Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Roll Away Your Stone


][ A B S O L U T I O N ][
Mid Rim Space
Jedha - Desert
1051 Planetary Time


The sun beamed down, its light illuminating dust and compact sand for miles around. The sand at his feet came rolling up in a soft cloud. The light allowed him to see a speck in the distance, that would be the second stage of this meeting. The Knight had never been fond of the cold. Yet the extremes of nature were always the ones which left the greatest impact on a being, ingraining a footnote into even the strongest of minds. With the flow of nature came change.

As with Krant, the Epicanthix could feel the imprint of the world on him, even in the brevity of the time he’d been on the planet’s soil. Change was inevitable. Blissfully inevitable. And with change, often, came progress. A necessary step forward. Just as the arbor grew up from a single sapling on Krant, so too would his Apprentice grow into a useful and powerful assassin.

Here, stealth was the objective. She would be the catalyst that commenced the change she sought. Their surroundings consumed him for but a moment, an everlasting moment. Nothing was of consequence save for the bone-chilling wind that cut through his midnight armor, the same wind that forced his hand to grip the hilt of Amnesia in rose and snow colored knuckles to maintain the warmth within his fingers. The sand shifting along to the shrill melody the wind played in his ears, the dust obscuring his vision, and the sun failing to provide the warmth his body screamed at him to gather.

His gaze turned to where Valrayne stood. They were a mile from his ship’s coordinates, within the vast nothing of the desert moon’s landscape. Her task would lead her 2 miles further out in plain view. “Your mission is to slip into a Kyber mine, 2 miles southeast of our position. Channel the Force into you to prevent yourself from dying. The facility is heavily guarded, the government will say it’s to protect the miners. It is to protect the Kyber crystals within. Once inside, locate a Kyber crystal that resonates with you and escape the facility unnoticed. If you are tracked, you will have to make your way to the ship in the open and lose your pursuers.”

Fire is clean.


Back to reality. “You have a standard day on this moon to complete the mission successfully and report back to me. 23 hours. Do not fail me.”

“Be on your way, Apprentice. The clock is ticking.”
|| JEDHA ||


That's the only word that was in my mind. The desert moon was coated beneath a blanket of harsh, white sand. The grains were picked up in the wind, hitting my fur. Surely they would have stung if I had nothing but bare skin on my arms and face. I lifted my face to the air and inhaled. This place was cold. The air was freezing and even with my arms wrapped tightly around myself, I shuddered, whimpering.

My Master spoke, giving me a task, and with breath, I could feel my heart sinking into the ground.

Are you kidding? There's no way I'd be able to make that! He hadn't even tested me to see what I could do, no suggestions for what I should have read up on, nothing. Talk about being thrown into the fire. I could feel the despair turning into anger as my gut tightened in a knot. My brow furrowed into a scowl.

I couldn't help it.

Turning to face him, I tilted my head back, hair whipping around my features.

"Are you kidding?" I retorted, "I can't do that!"

The anger began to build, fueled by frustration at seemingly being given a task I couldn't hope to complete,

"How am I supposed to get there unseen, and in this bloody wind no less? I can barely move for all this blasted shaking! And you have no idea what I can or can't do, and you want to just, what, throw me at a heavily guarded kyber-crystal mine? Are you mad?!"

I opened my mouth to continue, but stopped myself, still breathing heavily.

Well, with all this red-hot anger, I wasn't as cold anymore at least.


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