.5pt]over[/SIZE] his forehead and the slight tick of a nerve along his jaw.

The attempt at sounding a bit more cheerful was obvious, and while Choli wasn’t sure just what to say, she figured simply going along with it would be just as well.

“Yeah.” Came her agreement, gloved hand reaching up to brush her hair back away from her face again. Slanted eyes would follow the path that would lead them outside, wariness ever lingering. Trextan might confuse her at times, but she wasn’t to the point where it would make her drop her guard on any potential surprises.

It would be their luck that some Jawa lay in wait to try and abscond with [SIZE=10.5pt]Trextan’s[/SIZE] cybernetic arm.

“A little bit at least…” she took the first step forward, leading the way. R4 hooted behind her, now nudging Trextan as well, as if say, well go on now!
“Alright little guy!” Trextan protested. Once again he found he wished he understood was the droid’s hoots meant. The Justicar planted his foot through so that he could very carefully roll up the map. He handled it reverently, doing the reverse of Kellan's motion to unravel it.

It was tucked into his robes and kept out of sight as they walked back through the cafe. There were several tables taken now. It seemed his uncle still had a number of loyal customers. Trextan knew he had gone the right direction when they found a little sign in an open doorway.

'Closed for private event’

Trextan smiled and stepped around it. A lot of doorways were kept open here. Cool pourstone domes with openings for any kind of breeze to pass through. Out the back were a few steps down to a walked off little courtyard. There were a few round tables in a paved patio. Fabric was draped over trellis that ran overhead to keep it shady.

Picking a table, Trextan sat down and unrolled the map once more. R4 parped a grumble but took each step in turn down towards them. Trextan quite fancied a drink and a snack, but first of all he touched the map to make it visible again.

“Want to show me where we were going to set out?” He asked Choli. They, and the map, were fairly sheltered from view here.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

Despite the appearance that they were relatively sheltered from view, Choli wasn’t one to really lower her guard while on Tatooine, much the less outside as the distant Twin Suns began to sink into the horizon. Colors of burnt brick, vibrant orange, and creeping indigo spread across the sky, not a single cloud to be seen. The heat was, well, as much of a wall to step into, although a bit more muted as time would pass on.

Choli took slow steps while Trextan obviously lost himself in finding a place to sit at in the empty courtyard.

“Hmm?’ A small noise crept from her throat, the girl turning from surveying the pourstone rooftops for any potential hideouts or sniper perches. An ounce of prevention was worth its weight in keeping blaster holes from their skins.

“Oh… yeah.” Turning to R4, Choli gave a shift of the weight of her satchel and told him, “Just scan the perimeter real quick.” Obviously, the Pebbledrone would have preferred to instigate something more out of the two than walk the perimeter, but he gave an affirmative hoot.

The slight crunch of sand as R4 went rolling away followed the few steps Choli took towards Trextan. A slight gust of wind made the fabric hanging over head flutter for a moment, prompting a brief scan from the brunette anew.

Satisfied that nothing was going to jump out, for now, the teenager came to a stop beside the taller Jedi, her raven head bending down again. There was a perk in her expression as she managed to get a closer look at the map, her eyes sweeping over it to determine familiar landmarks.

“Hmm..” her brows drew closer in contemplation, and her hand went reaching out across Trextan’s torso to slide and sweep the map display over towards Mos Ispa. There was a little rush at playing with the map, and it was evident at how her expression brightened.

“That’s impressive.” Choli finally said, bringing the city up and dragging the points to the right. Up came the focus of the Jundland Wastes and the Western Dune Sea.

Tch…” came the cluck of her tongue, finger stroking delicately across the surface of the map from the city onto the Wastes.

“I wonder… “
Trextan wasn't looking at the map. His head was tilted back to look up at her. His angular features were more prominent in the changing light. It was always concern for another that brought him out of introverted moods. A family trait.

“It's really that dangerous here?” He asked. His tone was even, as if balanced between idle curiosity and real worry. She was like one of Jacen's soldiers in the battlefield. Over time he had learned to respect how dangerous that was. It seemed it would be the same here. There was clearly worse than petty thieves and jawas around.

She would see just a hint of a nod as he turned his attention back to the map. He smiled again. No more unnecessary bravado then. Not here. He was a pupil again. Just a more willing on than previously. R4 beeped at them from his little patrol route. He allowed his own senses to stretch out around them. R4’s senses, the Force and Choli's experience. That would keep them alive, not picking fights.

“Sorry,” he added quickly before she could answer. His question had become rhetorical the moment he had accepted the answer he saw before him. “We're heading out that way?”
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]Trextan’s inquiry would jolt Choli out of her minor introspection, those color shifting eyes swirling from a deep tawny hue of contemplation into one edged with the jade of amused curiosity. That he managed to answer the question itself only enhanced the vibrancy of the green color, relaying more information about the typically hard to read Rogue Lieutenant Commander. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Force of habit.” she admitted, straightening beside the Jedi Justicar in training, her right hand running through the wayward strands of raven hair. The thick fringe of lashes gave a few blinks, the young woman mulling how to continue. “It’s situational awareness.” no different than being out in the battle field or up in the skies. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Odds are low that anyone might get a thought at taking a pot shot at your skin; but when there is opportunity... “ a shrug came with the roll of a shoulder. Arceneau Trade and it’s bazaar ensured that the cities were a bit more civil than they used to be, but that didn’t mean that there weren’t smugglers, mercenaries, or opportunists looking for an opening for small profit. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Almond shaped eyes rose to meet Trextan’s own, and again, giving a small nod at his direction. Namely his arm. “Any longer and the Jawas would have had your stripped of the clothes off your back as well as your arm. They mean no harm, but a shiny is a shiny.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Her attention drew back to the map.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“And you’re one heck of a shiny.”[/SIZE] came her small murmur, only to realize that her passing commentary might be taken the wrong way. Grateful for the bit of heat in the air and their time out in the hot sun that would explain the rouge on her cheeks, Choli pressed on to answer his question.

[SIZE=9pt]“In part. Here we are at Mos Espa.” left hand gave a tug on the glove of her right, bits of sand scattering upon the table and the map. Now free, an olive colored forefinger drew over the northernmost area, highlighting Mos Espa, MOs Talke, and the Mospic High Range.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“We’ll be heading south, past the Pika Oasis and towards No Man’s Land -” a pause, then she added for clarification, aware that he wouldn’t quite be familiar with the colloquial description. “The Jundland Wastes.”[/SIZE]
[member="Choli Vyn"]

Trextan opened his mouth to make light of her 'shiny’ comment, but he had the sense to recognise her moving on from it swiftly. Instead he thought about her eyes. For tens of thousands of years now humans had been a spacefaring race. They had learned over time to pick up all the expressions and tells that made up communication between hundreds of species and thousands of cultures. Take any well travelled human and immerse them in a new culture and they would start to mimic local intonation and non-verbal communication. It was the same with Choli's eyes. He couldn't memorise the hues and meanings consciously, but nevertheless he was starting to recognise them.

He followed the trace of her finger, trying to be as attentive as possible. To what she was saying, not just her. Nothing that needed to be called 'No' man's land’ was going to be safe. He was the one that proposed this venture, not Choli. Yet she was still here fulfilling her promise after all she had been though. His eyes couldn't change hue, but his expression could soften on a thought. Trextan wished his confidence came to him more often. When someone was in trouble it came easily. Back at the hospital it had been the last possible second when he had rallied enough to fumble together enough words to suggest meeting under different circumstances.

“What's our biggest risk out there beyond the water? I suppose I'm saying: 'what can I do to help when we head out?’. So far all I've managed to do is get the attention of thieves and jawas… also trying to be thieves,” Trextan chuckled. He noticed a heavy sheet over a large, angular object. Likely the speeder Kellan had to lend them.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]Now that resulted in a straight up laugh, the bark of laughter turning to one of avid amusement as eyes of vivid jade shone back at Trextan.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“You mean besides the sandstorms, Krayt Dragons, the Exchange, the rogue Tusken Raider clans and the heat?” There was a wryness in her tone that suggested she wasn’t making fun of him, but more amused by the situation and reality of the venture. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“We’ll just keep a level eye out, travel as much as we can during low light and darkness, rest in the heat of the day along the canyons and ravines here.” Leaning forward, the brunette Tatooine native gave a trace of a path leading from Mos Espa down to the Oasis. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“That will be our first stop if we can make it before high noon. Fill up with water while I scout ahead. I’ll stick close but don’t expect comms to work well out there.” Rather alarming if he didn’t know. “There’s ore out there that prevents any electronic transmissions from going in and out once we reach the Jundland Wastes.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Ducking her head a bit, loose strands fell forward over her brow, the young Rogue explaining further, “Once we manage to navigate from there… we will head out towards our ultimate objective.” A tap a deep chasm carving across the map like a gaping wound, the graze of her finger shifting to an almost reverent stroke. Here her clan had laid their dead to rest. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“The Wound.” [/SIZE]
He smiled a broad smile at her laugh. It wasn't an expression that came easily to Trextan. Not as prone to brooding as some would say, but certainly wasn't a whimsical young man. During those days in the hospital though, he had laughed plenty.

His expression shifted to one of concern when she described the problems with the comms. First of all he hadn't expected her to go scouting off on her own. He was aware that he needed to see her in the light of a native who knew the wastes well, but it wasn't easy. Secondly the idea of having no comms during such a separated genuinely unnerved him. She could be ambushed by another group of tuskens. After all, they would know the terrain just as well as she did.

“You don't find it easy to communicate through the Force do you?” He asked. His line of questioning made his concern quite transparent.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

“Hmm?” Her amusement shifted into one of mild confusion, flecking the green of her eyes with grey. His face was all concerned angles and shadows, brows jutting forward a bit under the fall of those dark forelocks. He was brooding again. Well, on the edge of brooding.

True, his observation was correct; she’d never really been great with communicating through the Force. But she never had to. She did just fine by using what tools she had on hand, or other signals. Jan had spoken about telepathy, and truth be told… having anyone in your mind was kinda a bit… creepy. Even the small bit of whatever Trextan and she did back at Polis Massa was so strange. She wasn’t even sure how she even managed that. It reminded her a bit of the deep meditation sessions Jan often had her do earlier on in the Aurora… but still strange and surreal.

“I’ll be fine.” She assured him, a distinct beep from R4 following suit with a chatter of chirps. The Pebbledrone came rolling from behind, echoing the worry by the Jedi that she couldn't just go off alone.

“Yeah, well, it is easier for me to scout ahead than have you both with me. I’ll move faster and quicker.” She had a point in that.

“We’ll discuss more once we reach the oasis. Things might have changed since then, it always does. A good sandstorm could shift the landscape and I need to figure out just what we are dealing with.”
“Oh not disagreeing that you can scout better than me alone. know...would be good if you could call for help. It's not that I don't trust you!” He added sharply, and rather unnecessarily. “You just listed an awful lot of...and after…anyway…”

He looked back down at the map a touch abashed. At times Choli could be the bold military girl. In fact that had been no more apparent than the 'lekku’ incident when they had started to get to know each other.

He paid close attention to the map, trying to seek professional about the matter. What she thought about him mattered. Perhaps too much.

“R4 can probably track you. I can probably just tell where you are through it,” he said with a slow nod. He allowed some of the smile to creep back, reviewing her description of the route. They were on the verge of a great adventure.

“What's the Exchange?” He asked.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

All the while Trextan spoke, Choli would observe his mannerisms. The way he bunched his brows and how his jaw gave a small tick before his expression shifted into one of mild embarrassment. She may not be able to read just what it all meant, but it was enough to prompt her own level of awkward shifting.

“The Exchange? One of the many organized gangs around here.” They were scattered out in the Wastes among with others. It was easy to disappear then.

Her weight swung from left foot to right, hip cocking out a bit as fingers pushed her hair away from her face again. The braid will have to be redone to get it all together again.

“Arr-Four can… in his own way.” She agreed, but was more taken by how Trextan had said, ‘ i can probably just tell where you are through it’. Confusion grew. Did he mean R4 will let him know where she may be?

“I won't be long anyways.” Well that is always the intent, but things could always change.

“We won’t be lingering long anywhere really.” Maybe that might help? She didn't want to sugar coat it. Tatooine was her home, but she was well aware of the dangers. As long as they didn't lower their guard, they would be okay.

“Just try not to wander off when I do,” Another elbow nudge. Maybe that would cheer him up a bit more?
He smiled at the elbow and turned to face her. For a moment he considered trying to make some statement of bravado. He nearly chuckled at himself. She saw through him well enough.

“When I'm not looking for it in quite good at sensing trouble,” he admitted. “I'll do as you tell me out there. I can probably keep a rough track of you with the Force and try and listen for any danger. If something comes my way I can shout quite loudly. Or reach out for you like when...well...when I was being a coward in that scanner.”

Whilst he had heard that this was a dangerous place it wasn't the same as knowing the danger. Not really. The organised gangs were another layer of trouble. He hadn't expected them out in the wastes. Yet in some respects it was a danger he was most familiar with. She had met Trextan shortly after he had lost his arm. Back then he'd reluctantly agreed to follow Jacen to try and understand what the Alliance did and had dropped himself in deep trouble by refusing to back down from a challenge.

Finding those mutilated soldiers in the midst of the battle and bringing them back to safety had felt like fate in action. For once he had listened, genuinely listened, to the Force. It had led him away from the fighting and he had saved people by doing so. Since then those soldiers had been at his side as he'd worked to form the Justicars. The Alliance had territory from the Core to the Rim and they'd encountered all sorts of criminals.

Trextan knew now that the Sith had taken advantage of him. At times he would still be become deeply concerned that Jacen and the Alliance were doing the same.

That wasn't what went through his head now. He wondered if Choli would be impressed at some of the stories of their work. He could even throw in lots of details about how the arm had worked. Perhaps she wouldn't be. As a Rogue pilot she likely had better ones. But he could stand to sit and listen to her tell them as the twin suns went down.

Seeing her shift her weight he reached for the next chair and drew it near. “Sit down,” he advised. As he did so he pushed himself up off his own chair. “Got to pop inside quickly. Want a drink? Beer? Snacks?” last chance for a bit of comfort before the voyage into no man's land.

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