Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ritual Inferni


​Inside an armoured meditation capsule rested inside her black steeled command chair wrapped in black tunic and dark cloak Darth Hauntruss breathed in rhythmic meditations. Slowly she summoned the dark side to drag her soul into a deep trance and into the depths of the ether of the Force. In the black abyss she searched for the signatures of her dark Sith Lord brothers and sister. Now, they together had been drawn together for a higher - unholy purpose - their combined might and machinations would soon begin. But, first a vessel of their chaotic means would have to be created. An abomination made from the fires of the Darkside and their powers.

Speaking into the abyss she came to them.

I have found the suitable location for our ritual my brothers and sister. I shall deploy myself at the Vergesso Asteroids. I have brought my sacrifice, in the form of my Sith Sarlaac Worm, his flesh shall provide sufficient catalyst for our new vessel of terror. Meet me at this location and we shall begin - my Dread Lords.

Opening her eyes slowly the golden shine of her Sith eyes looked out into the innards of her sphere. Using the force she commanded its opening. Pushing from her arm rests she arose and strode out of chamber that held her meditation capsule. Making her way to the bridge she pointed to the Admiral that she controlled (by rank and other darker means). The blank eyed admiral turned in a robotic shuffle. "Yes my lord" he parroted.

"How are we proceeding Admiral." Hauntruss hissed. "Our probes have located an asteroid within the field that contains an Exogoroth as ordered. We are ready to deploy."

Hauntruss' black lips stretched thin into a greedy smile. Hissing in pleasure she commanded her possessed minion. "Good. Let us move to the next phase. Prepare my deployment onto the asteroid, move our ship in close for harpooning."

[member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Soeht"] [member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Anaya Fen"]

It had been a long time since he had last seen civilized space. Yet he did not find himself bereft company in the darkness for among the endless multitude of worlds scattered about that largely uncharted region of space there were quite a few that hosted sentient life, and while they were primitive they never failed to relieve him of his mounting boredom. Sometimes he would only pass the world a sparing glance before ordering a precise lance strike to pierce the planet's crust to bathe the planet and its witness inhabitants in primordial fire that scoured the continents down to rock and boiled the oceans until there was nothing left. Sometimes he would indulge his more barbarous side and lead a ground assault armed with nothing but vibro-weapons and small arms. Nothing could hurt him. He roamed across the plains of countless worlds like a hulking avatar of war, and with each swing of his blade entire nations were sundered.

But his aimless violence was finally growing to tax the Sith Lord, who no longer found merriment in trouncing barbarians and savages of undiscovered worlds. And it was only when [member="Darth Hauntruss"] spoke to him from the inky abyss did he finally rouse from his self-induced stupor. Darth Vornskr thundered onto the bridge with a great deal of thuggish swagger and took his seat upon the throne hewn from black iron that dominated the deck.

"Set a course for Vergesso, Rear-Admiral. The darkness of the void calls, and who are we to not answer?"

Once Croscal had been a passionate adherent to the standard Imperialism that was practiced by many others, but years of exposure to Vornskr's malignancy had whittled him down to nothing more than a nihilist. His skin had grown pale with dark sunken eyes, and his frame had grown considerably more thin with his officer's uniform practically hanging off of his bones. Yet his voice could still carry weight, and he easily bellowed many orders across the command deck of the Star Destroyer as it began to turn away from the burning system and exit into the incandescent realm of hyperspace. It wouldn't be all too long before the Ruination rendezvoused with the Tormentor.

Nisha Decrilla

There were key words in Hauntruss' message that caught Anaya's attention. Ritual, sacrifice and terror.

"Chaos is everything." she breathed under her breath, sinking deeper into the chair. Waves of pleasure rolled over her and she giggled, drawing the attention of her Captain. He ascended the steps to her makeshift throne and knelt before her, waiting patient and loyal as ever. Anaya slid off the throne and crawled towards him. "Do you love me?" she purred in his ears, lips brushing his neck.

"Until the end of time, my lady."

"Good. Take me to Vergesso, and if you're lucky I might reward your love." She placed a palm on his chest and pushed him hard sending him toppling down the stairs. She shifted to their edge, settling her feet on the lower step and resting her elbows on her knees and wicked grin on her face. To his credit, the Captain never winced, never complained, he merely got to his feet dusted himself off and began barking orders.

Things were about to change. She could feel it in her bones.

[member="Darth Vornskr"][member="Darth Hauntruss"]

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