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Approved Tech Robes of Zhaelor

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Robes of Zhaelor

OOC Info:
Image Source:
Intent: To create a unique set of armor for Veiere Arenais when entering battle, as well as basing the armor off the canon one used by the NJO.
Development Thread: If Needed

Armor General Info:
Manufacturer: Aarshlût
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Veiere Arenais
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Materials: Voduun Crab Genetic Splicer, Power Gland Cloaker/Masquer
Classification: Multipurpose
Quality: 8

Special Features:
  • Lightsaber Resistant
  • Slugthrower Resistant
  • Blaster/Lightsaber Resistant: The original incarnation of this armor used by the New Jedi Order was used mainly for their training in lightsaber combat due to its ability to deflect lightsabers. As such this version retains the same ability though it is attained in a vastly different way, by attaching a powergland to it.
  • Slugthrower Resistant: While Robeskins offered almost zero protection, the cloakers bodysuits were known to offer more and as such it is hard for slugthrower rounds to penetrate the creature even though the kinetic force still passes through.
  • Lightweight: While not as light as other sets of robes this one is extremely light when compared to other armors that offer a similar amount of protection.

  • Simple: In a galaxy where everyone else dons power armor filled with technological conveniences this one lacks any of those amenities making it fall behind in terms of usefulness.
  • Kinetic damage: While this armor may be able to take hits from slugthrower rounds it doesn't mean one should, the rounds may not penetrate but the kinetic force behind them will still pass through and to the user.
  • Shapers: This armor was brought to life by shapers and they can just as easily be its undoing causing any variety of effects if they get their hands on the armor.
  • Verpine/Railgun tech: Not even full on Voduun Skerr Kyrric armor is capable of handling these weapons, this one even less so. One shot from these will cut through the armor like a hot knife through nerf butter.
  • Force Lightning: As known to most people in the galaxy, the Voduun crab is incredibly susceptible to lightning and as such shocks from this can kill the creature and is incredibly dangerous for the one wearing it.

Description: Veiere Arenais, the King of Commenor, yet one who did not seek such power. The leader of The Jedi Order, yet hadn’t been the one seeking such a position. A great fighter, yet one who doesn’t wish to fight. These traits are what make Veiere the jedi he is, the one that Aarshlût is willing to follow. Aarshlût sees the glimpse of the gods in Veiere, and as such was honored to be given permission to craft robes for the Jedi who at first had been too humble to accept the gift. It took weeks of pestering before the Master gave in and allowed Aarshlût to continue on with the project.

With the newfound permission and a determination to not fail Veiere, Aarshlût returned to those like himself. Those who followed the true path, those who followed the Jedaii Heresy. He told tales of Veiere, of the other jedi that had attended the conclave on Yutan. As such, they were more than honored to get to work on the robes of Aarshlût’s design. He’d spent much time studying the history of the Jedi, he had even learned that at one point they had at least tried to respect his people enough to make a armor based off their Voduun Crabs. This armor was often used by the New Jedi Order under Grandmaster Luke. Though mainly for training due to its abilities to block lightsaber strikes. Aarshlût, while he may respect the Jedi, was not willing to let his creations be tainted with their machinery or artificial metals. Instead, Aarshlût Contracted the Shapers to begin the process of breeding the Voodun Crabs but not in the typical way. The process would be accelerated and through each generation, they would be watched and shaped to slowly make them grow thinner and thinner. The thinner they grew the more malleable they became, and then came the genetic splicing of a masquer effectively giving this one set the ability to take on a different appearance. This, however, means the armor is living in many senses of the word and thus have to feed. The typical way a cloaker or masquer feed is by inserting thin needles called cilia that would plunge themselves into one's pores causing extreme amounts of pain even for the battle-hardened. As such, they had been replaced by suction cups that allowed the creature to feed off the sweats and enzymes emitted by the wearer.

Primary Source: (The jedi version was mentioned in the later Legacy novels surrounding Jacen's fall and such)
[member="Aarshlût Muyel"] | [member="Haytham Kaze"]

I am somewhat confused as to the makeup of this armor. Vonduun Crab armor is a living bio-armor. The crabs themselves are alive, giving them the vast majority of their benefits that you have listed in this submission, however none of the weaknesses are mentioned anywhere and it would seem that the intention here is not to have the crabs themselves, but only their shells be used in the armor. If so, the majority of the benefits will be lost, including lightsaber resistance, as the shell itself is not resistant, but the power field generated by the gland allows for it.

From the Wiki:
Vonduun crab armor was protected by the same energy field that an amphistaff carried, generated by a power gland. For this reason, it could withstand the atomic-diameter edge of an amphistaff, and even a lightsaber.
The armor was not powerful enough to withstand starfighter fire, nor could it withstand the strength of Mandalorian crushgaunts, which would crack and break the armor with the continuous application of pressure. The creature's gills were found in the armpit of the armored suit, thus leaving a weak point. In some cases, the wearer's face was not covered by the armor. As the armor was a living creature, it was subject to a living creature's problems and was found to be dangerously allergic to the Bafforr tree pollen, discovered during the Battle of Garqi. The armor could also be destroyed by Force lightning.
It was discovered by the New Republic that the bafforr trees of the planet Ithor could be used against the vonduun crab armor, as the crab was allergic to the pollen produced by the tree. This reaction would cause the vonduun crab to swell, killing the crab and anyone wearing it.
[member="Jamie Pyne"] Thank you for catching that, that was completely a mistake on my part as I was more so focused on trying to get it closer to how the NJO did it instead of focusing on how it would actually feasibly work. As such I have altered the submission instead adding in the Masquer/Cloaker and Robeskins and having them spliced together. All of which are living creatures and are able to be shaped so a powergland was grafted to them instead. While one could debate how much protection a Cloaker offered in truth that is a relative unknown as even the novels didn't delve that deeply into them. I'd say its at least enough to not be punctured by slugthrower rounds but for the kinetic force to still pass through.
[member="Aarshlût Muyel"] [member="Jamie Pyne"]

This submission's original approval has been rejected. This does not count against Second Chances and is not reflective of the submission's content. Please continue with the normal approval process and any edits requested by Factory Staff.
Aarshlût Muyel said:
Materials: Cloaker, Masquer, Robeskin, Genetic Splicer, Power Gland
Okay so I've considered this for a few days, and tried my best on reading up on Vong tech, etc. The problem I have is that while using Robeskin itself is fine, but it does not offer a whole lot of protection as it is described. The cloaker armor does seem to offer some amount greater, but from everything I've seen it is not on par with something considerably close to Beskar, Phrik, or the field emitted by the Crab's power gland. Which brings me to my third point, being that the power gland is an organ, meaning it is living tissue. To remove that from the creatures would essentially kill the gland, and thus, the ability to project the resilient field.

I don't think it's possible for me to conceive of a way for this to work using those materials. I can suggest a few alternatives if you'd like, otherwise you're free to suggest something of your own.
  1. Remove the power gland. The cloaker and robeskin are up to you depending on how much you want to change the armor but likely one would need to logically be removed. For lightsaber resistance you could go with Greater Calama Shell (A Sithspawn shell) Or if lightsaber resistance isn't that critical you could just use the cloaker/robeskin by itself and lose the resistance.
  2. You could return to using the Vonduun Crab but it would have to be alive and include all of the crab's inherent weaknesses as well.
Also depending on your choice I would go through and prune your submission to remove or edit things that are no longer present or have been changed so that it reads correctly.
[member="Jamie Pyne"] Well as they've shown the ability to graft even Yammosk brains onto themselves in the form of Onimi, or even limbs in some cases I didn’t think it would be too far of a stretch to graft a different organ just as how we can replace our own organs with another person’s so long as they’re compatible. Though I have edited it to where the crab was selectively bred to be thinner which has been done in the sites history while splicing it with the dna of a masque.
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